

Victoria Police told to reinstate officer who questioned women-only gym sessions

By Cameron Houston

Victoria Police derailed the career of a veteran officer who questioned the force’s decision to trial women-only gym sessions at its training academy in Glen Waverley, according to a scathing review by an independent government authority.

An inquiry by the Police Registration and Services Board found that Detective Senior Constable Brad McPherson had been “effectively stood down and suspended” for almost 18 months because of three online posts about the force’s policy on equality and inclusion.

Victoria Police has been told to reinstate the man.

Victoria Police has been told to reinstate the man.Credit: Paul Rovere

The board’s president, Andrea Lester, accused Victoria Police and several senior officers of acting in a “capricious, punitive and unconscionable” manner, before urging Chief Commissioner Shane Patton to implement a range of organisational changes.

She recommended McPherson be allowed to return to work immediately.

After 14 years with the force, McPherson has been on leave with full pay since January 2 last year, when he posted: “Asking for a confused friend, does this not go against the gender equality and inclusion strategy?”

He made two other posts on the same day, including: “It’s a great initiative and I’m all for equality and inclusion, but I would have thought by excluding one group of people to be more inclusive towards another, contradicts the inclusion strategy.”

The posts were made on an internal communication platform known as Yammer, which can be used for private messaging within organisations.

McPherson had been in the process of returning to work at Knox crime investigation unit after sustaining a workplace injury while working for the Melbourne sexual offences and child abuse investigation team.

However, his comments about a plan to limit the access of male officers to the academy gym immediately raised the ire of several senior figures at force command.


On January 4 last year, McPherson was contacted by an acting detective senior sergeant, who instructed him not to attend the station because his Yammer comments had brought an “unwanted lens onto the Knox office”.

On the same day, McPherson received an email from another detective senior sergeant, who said his access to the building had been revoked, and “there is no alternative workplace available to you”.

But when McPherson accused the force of bullying and victimisation in July, several senior officers claimed his return to work had been blocked because of performance issues.

One officer told a WorkCover investigation that “shortly after his commencement at Knox, I identified that his workplace behaviours were very hostile, disrespectful and disruptive, affecting workplace culture and harmony ... he also expressed anti-government attitudes”, according to the Police Registration and Services Board report.

A Victoria Police spokeswoman told the Herald Sun that McPherson had not been disciplined for the Yammer posts, and insisted his return to work placement had “ended for a number of reasons, which could not be discussed”.


But McPherson had recorded a conversation between himself and a senior officer on January 4, when he was told his comments on Yammer had “caught the attention of the assistant commissioners and superintendents”.

The senior officer from Knox also confirmed, during the recorded conversation, that he had no concerns about McPherson’s performance.

“From what I have seen, you are very capable and confident on the work side of things,” the officer said during the conversation.

McPherson was also found by the Police Registration and Services Board inquiry to have had an unblemished record while working for the Melbourne sexual offences and child abuse investigation team.

Lester found there was “no evidence of any concerning behaviours or performance issues of any kind ... relating to his time at Knox, other than the Yammer posts”.

She said subsequent attempts by two superintendents and the force’s human relations department to oppose McPherson’s return to work on the basis he was not fit for duty were “tainted by bias, partiality and unfair process”.

Lester also defended McPherson’s posts and indicated he could launch civil court action against the force over its handling of the matter.


“The comments and debate are respectful, thoughtful and curious,” Lester said in a 69-page report obtained by this masthead. “It is precisely the kind of debate that ought to have been expected by an employer limiting one group of the workforce’s access to a shared facility.”

She found there was no evidence of any harm or distress caused by McPherson’s comments.

The Police Registration and Services Board is a statutory authority that reports directly to Police Minister Anthony Carbines.

A Victoria Police spokeswoman said the force would take time to consider the findings.

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