

This was published 4 years ago


State of emergency laws endanger our democracy

By James Moutsias

Premier Dan Andrews has said he intends to extend Victoria’s ‘‘state of emergency’’ for an extra 12 months past the September 13 deadline. Whether that ends up happening will reveal just how much our society values democracy.

The DHHS directions that enforce the current COVID-19 restrictions come under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act, and are only allowed to be made when a state of emergency has been declared. Importantly, under these laws a state of emergency cannot be in force for more than six months. Current stage 4 restrictions are due to run until September 13, which also marks six months since the government’s original declaration of a state of emergency. Andrews says he does not intend to extend the state of disaster, which operates under different legislation.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews Credit: Joe Armao

So why does all this matter? Because the restrictions and controls being made by the DHHS are made under executive power – and this power is about to run out. This means that the state parliament is going to need to pass a new law amending the Public Health and Wellbeing Act to extend the amount of time a state of emergency may be in place for. This shouldn’t be allowed to happen.

The act sets out limits on executive power, and does so for ‘‘a damn good reason’’ as Opposition Leader Michael O’Brien said on Sunday – decisions by bodies such as the DHHS do not get voted on by the Houses of Parliament, meaning they do not come under immediate democratic scrutiny. To simply change the statute to suit the executive is a gross violation of the principle of the separation of powers, a supposedly fundamental democratic concept. While partially intertwined in practice, the legislature should not act in the interests of the executive.

The six-month time limit on the state of emergency should have been in the forefront of the Premier’s mind when he decided to ease restrictions, and also when he reinstated stage 3 back in mid-July.


We hear phrases such as ‘‘we’ve got a long way to go in this’’ and ‘‘we’ve got to drive the numbers down.’’ But the government’s willingness to introduce extraordinary restrictions on individual freedoms is untenable. It is unprecedented to put an entire state under what is effectively house- arrest, and keep them there indefinitely. What makes this all the more preposterous is the lack of a clear strategy at the end of the restrictions.

The lack of a clear plan on moving forward after COVID-19 cases were initially suppressed got us into trouble at the end of the first lockdown, and it seems almost inevitable it will happen again. The onus cannot be placed solely on the citizens to live in a police state while the government fumbles about and complains about not having a ‘‘playbook’’.

A key principle under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act that must be taken into account when making decisions is that of proportionality. Actions taken under the act must be proportionate to the risk and not made in an arbitrary manner. Slapping on stage 3 restrictions whenever numbers jump up is the definition of arbitrary, unless there is a clear and certain vision of how society will function when cases reduce.


As Fiona Patten stated, ‘‘We need to start looking at how we recover, not seeing the only solution as closing things down.’’ A 12-month extension of these powers will allow for an extension of uncertainty.

As such the constant threat of emergency restrictions cannot be allowed to hang over the heads of Victorians. The legislation does not allow it, and it should not be altered to do so. To simply tamper with the limits set on executive power, when it suits them, is repugnant to the principles that are supposed to underlie our system of government. It’s times like these that test whether we actually care about those principles, or if they are merely appealing words that have no substance.

James Moutsias is a law graduate.

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