State schools will receive an extra $7 billion from the Andrews government over five years after Victoria grudgingly signed up to the Gonski 2.0 funding deal.
Signalling the end of a bitter and protracted dispute, Victorian Education Minister James Merlino has finally inked a school funding agreement with the Commonwealth.
Victoria has finally signed up to the Gonski 2.0 agreement in a move that will see the state government pump an additional $7 billion into state schoolsCredit: Eddie Jim
Mr Merlino said while the deal he signed on Friday treated state school students unfairly, schools needed certainty.
“We simply have no choice in signing this agreement, we must provide schools with funding certainty moving forward and we will not put them at risk of missing out on all federal school funding,” he told the Sunday Age.
Victoria is the last Australian state to sign up to the five-year Gonski 2.0 funding deal put forward by the Morrison government.
Victorian Education Minister James MerlinoCredit: Damian White
Federal funds would have stopped flowing to state, Catholic and independent schools at the end of this month if Victoria had not signed up.
Under the new agreement, Victoria must lift its contribution towards the schooling resource standard – the bedrock of the Gonski review – from 67.8 per cent, one of the lowest shares in Australia, to 75 per cent over 10 years.
It’s understood this will cost state government coffers an extra $7 billion over the term of the bilateral agreement, which runs from 2019 to 2023. A year-by-year breakdown of this additional funding is not available.
Federal Education Minister Dan Tehan.Credit: Andrew Meares
Federal Education Minister Dan Tehan has repeatedly urged Victoria to sign up to the agreement, which he said would deliver record amounts of funding to Victorian schools.
Under the plan, the federal government will inject $31.2 billion into Victorian state schools between 2018 to 2029, $30.1 billion into the Catholic sector and $18.7 billion into the independent sector.
Mr Merlino wrote to Mr Tehan on Saturday to inform him that he had signed the agreement.
“I am proud that through this bilateral agreement, the Andrews Labor government will commit to significantly increase our funding share for all schools, to ensure every Victorian school student has the best chance to thrive and succeed,” he wrote.
But Mr Merlino said he would continue to fight for a fairer model so "all students are supported to achieve their best, no matter where they go to school".
Negotiations have dragged on for more than three years, with the federal government’s contribution towards state schools' schooling resource standard seen as a key sticking point.
While independent and Catholic schools will reach 100 per cent of this benchmark, state schools will only reach 95 per cent. The Victorian government has been unsuccessfully urging the federal government to increase its share for state schools from 20 to 25 per cent.
It suspended negotiations with the Morrison government earlier this year, hoping Labor would win the federal election and pump more funding into state schools.
Australian Education Union Victorian branch president Meredith Peace said while it wasn't the agreement she had been hoping for, it would provide schools with certainty.
"We welcome the additional funding which has been provided to government schools," she said.
"Our state school kids are the lowest funded in the country, even though the Andrews government has invested heavily in schools and is closing that gap."
She said the additional funding would let schools employ more teachers and support staff, reduce class sizes and provide students with access to psychologists and speech therapists.
"It allows schools to meet the individual needs of students and that is something they struggle to do on a daily basis," she said.