

This was published 7 years ago

Victorian Liberals push for mandatory sentences for repeat violent offenders

By Allison Worrall and Richard Willingham

Mandatory minimum sentences will be introduced for repeat violent offenders under a state government led by the Liberals.

Victorian opposition leader Matthew Guy is promising to crack down on crime if he is elected to government, unveiling a suite of changes to sentencing laws.

Victorian Opposition Leader Matthew Guy has unveiled a suite of changes to sentencing laws.

Victorian Opposition Leader Matthew Guy has unveiled a suite of changes to sentencing laws.Credit: Simon Schluter

Under the proposed plan, violent criminals who reoffend will face minimum jail sentences of at least six years.

But the changes have been slammed by legal experts as a "superficial approach" that will weigh heavily on the public purse.

Mr Guy has conceded he does not how much the policy would cost, and what extra pressure it might put on the state's prisons.

"I don't put a price on making our state safe," he said.

"The population now knows where I stand when it comes to sentencing."

But he did say that he would "re-prioritise" government spending to ensure Victorians were kept safe and that it could affect up to 4000 people.

The proposal applies to 11 crimes including murder, rape, aggravated car-jacking and aggravated burglary.


If a person previously convicted of a violent offence commits murder, they would face at least 20 years in jail.

This is reduced to a 15-year minimum sentence for rape and 10-year minimum sentence for aggravated robbery.

But the so-called "two-strike" plan has come under fire from members of the legal community, who argue it is not an evidence-based policy.

High-profile defence lawyer Rob Stary said Mr Guy's proposal was an adaptation of a similar model introduced in the United States, which has since been "failed, discredited and abandoned".

Mr Stary said on average, an inmate in prison costs the state government $120,000 a year.

"On a cost-benefit analysis, [this proposal] is enormously expensive and has very poor outcomes."

Mr Stary said Victoria currently has a record prison population of about 7000, with 2000 more on remand.

"We have more people jailed than ever. And there is no correlation between this and reduced crime rates."

The Andrews government has also rubbished the plan, with estimates putting the cost as high as $5 billion over 10 years in increased prison and court costs.

"The Liberals plan is flawed, uncosted, and has no real detail about how it will work," Attorney-General Martin Pakula said.

"They failed to get baseline sentencing right, they failed to get CCOs right, and now they have failed to think this plan through.

He said that under Mr Guy's plan, someone who held up a bank at gunpoint could serve less time in prison than someone who threatens a person in the street with a fork to steal a wallet.

"We are focused on introducing a workable sentencing scheme, creating new public order laws, making sweeping changes to youth justice, and reforming bail," he said.

"If the Liberals are serious about community safety, they can demonstrate it by passing our legislation."

Professor Arie Frieburg, chairman of the Sentencing Advisory Council, said the proposal was a simplistic answer to a serious and complex problem.

"The vast majority of the legal profession - the solicitors, the bar, the judiciary, academics, certainly the Sentencing Advisory Council - have indicated that mandatory sentencing is not an effective response to crime," he said.

Professor Frieburg said it did not deal with the underlying causes of crime in Victoria and may not allow the courts to deal with alleged offenders on a case-by-case basis.

"It has the potential to create significant injustices, in the sense that you would be treating unlike sentences alike."

Mr Guy told morning radio he was "not overly concerned" by "sections of the judiciary who think they know better than the rest of us".

The measures outlined by the state opposition follow an increase in crime rates in Victoria and a spate of violent carjackings and home invasions.

Shadow attorney-general John Pesutto admitted the proposed changes were "unprecedented".

"These will be certainly among the toughest measures that anyone has sought to introduce in our criminal justice system," he told Fairfax Media.

Mr Pesutto said he understood the courts have historically taken a strong stance against mandatory sentences but argued the policy was only targeting reoffenders.

"They have been through the system before and have been given a chance to change their ways."

Mr Pesutto also said the proposed plan included exemptions in extreme cases, which would allow the courts to consider mental health when sentencing.

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