

This was published 5 years ago

These women have been caught in Victoria's 'justice' trap

By Royce Millar and Chris Vedelago

At age 29 Sara feels safe for the first time about where she lives. She won’t say where that is, other than “the eastern suburbs". It’s not surprising.

After an early life of sexual abuse and neglect, Sara has been homeless off and on since she was 15.

Women who have been incarcerated: Nina (centre), with (left to right) Sara, D, Liz and Jess.

Women who have been incarcerated: Nina (centre), with (left to right) Sara, D, Liz and Jess.Credit: Jason South

Then, in 2017, she was remanded in prison twice on drug related charges. Refused bail in part because she did not have a stable address to return to, she spent a traumatic 40 days in total at the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre in Melbourne’s west, cut off from her two children and facing an even more uncertain future.

It was a major wake up call but an unnecessarily painful one. "You’re removed from your children and society. You don't know when you’re getting out, you don't know what’s happening."

Like a burgeoning number of women churning through Victoria’s prison system, Sara was paying both for her own life’s misfortunes and mistakes but also for governments’ crackdown on male violence crime; especially its tightening of bail laws after the Bourke St killings by James Gargasoulas in 2017, and for a lack of housing options.

Those bail changes have led to an explosion in low-level female offender numbers on remand, ineligible for bail, unable to get a timely hearing or incapable of meeting conditions for their release such as stable housing.

Now the Andrews government is under mounting pressure over locking up a spiralling number of people, women in particular, who - the government admits quietly - should not be in prison at all.

Lack of a stable home is a key contributor to many getting into trouble in the first place, then being refused bail, and finally falling back into bad old ways on eventual release.


The more people are locked up, the more government spends on prisons, the less it has for the social housing that women like Sara are crying out for.

Victoria's prisons now cost more than $1.6 billion to run, triple the outlay in 2009-10. In the May budget, the government also announced a record $1.8 billion in new capital spending on prison infrastructure.

"There’s a housing crisis out there and we’re putting money into prisons? That annoys me so much," she tells The Age.

The past few years have been an epic battle for Sara.

But through her determination, help from rehab and supported accommodation, fellow former prisoners, Narcotics Anonymous and some employment, Sara has broken the cycle of homelessness, addiction and incarceration. Many do not.

She is one of a group of women employed on a community project which involves former inmates working with other women currently on remand and after release.

There’s plenty to do. The female prisoner population has grown 140 per cent during a decade of tough law and order measures under Labor and Coalition governments.

Official projections revealed by The Sunday Age last week show that growth is set to continue by another 40 per cent from now until mid-2023 an increase driven by booming remandee population.

Many female prisoners have been victims of trauma and abuse: a quarter have been homeless, 65 per cent have been a victim of family violence. Sara ticks all these boxes.

So does fellow former prisoner Nina, except that when she was locked up for two weeks early in August last year, she owned her own home.

Nina, also from Melbourne’s eastern suburbs, describes herself as a "criminalised women in recovery", a woman "slowly rebuilding my identity" after a short stint at Dame Phyllis Frost.

Like Sara, Nina 35 had been through troubled times starting with a silly assault conviction in her teenage years that remains a blot against her name, a horrific car accident, an abusive relationship and an addiction.

She says the awful thing about prison was being cut off from her young son and family, not knowing what the future held, and facing the shame and taint of having been an incarcerated woman as well as the physical, violation of repeated strip searches.

But at least, says Nina, she had her own home and a loving sisters and mother - "the driving forces of my recovery".

The Dame Phyllis Frost centre, a women's prison in Ravenhall.

The Dame Phyllis Frost centre, a women's prison in Ravenhall.Credit: Joe Armao

Both Sara and Nina acknowledge making mistakes but say that they did not deserve jail.

"I was only hurting myself, no one else," says Nina.

The more sensible option they say would have been to have been bailed directly into rehabilitation. "Now we’ve got time served its so much harder to move forward in life," says Nina.

She says that in the current debate about the blowout in Victoria’s prison population the emphasis should not be on building and reforming prisons but on "reforming communities" and returning bail laws to pre-2017 changers to allow greater consideration of personal circumstances.

To date there is no reason to think the big prison build is likely to slow. Notably the government has resisted mounting pressure to revisit bail laws.

Instead, Corrections Minister Ben Carroll has flagged a possible reworking of the Corrections Act to focus on prisoner rehabilitation.

And the government has announced more than $43 million on rehab and other programs including $20m on women’s programs.

Lawyer Amanda George has campaigned around women and imprisonment for decades. She now chairs Flat Out, a group which works with women after their release from prison.

She says the government has got its priorities skewed. "Nothing that is done to ‘rehabilitate' in prison can get traction, without secure affordable housing outside," says Ms George.

“And people can't benefit from rehab programmes on the outside, if they don't have secure housing to leave and come back to.”

Ms George stressed that if women don’t have secure housing on release, they don't get their kids back.

“For many women, its their kids that are the motivation for change. With no secure housing your kids will never be returned to you. The cycle goes on.”

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