

This was published 3 years ago

Her babies taken and under threat of eviction: why our system is not working for women like Mila

By Tess Ingram

Just hours after being born this month a baby boy became a statistic; another Aboriginal child taken into state care.

His mother, 23-year-old Mila*, says her son was removed by child protection services just after he was born at Perth’s largest public hospital. The family argue it never should have happened.

Aboriginal families say the system is hard to navigate and not culturally appropriate.

Aboriginal families say the system is hard to navigate and not culturally appropriate. Credit: Michael Clayton-Jones

It is understood the state government worried Mila was unfit to look after the new baby, given her older child was already in care.

Despite resolving the health and safety issues that resulted in her first child being removed, Mila did not regularly engage with the case worker the government had assigned her during her second pregnancy, resulting in Mila being regarded as non-compliant.

Mila said she could have been a fit mother; the department just didn’t know it.

Advocates argue Mila’s case exposes a pernicious pressure point in the system – the way the state’s Department of Communities, which is responsible for both child protection and housing, engages with Aboriginal people.


While the department is frustrated by individuals who refuse to engage, Aboriginal clients and advocates say many of the department’s policies are not culturally appropriate. Without workable systems, Aboriginal families are being reprimanded more regularly than non-Indigenous families which can leave them homeless, separated from their children, or both.

Where public housing and child protection policies intersect is a key example, according to people that work in this space.

Links between housing and child removal

The vacancy rate in Perth’s private rental market is at its lowest in 40 years, rental prices are rising and, as a result, the line for public housing is growing.

There were 16,660 applications on the public housing waitlist at the end of April. The state government says these people face an average wait time of 100 weeks, or almost two years, for a property.

After a COVID-19-related moratorium on evictions prevented much of the usual turnover in properties in 2020, housing advocates say the state government has become tougher on evictions to free up homes and decrease the number of people on the highly scrutinised waitlist.

Jennifer Kaeshagen founded the First Nations Homelessness Project to keep Aboriginal children in Perth out of state care by preventing evictions. The concept is simple and effective - its project team work with tenants to clean and repair properties ahead of inspection.


It has worked with 344 households containing about 1000 children, since 2017, preventing all but 11 of those cases from eviction.

“Indisputably, public housing evictions lead to children being removed from their families,” she said.

Children are removed from abusive or neglectful parents, but they may also be removed if parents can’t provide an adequate home.

Ms Kaeshagen said the department had been exerting “more pressure on families” and was “less willing to negotiate alternative supported outcomes” since the moratorium on evictions was lifted at the end of March.

“Recently in dialogue with a housing official while advocating for a family who were facing eviction … I was told, even after one of the family members attempted suicide after receiving the termination notice, ‘with the waitlist as high as it is now, there will be no other outcome here but eviction’,” she said.

The family was ultimately evicted.

First Nations Homelessness Project at an eviction prevention busy bee. Founder Jennifer Kaeshagen (far left) and team leader Mona Yarran (fourth from left).

First Nations Homelessness Project at an eviction prevention busy bee. Founder Jennifer Kaeshagen (far left) and team leader Mona Yarran (fourth from left).Credit: FNHP


Long-time legal advocate Betsy Buchanan said Aboriginal families were highly vulnerable to losing their children due to public housing issues. She said she believed an “eviction generation” of Aboriginal children was emerging.

A lawyer by training, Ms Buchanan is credited with setting up the first community legal centre in Western Australia in the 1970s and has since worked as an advocate, primarily to prevent Aboriginal people from being evicted from their homes.

“It’s a vicious cycle. You can lose your kids because of an issue with your house and then getting your kids back without a house is close to impossible,” Ms Buchanan said.

In Mila’s case, the department informed her of their intention to take her son into care at the same time as she was faced with eviction from her public housing unit for a $3000 debt for damage to the property caused by her violent ex-partner and “three strikes” for behavioural complaints.

The housing stress contributed to her inability to attend to child protection’s requests, she said.

“[My case worker] put stress on me, calling me up and telling me to do this and that when I was pregnant but I didn’t get to do it because I was about to give birth, I couldn’t get in there and I was stressed about losing my house,” she said.

While Mila had suspicions the actions by the housing and child protection units of the department were linked, it is understood her housing situation was not a motivator for child protection’s decision.


After WAtoday asked questions about the housing matters, the department said it had reassessed the situation and was no longer pursuing an eviction.

Department of Communities deputy director general Rachael Green said the department offered support to help people access and retain housing.

“Where a tenant is at risk of eviction, department housing officers will increase their contact with the client and link them with relevant support services to help address the issues impacting their tenancy,” Ms Green said.


“In most cases, where engagement occurs, clients can remedy their termination notice.”

Calls for more appropriate approaches

In April, the University of Western Australia released research on Aboriginal homelessness in WA. It found Aboriginal people waited an average 308 days for housing after receiving a priority listing.


The report found the wait time for a non-Aboriginal person in the same situation was 170 days.

The report’s authors called for a different approach to service delivery, including the employment of more Aboriginal support workers, to increase engagement and prevent homelessness.

“There is an urgent need for culturally sensitive approaches to ending Aboriginal homelessness, and these need to be driven by Aboriginal housing providers,” report author Shannen Vallesi said.

The report identified Aboriginal housing provider Noongar Mia Mia as an example of a culturally-sensitive service. It worked with a council of 100 elders to establish expectations on property standards that tenants agree to before moving in.

“Ongoing systematic racism and deeply rooted intergenerational trauma that many Aboriginal peoples continue to experience today can contribute to an overall distrust of mainstream services, hence the need for Aboriginal specific services,” the report said.

Mona Yarran is a tenancy support worker at the First Nations Homelessness Project.

Ms Yarran said she regularly saw examples of the clash between government services and Aboriginal families. She also has a personal experience of the system, having spent time in the state’s care as a child.

“One person’s lifestyle is no more correct than another. We all live differently,” Ms Yarran said.

“The set way the government wants us to live isn’t right for everyone. It’s cultural differences and that’s where I find a lot of our mob, they suffer because of it.

“They [the department] need to communicate better, have systems that are better for us and have some empathy … they are dealing with humans not numbers.”

When she works with families on housing, Ms Yarran said she often addresses a range of other issues, from financial management to trauma counselling, as part of solving the immediate issue and providing longer-term stability.

“A lot of the families I see are set up for failure from birth,” she said.

In WA, the number of children in the state’s care rose every year between 2015 and 2020. The number of those children that identify as Aboriginal also rose each year, from 2338 or 52 per cent of the cohort in 2015 to 3082 or 56 per cent in 2020.

Ms Green said the department provides and funds earlier intervention and family support services that aimed to divert families from having contact with the child protection system, and prevent the need for children to enter out-of-home care.

One example is the Earlier Intervention and Family Support strategy, which provides services in partnership with Aboriginal community organisations to help vulnerable families. It includes in-home service provision and prioritises referrals from Aboriginal families.

Ms Green said the EIFS was beginning to work.

“The EIFS strategy has encouraging early results with the 2019-20 reporting year evidencing the lowest growth in Aboriginal children in care since 2004,” she said.

“The total growth of children in care for 2019-20 was 2.2 per cent, which was the lowest single year growth since 1998.

“Building on this trend, from the end of March 2020 to the end of March in 2021, the Department of Communities has recorded a 2.3 per cent reduction in the number of children in care. This included 0.4 per cent decrease in the number of Aboriginal children in care.”

Opportunity for change

Last week, WA Minister for Community Services and Child Protection Simone McGurk announced the details of a two-year Aboriginal- focused child protection pilot in Mirrabooka and Geraldton.

Called Aboriginal Family Led Decision Making, the program is based on similar ones in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland and will utilise an independent Aboriginal person from outside of the Department to lead discussions on child safety with families .

Community Services Minister Simone McGurk.

Community Services Minister Simone McGurk.Credit: Marta Pascual Juanola

“Making sure that we can get better involvement of Aboriginal families, Aboriginal organisations and Aboriginal leaders in trying to come up with solutions to support families is shown to be in other jurisdictions, our best chance of getting better outcomes, making sure that children are safe and families stay together,” Ms McGurk said.

The latest Australian Institute of Health and Welfare child protection data released this month revealed the number of Indigenous children on care and protection orders in Australia rose steadily in recent years, from 18,400 in June 2016 to 23,300 in June 2020.

An Indigenous child is 10-times more likely to be in care than a non-Indigenous child.

Mila’s grandmother Grace*, who was there to support her during the birth, said she thought the removal of her great-grandchild was a disgrace.

Grace is a member of the stolen generation and said the WA government’s actions were reminiscent of how her own mother was treated.

“It’s cruel. I know what my mother went through now,” Grace said.

“Welfare should have been more mindful. Ok, she didn’t meet with them in their offices or do what they wanted her to do but she is doing so well. They should have helped her get her little girl back and keep her son, not take him away.

“It’s starting the journey of stolen kids all over again. They don’t give them the opportunity to change. She should have been given the chance.”

∗ names have been changed for legal reasons.

If you or anyone you know needs support, you can contact 1800RESPECT, the national sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service, on 1800 737 732.

Tenants who require support can contact Circle Green Community Legal for tenancy advice on 6148 3636.

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