

This was published 3 years ago


We’re stuck in Groundhog Day, but this is the lockdown we had to have


Lockdowns should be avoided at all costs, and we can never underestimate the social and economic costs of bringing an entire state or city to a grinding halt. But one wonders, to paraphrase the words of Paul Keating, if this was the lockdown we had to have.

There is no doubt that some complacency had set in as the memories of what we had been through over the past 12 months had begun to fade. This is understandable, as the longer we go without community transmission, the easier it is to believe the threat of COVID has passed. The fact that it hasn’t passed has been rammed home this past couple of weeks in Victoria. The whole country needs to take note, however, as this is a stark reminder of how things can change quickly.

The Fearless Girl Statue in Federation Square dons a face mask.

The Fearless Girl Statue in Federation Square dons a face mask.Credit: Getty Images

While accepting that we have a lot of work to do to halt this outbreak, we needn’t despair over what has occurred in Victoria. There is no doubt this lockdown has brought the feeling that we are living in the movie Groundhog Day and nothing has really changed since 2020, but this is definitely not the case. The situation we face now is very different to the situation we faced in 2020. And although we may find it hard to appreciate right now, there’s a great deal to be positive about.

It’s important not to be Pollyanna-ish about our situation, however, and acknowledge that the fundamental challenge we are facing has not changed. We are still dealing with a formidable foe, a virus that will exploit any weaknesses in our defences to spread quickly throughout the population.

And we still have a mostly non-immune population that is highly susceptible to COVID. While these two conditions prevail, the general level of threat the virus poses to the community remains essentially as it was throughout 2020. The arrival of new variants only adds to the challenge.

There are significant ways, however, in which our situation has improved. Firstly, and most importantly, we have one of the most powerful additions to our toolkit to fight the virus: a vaccine. And of course we don’t just have one vaccine, we have a number at our disposal, all of them incredibly effective and safe. In years to come as we look back on this time with less emotion there will be more appreciation of the magnitude of the scientific achievement it was to develop these vaccines and have them available to get into arms so quickly. We need to be careful not to squander this opportunity.

It’s essential to appreciate that each vaccine delivered protects us, first and foremost, at an individual level. Being vaccinated may be the difference between having no disease or only mild symptoms, and suffering severe illness, being hospitalised and even potentially dying.

Although the aged care rollout has had its well-documented problems, this strategy may already potentially save lives during the current outbreak in Victoria, given how mild illness is in those who have been vaccinated and been infected in aged care so far. Every life potentially saved should be celebrated.


While there has been a focus on herd immunity, we risk not appreciating the population benefits of getting vaccinated. Herd immunity is not a threshold in the strict sense, as we do receive a benefit from vaccination even if the threshold is not met. It’s more usefully considered a gradient, with the more people vaccinated, the harder it is for the virus to spread. And the harder it is for the virus to spread, the less will be our dependence on public health measures, including lockdowns, to control transmission.

The other major difference between now and 2020 is we have had more than a year to stress-test our public health response systems throughout the country. Of course, none of these systems have been put under more pressure than those in Victoria, and arguably none have improved more.

Melbourne in lockdown.

Melbourne in lockdown.Credit: Eddie Jim

The key to this improvement has been the decentralisation of the contract tracing system and the adoption of improved technologies to support this vital public health activity. We now can have confidence that we have a world-class system and this will pay dividends both in dealing with the current outbreak, as we have witnessed, as well as the longer term.

So while it’s disappointing to have had to endure another lockdown, all the signs are that we can have some optimism about restrictions being eased in Melbourne on Thursday. There is also good reason to expect that lockdowns will become less necessary in future if we all continue do the right thing. This includes following all of the public health advice, including getting tested if you have symptoms, wearing masks where appropriate and using QR codes.


But most importantly, we need to maintain the momentum that has been generated over the past couple of weeks and keep getting vaccinated. The good news is that history tells us all pandemics end, and so the challenge for us is to do everything we can to make sure this one ends as soon as possible.

Hassan Vally is Associate Professor in Epidemiology at La Trobe University.

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