

This was published 9 years ago

Vandals cause slow death of 400-year-old Separation Tree

By Carolyn Webb

Melbourne's historic Separation Tree is dying due to two ringbarkings by vandals, according to the director of Royal Botanic Gardens.

Professor Tim Entwisle says the canopy of the 400-year-old river red gum, under which locals celebrated Victoria's separation from NSW in 1850, will be cut back in coming months for safety reasons but it is hoped the trunk and primary limbs can remain as a memorial.

Professor Entwisle said the first ringbarking in 2010 hacked off 90 per cent of the tree's cambial, or outer bark, tissue, and a second attack in 2013 removed the remaining 10 per cent and widened the wound. Numerous grafting procedures had proved unsuccessful in saving the tree.

Professor Entwisle said it was clear the two ringbarkings lead to its death.

The culprits have not been caught.

"What more can you be than irritated and not understand it?" he said. "To me it's inexcusable and I can't comprehend why anyone would do it."

He had "accepted the tree's going to die" and was keen to find ways "to celebrate what the tree's meant to us".

He said it was one of the most significant trees in Australia, partly because it was remnant vegetation from before colonisation.

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