

This was published 2 years ago


Slow lane: why can’t we have what European cities have?

This week I had one of the most pleasant experiences of my life – right up there with swimming with the whale sharks at Ningaloo Reef, floating in a balloon in Cappadocia and drifting in a barge down France’s Canal du Midi.

I rode my bike through the middle of the Perth CBD.

Who could have thought biking down St Georges Terrace could be so enjoyable?

Who could have thought biking down St Georges Terrace could be so enjoyable?Credit: Cameron Myles

Before you choke on your cornflakes give me a chance to explain. Once a week in the late afternoon I leave the office of WAtoday, which is located across from the Barracks Arch at the top of St George’s Terrace, and make my way to the ABC at the opposite end of the CBD (East Perth if you want to be technical).

It’s not a long distance – about three kilometres – but difficult to get to by public transport. Expensive parking means I catch a train to work, so I decided to leave a bike in the building and pedal across town for my weekly spot talking about movies on the ABC’s drive show.

By the time I made my return journey the city was be being cooled by the Fremantle Doctor and coming alive. Workers were pouring out of their offices and into the bars along Murray Street, eateries were filling up, crowds were heading across to Northbridge for Fringe World and the malls were so crowded I had to do some serious weaving.

A money-saving machine.

A money-saving machine.Credit: iStock

It had such a wonderful big-city vibe (OK, medium-sized city vibe) I thought I’d tumbled off my bike and woken up in one of those European capitals that Australians love to visit, where you don’t need to own a car and can walk or ride to virtually any place that is important in your life.

And on my bike I felt part of it, not just speeding past on my way to somewhere else, which is how I usually experience the centre of Perth.

I felt safe enough to pop in my earbuds, put some Nat King Cole on Spotify – I needed something mellow to match my mood – and changed down into a low gear to soak up the truly pleasant atmosphere. This is how moving around the world should be all the time: relaxed, stress-free and human-scaled.


An hour or so later, when I was racing up South Street toward Fremantle and staring into the rearview mirror at the red-faced businessman tail-gating me, I wondered how we created this monster called Perth, where we lead our lives as if we were training for the Formula 1 when the simplest of pleasures – pedalling a bike through an inviting built-up environment – is a dream reserved for our next European holiday.

How is that we have all come to crave homes the size of castles and spend our waking lives worrying about motor vehicles – taking out loans to buy one, watching our paychecks dwindle as we insure them, keeping our eyes peeled for the lowest petrol prices instead of taking in the passing beauty, bemoaning how much we pay for parking (when we can find it) and staring in horror when a mechanic hands over our repair bill – when the simple solution collects dust in the garage?

Wonderful Copenhagen, where 49 per cent of all journeys to school and work are the two-wheeled variety.

Wonderful Copenhagen, where 49 per cent of all journeys to school and work are the two-wheeled variety.Credit: iStock

And then once a year (or, since the pandemic, once every few years) we jet off to Europe and sigh beatifically at all those locals strolling around or riding their bikes along streets where cars have been restricted or are just too small to make them sensible. We even dream of one day packing up the family and having a year or two living like a local in Barcelona or Florence or a village in the south of France.

A couple of weeks later we’re back making like Daniel Ricciardo just to buy a loaf of bread, with all those memories of a beret-wearing Frenchman riding through a village with a baguette under his arm destroyed by some horn-honking, expletive-spewing, upward-finger-pointing jerk.

Of course, I’m being ridiculously romantic. Big cities are the same all over the world. They’re clogged with traffic. A few years ago I spent several days driving around in Naples and still wake up in a cold sweat thinking about the hair-raising experience of being part of a ten-lane metallic tidal wave merging into two, and the guy on a Vespa with his two children, a dog and smoking at the same time.

However, cities such as Seville, Amsterdam and Copenhagen, in which 49 per cent of all trips to school and work are by bike, provide an alternative view of how a modern city’s transportation can run on two rather than four wheels. What more do you need? A pickled herring for breakfast, a brisk calorie-burning ride to the office and a rousing rendition of Wonderful Copenhagen.


Back to reality. Perth. Spreading like Brendan Fraser in The Whale. Is there anything we can do about endless metropolis at this late stage in our development (early stage in our social development, some might say)? Probably not. By the time I’m buried with my treadly, Busselton will be a suburb of Perth.

But we can help facilitate a change of heart for future generations if every once in a while we leave the car in the garage and pedal to the shops, get up an hour earlier to ride to work (or combine it with a train trip) like I did and will continue to do because it was so damned enjoyable, go for a little crosstown trundle just to get up close and personal with the world.

It’s cheaper than a flight to Europe and there are plenty of cafes along the way.

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