

This was published 2 years ago

Telling the truth in Victoria

By Gay Alcorn

Once we get through this dark period

We will be wiser, stronger, walk more gently on mother earth

We will see the truth in each other

For some of us, some truths will terrify us

Those beautiful words written by Gunditjmara writer, musician and filmmaker Richard Frankland are hopeful. The Yoo-rrook Justice Commission, delayed like everything else by the pandemic, will get fully underway in a few weeks, inquiring into the impact of colonisation on First Nations peoples in Victoria.

Nothing like this has ever happened in Australia. The commission has sought submissions. It will hear evidence. It will travel around Victoria bearing witness to people’s stories. It seeks the simple truth, which is never simple. It seeks healing.

It is, and will be, a remarkable process and one I hope every Victorian embraces even though, as Frankland notes, some of what we will hear will terrify us.

Why do we need to do this in 2021? Because so few of us know the Indigenous history of what we now call Victoria. Even fewer of us understand at a deeper level the ongoing pain of it. There is something powerful about allowing the truth to seep in.

Nationally, in 2017, Indigenous representatives unveiled a proposal for a permanent Indigenous “Voice to Parliament” and a Makarrata Commission to oversee a South African-style truth and reconciliation process. Those initiatives have been slow and contested. Meanwhile, Victoria has gone its own way, and we congratulate the state government for its leadership.

Some months ago, The Age decided that we couldn’t let this opportunity slip away. On Saturday, we begin an ongoing effort to tell the truth of our history and to allow the space for Indigenous Victorians to tell their stories of the past, and their hopes and plans for the future.


To begin at the beginning, we will report on what was known about the Indigenous tribes and clans that lived for at least 40,000 years before European arrival. Of the seasonal gatherings of dozens of language groups at special places. Of gatherings to hold ceremonies, initiate young men and to organise marriages and exchange gifts.


We will report on what associate editor Tony Wright calls the “terrifyingly swift” replacement of Indigenous people on their tribal lands by sheep and cattle, made possible by dispossession and massacres. The first European settlement in Victoria was established on the coast at Portland by 1834. Melbourne by 1835.

As author and historian James Boyce has noted, 30 years after the founding of Melbourne, “only about 200 people remained from all five of the clans that made up the once populous Kulin nation, and the population decline across Victoria was at least 80 per cent”.

The chairperson of the Yoo-rrook Justice Commission, Professor Eleanor Bourke, will write of her own family’s history - her mother was the daughter of a Wamba Wamba man and a Wergaia woman. All families are unique, but Bourke’s stories of removals, missions and racism are common.

When Age editors and journalists met with representatives from the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria, the body elected to represent traditional owners in the path towards Treaty, they asked a fair question: if The Age wants to be involved in the truth telling process, what about examining our own role? How has The Age, published since 1854, reported on issues impacting Indigenous people? We asked Michael Gawenda, editor of The Age from 1997 to 2004, to scrutinise our coverage and his piece will be published next week.

Indigenous affairs journalist Jack Latimore will also reflect on the rise and impact of Blak Media which he calls “both inspired and inspiring … important new voices that were previously excluded by the mainstream have infiltrated the media ecology from the margins”.

There will be many parts to this series, but we want it to be hopeful as well as sobering. Indigenous Victorians have survived. First Nation culture is rich. The contribution of Indigenous people to all aspects of this state is immense. Language is a unifier. It’s a simple thing, but we have produced a video about the 10 Indigenous words every Victorian should know, in the Woiwurrung language of the Wurundjeri people, one of the traditional custodians of Melbourne and its surrounds. How to say welcome, how to say friend, how to say Melbourne. Jack has also spoken on our Please Explain podcast of the importance of language.

The cliché is that the truth can set you free. That’s to be determined, but it’s a start. We welcome your feedback, and your ideas.

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