

This was published 4 years ago

Victoria’s vaccines ready to roll - but some teething issues remain

By Liam Mannix

Dr Bernard Shiu’s medical practice in the Geelong suburb of Newcomb is one of more than 1000 GP clinics, big and small, which will start vaccinating Australians from Monday as part of the second phase of the federal government’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

And it is no simple task. Administering the vaccine takes a total of 23 steps, each performed as diligently as the last, for Dr Shiu and his team to deliver their first doses.

Dr Bernard Shiu and his employees are ready to administer the COVID-19 vaccine to patients at their Geelong clinic from Monday.

Dr Bernard Shiu and his employees are ready to administer the COVID-19 vaccine to patients at their Geelong clinic from Monday.Credit: Wayne Taylor

Every vial contains eight doses – meaning if a patient does not show up for an appointment, Dr Shiu’s team must scramble to bring someone else in before the vial goes bad.

There are also multiple hand-hygiene steps. A four-page set of consent forms for each patient must also be signed and dated.


The whole process is so involved that staff at Dr Shiu’s clinic have run two full simulations to make sure they get it right.

“The requirements for delivering these vaccines are very specific,” said Dr Shiu, who is also the deputy chair of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, Victoria.

“It’s definitely not the flu vaccine.

“We have multiple flow charts, to make sure the receptionists, the nurses, will follow the flow charts to deliver these vaccines safely.


“We have to make sure we get it right.”

People aged over 70, those with an underlying medical condition or disability, workers in critical professions like police officers, and healthcare workers not already vaccinated are among those who will be be immunised against the virus during the second phase of the rollout.

At 6.13 million people, it is the largest phase of the program so far, and has not been without teething issues.

The federal government’s vaccine booking website continues to frustrate a number of GPs, with some saying on Sunday that patients continue to deluge them with calls despite no appointments being available for weeks.

“It’s a nightmare to do it on the phone. Every second call is for this stuff. Every message we have on social media is ‘please do not call us’,” said Melbourne GP Dr Todd Cameron.

Supply issues mean many clinics have been given as little as 50 doses of vaccine a week; it remains unclear, even to the government, just when more supply will be forthcoming.

And there are reports – bluntly denied by the federal government – that some clinics are yet to receive scheduled shipments.

Nine GP clinics on the federal government’s vaccine clinic finder told The Age they had no available vaccine appointments for weeks.

However, the federal government remains confident every single practice due to start vaccinations this week has received their supplies.

About 200,000 doses will be delivered to GPs this week, with that number rising to 400,000 doses across more than 4000 GPs over the coming month, a spokeswoman for federal Health Minister Greg Hunt said on Sunday.


Regarding phone bookings, she said “the method of booking is a matter for each practice”.

Dr Karen Price, president of the Royal Australian College of GPs, said doctors were “ready, willing and able” to start administering the vaccine, but admitted “there is going to be some teething issues”.

“There is still a bit of a supply issue,” she said. “I’ve heard there are some practices without their vaccines, and there has been a disruption in the supply.”

Australian Medical Association president Dr Omar Khorshid said he was aware some practices still had not received their supply.

“That’s disappointing, but not surprising,” he said.

“But the important thing is it’s starting. We’re getting over 200,000 doses of AstraZeneca out.”

Dr Shiu said his practice had initially been told it would receive 100 doses a week, a number later cut to 80.

Unsure of supply, his practice has decided against booking patients too far in advance.


His advice for patients trying to book an appointment to receive the vaccine?

“Be patient and understanding,” he said. “The GPs are working really hard. Even on Sunday, many of my colleagues are at work trying to get this ready for tomorrow.

“Your time will come – but we have to do it safely and carefully.”

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