

This was published 3 years ago


We need to protect children from harms of social media

This week revealed yet another string of shocking revelations about the inner workings of Facebook. We read about Facebook actively stoking division and harming democracy, exempting politicians and celebrities from content moderation, and about an overwhelmingly lacklustre response to women being sold into slavery on their platforms.

All this just eight short months after they banished news from our feeds in the middle of bushfire season and pandemic. We must be approaching some sort of social media “scandal fatigue” by now.

Former Facebook employee and whistleblower Frances Haugen provided damning testimony about the social media giant.

Former Facebook employee and whistleblower Frances Haugen provided damning testimony about the social media giant. Credit: AP

We need to be careful this fatigue does not leave us too exhausted to do anything about it – particularly when it comes to children and young people. Buried in the snowball of scandals this week was the revelation that Instagram (and Facebook, their parent company) have known for years that their product is harmful to children and teens, fuelling suicidal thoughts and eating disorders – and did nothing.

If you missed it in the deluge of shockers, Facebook undertook a research “deep dive” into teen mental health throughout 2019 and 2020. They found that Instagram frequently kickstarted anxieties around looking perfect, feeling attractive or having enough money in teenagers.

“Aspects of Instagram exacerbate each other to create a perfect storm,” as Facebook themselves described it.

While most of us who have spent any time with teenagers in the last decade could have taken an educated guess that this was the case, what we need to find the energy to be truly outraged about is that those at the top of Facebook also knew this and did nothing. In fact – more duplicitously – they pretended to do something, rolling out “press-positive” features their own research showed to have little impact on young people’s wellbeing (such as hiding the number of “likes” on a photo).

Those at the top of Facebook knew of the harms and did nothing.

Those at the top of Facebook knew of the harms and did nothing.Credit: iStock

Somehow intent on finding a way to turn one disgrace into another, Facebook then chose to expand and amplify these risks. In March this year, two years after the “deep dive” began and well after Facebook knew about the potential harms, they announced their intention to develop Instagram for kids and expand their market to the under-13s.

A worldwide group of children and health advocates objected (including Australian advocates such as Reset Australia and the Australian Council on Children and the Media), as did 44 US State Attorney Generals. Despite this staunch resistance, Facebook was hell-bent on pushing ahead, knowing full well that these objections were legitimate and this product was risky for children’s wellbeing.


It was only after their research was leaked that Facebook finally backed down from their plans: announcing a pause in their plans to develop Instagram for kids. A pause. We should be angry about that too. They’ve not cancelled plans, just paused plans to develop a harmful product for children. Growing their products into the preteen market to capture the next generation is a long-term growth ambition for the company, and it doesn’t seem to matter if this harms kids or not.

This is just the latest of the scandals that indicates Facebook does not have children’s best interests at heart. Earlier this year they were busted allowing advertisers to target Australian kids interested in alcohol or gambling and using dark patterns to trick kids into handing over more personal data than they need to.

Growing their products into the preteen market to capture the next generation is a long-term growth ambition for the company.

This all suggests the era of self-regulation, of allowing Facebook to decide how it can and will operate, has demonstrably failed kids. If we can’t trust them to put children’s best interests ahead of astronomical profits, it becomes exceedingly clear that we need stronger regulation and enforcement to insist that Big Tech does better for all of us, especially children.

The UK’s recently enforced Age Appropriate Design Code shows that regulation works, and can create a better digital world for children. All eyes have to be on the Attorney-General’s Department, who are currently reviewing Australia’s privacy laws and drafting legislation that will specifically target social media companies. These reforms present a timely opportunity to create a regulatory framework that ensures that Big Tech starts to operate in the best interests of children, alongside our Online Safety legislation.

If Australia had similar regulations in place, Facebook would be required to produce an impact assessment about how their proposed Instagram for kids functioned in children’s best interests. It would be hard to see how their assessment could have ignored their internal research, and regulators – rather than scandal-fatigued public pressure – could step in and act.


One of our more human tendencies is to protect and nurture children.

When Facebook has been shown to violate this tendency so egregiously, we have got to be asking ourselves some tough questions about how we as a democratic society let them get away with this, and how we can rein them back into this common humanity as a matter of urgency.

Dr Rys Farthing is the director of Children’s Policy at Reset Australia, and works on securing children’s rights in the digital age.

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