

This was published 6 years ago

On the road with the NBN as Australia gets ready to connect

By David Allan-Petale

"NBN slower than Kenya, ex-Soviet bloc."

"A 'calamitous train wreck' that may never make a profit."

"A joke" that's "a waste of time and waste of money."

Besides the ABC, perhaps no other acronym in Australian history has copped so much flak from politicians, the media and the public than the NBN.

The NBN is being rolled out across Australia.

The NBN is being rolled out across Australia.Credit: Peter Braig

The $49 billion dollar National Broadband Network is the largest infrastructure project in the nation's history, first begun back in 2009 and touted to bring lightning fast internet speeds to every household and business and push Australia to the forefront of modern technology.

Now, nearly a decade and four prime ministers later, NBN Co is pushing toward the finish line of 2020, rolling out the network for millions of premises in cities, towns and remote areas from the wild south of Tasmania to the Pindan of the south-western Kimberley.

But the criticism remains, and the NBN has become a political blame game, a barbeque stopper, a widening schism between those who want it finished and those who dismiss it.

Yet to the people charged with installing the network on the ground, they're too busy to take too much notice of the rancour.

Node by node, pit by pit, street by street


"I opened one of these pits up one day and saw that the tape inside on the wires had my handwriting on it. To me that's progress - I've had a hand in bringing networks to life."

Ant Rees has been a Field Engineer with NBN Co for two years, with twenty years experience installing communications networks around the nation.

His job these days is to open up the concrete covered pits on suburban streets that hold "amplifiers" for the Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC) system originally installed to support pay TV.

Ant Rees (L) Emmett Fenlon (R) install the NBN in Subiaco.

Ant Rees (L) Emmett Fenlon (R) install the NBN in Subiaco.Credit: David Allan-Petale

NBN Co is using this established network to install parts of the NBN, upgrading each amplifier and its wiring to support the new network and any upgrades it could have - optimisation work that Field Supervisor Emmett Fenlon called a "pragmatic decision."

"Originally we were doing Fibre To The Premises (FTTP), but that meant we were digging up people's driveways and it was taking far too long, so the decision was made to use what was at hand. Like here, we have the amplifiers in the ground, ready to go, so we just tweak them.

'Now we're doing twenty to thirty of these installations per week, and getting it done, all to the standard we want. And then when the time comes, we can upgrade the connections pretty easily."

The minimum internet strength NBN Co is mandated by the government to provide to every home and business in Australia is 25 Megabits per second (Mbps) download speed, and work crews are on the ground upgrading Australia's telecoms infrastructure to make sure that standard is met.

They are also installing new systems, building wireless towers in the bush and connecting users to two 'Sky Muster" satellites.

This shift in approach from a focus on FTTP to embracing a Multi-Technology Mix faster than had been planned was controversial, but working in the sun on a clear May morning in leafy Subiaco, Mr Fenlon said the biggest gripe crews encounter is being approached by locals who ask them to fix their internet - even if they're not on NBN yet.

"We can't just leave them, if they ask it's on us to do and we stay until it's done. That's part of the job, and really what we are here to do anyway, so we sort things out even if they're on the old ADSL.

"With our connection there can be all kinds of things that interfere with the signal, from a fault in the pit to your modem getting interference from a radio, but we get it done.

"It's a great network - I'm not just saying that. When it's all in and everyone's on it, they'll see."

Boots on the ground

There are 1.2m premises in WA that need NBN access, and so far around 853,625 homes and businesses are "ready to connect" by ordering a plan over the nbn™ access network, a completion rate of more than 71 per cent that includes large swathes of regional WA.

Hopping into a company ute at the NBN Co's Perth HQ,  Manager of CNBN Local in WA Jane McNamara takes a tour of this colossal infrastructure project, where progress is measured street by street and wire by wire.

"Building the nbn™ access network to every home and businesses in the country presents a variety of challenges. We’ve hauled fibre across some of Australia’s longest bridges, under waterways, through busy streets and densely populated cities," Ms McNamara said.

"WA is of course no exception. The Pilbara, Kimberley and Gascoyne presented a particularly challenging rollout, with crews facing extreme heat and humidity, cyclones, electrical storms, poisonous snakes, spiders and even crocodiles. Not to mention the biting cold of the South West and Great Southern in winter."

The amplifier inside an HFC pit in Subiaco.

The amplifier inside an HFC pit in Subiaco.Credit: David Allan-Petale

Despite all the criticism, Ms McNamara said the teams at NBN Co have an attitude of "let's get on with it" that allows them to focus on their intricate task.

"The scale of the rollout also remains a challenge but moving to the Multi-Technology-Mix has definitely helped, allowing us to greatly accelerate the build of the network to ensure we can make more premises ready to connect to the nbn™ access network sooner.

"We’re currently making 25,000 premises ready to connect across the country every week. From July onwards, this will move closer to 50,000 premises per week as we ramp up in metro areas."

Snot boxes and green cabinets

There's a blizzard of technical acronyms for the NBN, but they all end up describing the same meaning - the way the NBN is delivered to your premises.

Fibre to the Node (FTN) is the most common technology in more established areas, and crew from a contractor taking care of these links was working in Wanneroo in Perth northern suburbs to bring them into the network, along with Fibre To The Curb (FTTC).

An engineer connects a "snot box" to the network.

An engineer connects a "snot box" to the network.Credit: David Allan-Petale

While the internet is a digital marvel for users, it's supported by down and dirty infrastructure, like the "snot box", a connection point filled with grease to protect sensitive wires from water.

"You should have seen us in Albany," the technician quips. "Blowing a gale, freezing cold, plenty of rain. But we had to get it done. And you never know what you're going to get till you open them up."

The FTTC pits and green-painted FTTN boxes in Wanneroo were in good condition, but some in Australia have been hit cars, damaged by vandals or just corroded by mother nature.

Regardless of the state of the exisiting infrastructure, NBN Co has to sort them out, rain, hail or shine.

Weddings, parties, anything

For the Osborne family, even halfway-decent internet was a pipe dream until they connected to the NBN a month ago.

Surrounded by the bush and hills of the Darling Ranges, the Osbornes run Darlington Estate winery with its restaurant catering to diners and up to 120 weddings every year.

Driving deeper into the tree-lined bush blocks, mobile phone signals drop lower and lower. And with three sons using the net for homework and an office running the business, the Osborne's household internet connection was a throwback to the days of dial-up in the 1990s.

"What it came down to was that having a reliable and fast internet connection was the difference between us getting a wedding or the customer going somewhere else," Andy Osborne said.

"People these days like to live stream their weddings, even just as an option, and with our ADSL that just wasn't possible."

The Osborne family has made the switch to the NBN at their property in Darlington.

The Osborne family has made the switch to the NBN at their property in Darlington.Credit: David Allan-Petale

Michelle Osborne lays out the difference starkly, saying since the NBN was switched on "harmony has returned to our house."

"The boys used to try to eke out ten minutes of connection to do their homework. But then that would interfere with the office, so I'd have to send them home early, and it was just frustrating.

"Now there's no problem. It's better for business, because I have a marketing budget of zero - it's all on social media, and I can talk to brides on Facebook chat and send them documents straight away."

The shape of things to come

The Osborne family are a success story for the NBN - but you don't have to go far to find criticism.

In recent months the NBN has copped flak over Telstra announcing a "blisteringly fast 5G mobile network over the next decade" and Optus being fined $1.5m for misleading customers about the transition process to the network.

However, Telstra's former chief operating officer Brendon Riley said Australians would still need a fixed wire network as their data consumption increased, and the NBN has nothing to do with Optus -save for providing the bandwidth it sells on to consumers.

It seems the NBN is never far away from getting lashed, and as more and more Australians connect, troubleshooting any teething problems is another front to contend with.

A technician installs NBN in front of a home in Wanneroo.

A technician installs NBN in front of a home in Wanneroo.Credit: David Allan-Petale

Looking further into the future, the NBN will inevitably need to be upgraded to support future technologies. Whatever shape that upgrade takes will be decided by the vagaries of the ballot box and the government of the day deciding policy that guide NBN Co.

Right now, though, Ms McNamara said work crews are focused on the task at hand - finish it.

"We know from research that the nbn™ access network is changing the way Australians live, work and connect, but more than that, every day in my role I see people appreciative of the changes that the nbn™ access network has enabled in their lives – mums starting their own businesses from home, students getting online to study, businesses expanding into new markets.

"We’re committed to rolling out quickly and improving the experience every day to help more Australians get online and enjoy the benefits of the nbn™ access network sooner."

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