

This was published 11 months ago

The tolls have been waived, but debt collectors keep chasing drivers

By Royce Millar

After a stint of homelessness and declining health, life was finally looking up a little for Anthony Rogers.

A disability pensioner with multiple physical and mental health issues, Rogers had rented a flat in Dandenong last year and was feeling better about life. Then the debt collectors came calling.

Anthony Rogers has been chased by debt collectors for toll debts that have already been waived.

Anthony Rogers has been chased by debt collectors for toll debts that have already been waived. Credit: Eddie Jim

He had arrived in Melbourne from Gippsland the year before, unaware he had to pay a toll on CityLink when he drove a friend to the airport.

Rogers was fined $47 – but didn’t know it because he was couch-surfing and sleeping in his car. The bill was sent to an old address.

When he didn’t pay, his debt was referred to Victoria Police for a fine to be issued. It then ballooned to almost $1000 as administrative and other fees piled up.

After struggling to find someone to talk to at tolling firm Linkt – toll road giant Transurban’s e-tag business that covers Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane – Rogers and his financial counsellor eventually convinced the company to waive his fines and residual debt.

But multiple debt collectors on behalf of Linkt continued to hound him, demanding he pay debts he thought he was free of, including one that belonged to someone else.

“I started to get all these text messages, about unpaid tolls. I wasn’t in a position to pay them,” Rogers said.


“Having these issues unresolved puts extra pressure on me. It’s having quite an impact on my mental and physical health.”

He is not alone. Community legal and welfare groups are calling for an end to the hounding of people for toll debts that have already been waived.

Anthony Rogers was new to Melbourne and unaware he had to pay a toll to use CityLink on a trip to the airport.

Anthony Rogers was new to Melbourne and unaware he had to pay a toll to use CityLink on a trip to the airport.Credit: Justin McManus

They have likened the potential impacts on vulnerable people to those of the disastrous robo-debt scheme, an automated system that identified people on supposedly overpaid Centrelink benefits, but based on incorrect Tax Office data.

“Improper debt collection practices are harming people with serious health and/or housing problems,” said Shifrah Blustein, a lawyer at Inner Melbourne Community Legal, noting that it is illegal to pursue someone for a non-existent debt.

The push comes as the most recent figures from the national Tolling Customer Ombudsman – the agency that deals with toll road disputes – show that complaints in Victoria have escalated dramatically, accounting for more than half the nation’s total for the 12 months to September.

Blustein said she feared for vulnerable toll road users with backgrounds of mental health problems, domestic violence and homelessness including one of her clients.

“We know from robo-debt that repeated aggressive debt collection behaviour, especially where there is no debt actually owed, can have really harmful impacts, including suicide,” she said.

Stella – whose real name cannot be published for legal reasons – said she had racked up thousands of dollars in unpaid tolls, charges and fines.

She told The Sunday Age that her mental health had reached such a low point in 2022 and 2023 that the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal appointed an administrator to handle her finances.

In April 2023, Linkt and Victoria Police agreed to waive all of Stella’s outstanding toll payments.


“And then this toll debt saga happened,” she said.

On five occasions – three after her debt was waived – collectors contacted Stella telling her she had to pay outstanding debts including, in one case, a debt that had nothing to do with her.

“I felt confused and extremely distressed about this,” she said. “Being already in a very fragile place and close to the tipping point, this was nearly enough to do it.”

Stella said she was unhappy with the response when she took her case to the Tolling Customer Ombudsman.

Established in 2004, it handles complaints about Transurban/Linkt toll roads in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. The ombudsman – which is funded by toll road operators – is a part-time position that oversees a complaints service that toll operators volunteer to take part in.

“When we complained to the ombudsman about it, he didn’t identify the source of the problem or consider whether the law had been breached, even though there was no dispute about the fact that my debt had been waived,” Stella said.

“I want Linkt to be held accountable for harming me and other people they know are vulnerable.”

Blustein said she accepted that the debt collection problem was probably due to administrative errors.

“But the harm is real, and we don’t know how many people it is affecting,” she said.

Blustein described the service as “completely ineffective” and “without any of the characteristics of a real ombudsman”.

Tolling Customer Ombudsman Phillip Davies said he was not allowed to discuss the details of individual complaints for privacy reasons. In Stella’s case, he recommended Transurban make a goodwill payment of $500 – an offer she has rejected.

Davies confirmed there had been complaints about debt collectors pursuing debts that had been waived, but did not say how many there had been.

He said such complaints were captured in his quarterly reports under “Accounts Management Problems”.

In the 12 months to September – the most recently available data – Victoria accounted for 55 per cent of such complaints nationally.

Davies said he had raised the debt-collection problems in meetings with Transurban.

“Transurban has provided details of its actions in respect of these concerns, but some issues do still arise,” he said.

Davies rejected the criticism of his office being ineffective.

“I completely repudiate that,” he said. “I’m completely independent from Transurban. I don’t think it’s a correct assessment.”

Transurban customer experience general manager Chris Jackson said his company did not comment on individual cases for privacy reasons.

“We do acknowledge and apologise to customers when they have a challenging experience, and we get things wrong,” Jackson said.

“We understand the stress this can cause people experiencing vulnerability, and we’re always willing to take on feedback and make improvements.”

Jackson said that people struggling with payments could access support measures, including more time to pay, debt waivers and toll credits.

He said that, after working on infringement reform with community legal services and the Victorian government in 2022, Transurban was now able to advocate on behalf of customers in financial hardship to have Victoria Police withdraw fines.

Anthony Rogers’ toll debt problem is now – in theory – resolved. But he has heard that before.

“There doesn’t seem to be any flag that goes up saying, ‘No, this customer has paid, or this customer has had this issue resolved’,” he said.

“I won’t be surprised to get an SMS or email tomorrow saying, ‘Pay up or else’.”

Lifeline: 13 11 14.

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