Illustration: Andrew DysonCredit:
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Ethical choices
Ross Gittins hits the nail on the head (“We must reject politics of greed”, The Age, 18/5): instead of thinking what’s in it for me, it would be refreshing if we all considered how we can best support our community. With so many of our fellow citizens living on or below the poverty line, it is disgraceful that in a wealthy country like Australia that we allow this to occur.
We vote and make decisions that impact on so many lives with little thought to the vulnerable in our community. We can do better, as often evidenced in emergency situations.
Denise Stevens, Healesville
Holding on to hope
Reading Ross Gittins always fills me with hope that one day we might have a fairer society that cares for the most vulnerable among us.
Marilyn Hoban, Mornington
Dial down the conflict
Things are tense ahead of the election, both here and overseas. Times of tension needs peacemakers. Folk with a certain serenity and patience who can help healing emerge. Peacemakers who can calm domestic tensions before they erupt and who also encourage international peacemaking. People, that is, who unify with relational warmth; who listen well and care deeply.
People who also know that initiating an accelerated arms race has an opportunity cost. It causes more of the poor to starve as resources are drawn away from development, probably adds to the nearly 100 million distressed and displaced people seeking refuge from violence and poverty somewhere, and only hastens the global warming that will mean catastrophic climate change. Bishop Philip Huggins, Pt Lonsdale
Measure the true cost
As the costing for election promises are disclosed, it’s good to remember that it is not the costs that are promised but the results. We should all keep the results we expect in front of mind and measure their achievement and benefit.
Bernie Chandler, Donvale
The platitudes
How do you get from the meek shall inherit the earth to the prosperity gospel? From the good Samaritan to locking up genuine refugees for nine years? From it being easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get to heaven – to tax cuts for the rich and well off? From let he who is without sin cast the first stone to castigating those who differ from traditional gender identities? From suffer unto me the little children to the intolerable economic burden of childcare for the less well off?
For those who like to say we are a Christian country with Christian values. I think not.
Tony Newport, Hillwood, Tas
Many reasons for success
Scott Morrison says that he and his government “saved the country” with their response to COVID-19. He fails to give sufficient credit to the state and territory governments, both Labor and Coalition, that were fundamental to the pandemic response. He also ignores the bipartisanship demonstrated by federal Labor, which supported the spending measures needed to assist individuals and businesses during the pandemic. This is in stark contrast to the Coalition’s hyperpartisan negative response to the federal Labor government’s stimulus spending during the Global Financial Crisis.
Morrison also fails to give enough credit to the public service that responded so quickly and efficiently in providing the funds to those in desperate need during the pandemic. And what’s Morrison’s reward for these hard-working public servants? A $3.3 billion cut and probable sackings.
Richard Ife, Korumburra
Petrol reduction dries up
Now, once again, about $2 for the cost of a single litre of unleaded petrol. Adding immeasurably to the cost of living for so many. So much for the short-lived drop in the price of unleaded fuel with the halving of the government excise.
Michael J Gamble, Belmont
Savings but a drop
Economic research reveals that the forthcoming stage 3 tax cuts, legislated by the federal government, (and now supported by Labor), will give bank chief executives, surgeons, and federal politicians a windfall tax cut of $9075, while low-income workers, such as aged care workers, disability careers and minimum wage employees, get $0.
Independent analysis also shows it will cost the budget $184 billion by early next decade. Meanwhile, the Morrison government is trumpeting a $3.3 billion public service cut to pay for its election promises. Not only is this a drop in the ocean when compared to the stage 3 tax cuts, it is also devastating for many of our fellow Australians in the public service who will likely lose their jobs.
Phil Alexander, Eltham
Paving paradise
Re: “Bid to harness anger on suburban sprawl” (The Age, 18/5), down here on the Bellarine it has now become a suburban sprawl. Instead of potato fields and rolling rural farmland, we now have soulless estates, supermarkets and bottle shops. Throw in a car wash as well. It’s now a case of having a spare paddock or two, and there’s a profit to be made. Too bad the orange-bellied parrot was brought almost to extinction. You bet there are votes on this issue.
Margaret Skeen, Pt Lonsdale
Lacking balance
Everyone, except the land developers on the Bellarine, are deeply concerned about getting the development balance right – the thriving Geelong aside, a peninsula that preserves environmental integrity.
Given this, it’s not surprising that Stephanie Asher, Liberal candidate for Corangamite, is concerned as well – she lives there. What is surprising, and disappointing, is her cynical exploitation of an issue close to her electorate’s heart.
Given land use is predominantly determined at state and local levels, and review processes are in train, her greatest impact would surely be achieved by her return to her position as mayor of the City of Greater Geelong.
Penny Love, Clifton Springs
Price of neglect
Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg are to blame for the housing crisis that is hurting so many Australians. Quite simply, they have allowed the market to run too hot for too long.
Sensible tax measures on negative gearing and capital gains proposed by Labor were weaponised into a scare campaign. Meanwhile, a generation of young Australians can’t afford a home to buy, or even to rent.
Geoff Smith, Glen Iris
Smart investment
Investing part of your superannuation to help finance your own home is a wonderful idea. What can be wrong with non-home-owning holders of super funds investing part of their nest egg in their own home which could possibly be the best investment of their life?
It is perfectly legal and common for super funds, self-managed or otherwise, to have some form of property investment in their portfolios. It could be invested directly in a shop or factory or, more commonly, indirectly through a property trust or managed fund that has property in its holdings. Investing in one’s own home is basically no different.
When the home is sold, the super contribution plus an equal proportion of capital gain is returned to the super fund. The number of persons in a position to take advantage of this scheme appears quite limited and there is no evidence to suggest that it will have more than a minimal impact on house prices.
G.M. Batchelor, Mount Eliza
Out of the blue
The winners from Scott Morrison’s new super-for-homes scheme will not be the battlers – there aren’t enough homes in the lower price brackets.
There will now be pressure on all buyers to raid their super to stay in the race. Those with more secure, better-paid jobs will have more super and will outbid others. Women, who have less super, will lose out. Prices will inevitably rise. If this was good policy, why was it not adopted by either side of politics during the 30-year life of our national superannuation system? Why was this announced, like a rabbit pulled from a hat, five days before the election?
Joan Reilly, Surrey Hills
The house always wins
Politicians of all persuasions seem to find it difficult to come up with policies that will lower the cost of housing. It would be interesting to know the number of politicians who have investments in property greater than their family home.
Jeff Moran, Bacchus Marsh
In what way moderate?
Who are these so-called Liberal “moderates”? We are being told to keep them in government because that will somehow benefit the electorate, and the Liberal Party.
These moderates wouldn’t be under threat if they were representing their communities and the issues of concern to voters, including action on climate change, a federal ICAC, and aged care reform, to name just a few.
They call themselves moderates, yet when it matters, they vote alongside the rest of the Liberal and National parties. Their how-to-vote cards do not preference other moderate candidates, which suggests that power, rather than the greater good, might be more important to these MPs.
Penny Smithers, Ashburton
Male received
I have just received an envelope addressed to “Graham Devries”. Inside is a letter to “Mr and Mrs Devries”, reviving long-forgotten concepts of the man being the master of the household.
It is from John Howard, the former prime minister, imploring a vote for Josh Frydenberg.
Evidently, Frydenberg shares the outdated patriarchal and, dare I say it, sexist views of
yesterday’s man?
Graham Devries, Camberwell
Bigger picture
Your editorial claims that neither party has the courage for “big challenges” (The Age, 17/5).
Of course, they don’t. They know they’d be mauled to death by the Murdoch media, with the few others tagging along.
When you get questions like, “How do you feel about being a PM with an Italian surname?“, you know what you’re dealing with.
John Laurie, Riddells Creek
Too hard to card
The AFL says there are “good reasons behind a 16 per cent drop in attendances this year”. It has got this, at least, correct.
I have a full home-and-away 2022 general admission membership of Essendon Football Club but don’t intend to attend any matches.
The AFL, in its wisdom, decided our membership cards no longer give us entry to matches and that we have to own a smartphone, download an app and book seats – even though general admission members do not have designated seats. The AFL insulted our intelligence by stating that this new ticketing system made it easier for members to attend matches.
Bill Anderson, Surrey Hills
Walking on eggshells
This year has had a big increase in road crashes killing or seriously injuring walkers. Victoria Police’s response has been to focus on walkers using mobile phones, despite little research showing this is a major factor.
Elderly walkers are an increasing proportion of those killed or injured on Victoria’s roads. This year, 40 per cent of walker fatalities have been 70 or older.
Long-term analysis of pedestrian collisions show that older walkers are nearly always doing the right thing when they are hit by drivers.
Talk of pedestrian distraction is its own distraction. The data shows that when elderly walkers are hit, it is usually because of poor road design or bad driver behaviour, which is a policing issue.
We need to stop victim-blaming and concentrate on the known, main causes of pedestrian trauma: road design, speed limits that prioritise movement of motor vehicles over vulnerable road users, and driver knowledge of their obligations to walkers.
Ben Rossiter, executive officer, Victoria Walks
Looping a tangle
Your correspondent (Letters, 13/5) praised the buses in London and it is true they are frequent, but they get stuck in traffic, clog up the roads and travel times are unreliable. London has an extensive train network, and its Circle Line allows people to travel without having to go into the centre and out again, which is exactly the point of the Suburban Rail Loop.
As a former resident of the eastern suburbs, it would have been life-changing for me to be able to travel between suburbs without going in and out of the city.
All sorts of study and employment opportunities will open up with the new Suburban Rail Loop, and I hope it is built
as soon as possible.
Frances Gall, Castlemaine
And another thing
Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:
Experienced campaigners
How appropriate to trudge out former Liberal PMs, who lost their seats, to help out current Liberal MPs in danger of losing their seats.
Henry Herzog, St Kilda East
Do we really need yesterday’s men, Rudd and Howard, campaigning and to be reminded of WorkChoices and Pink Batts?
Michael McKenna, Warragul
Liberal MPs such as Josh Frydenberg cannot begin to tackle the rot (“Menzies’ daughter backs Frydenberg”, The Age, 17/5) until they become Menzies’ Liberal Party: drop Barnaby Joyce and the Nationals.
Wendy Brennan, Bendigo
Federal election
It would be nice to think a go-getter like Clive Palmer is doing so well for himself that he can spend $80 million towards the betterment of the lives of people not so well-off as himself. But I’m not sure anyone believes that’s what’s going on here.
Julian Guy, Mount Eliza
The record low unemployment rate must be a great relief for the thousands of public servants who will lose their jobs if Morrison wins on Saturday.
Mark H. Kennedy, Sebastopol
Morrison is unpopular with the electorate but the more preferred PM. Where does this leave Anthony Albanese? Popular but not preferred?
Murray Horne, Cressy
If the PM was serious about changing he would heed the call of the 31 retired judges and propose a federal anti-corruption body with teeth. He’s not and he won’t.
Greg Curtin, Blackburn South
So Scott Morrison doesn’t intend to retire if he loses the election. Let’s hope his mates are better mates than he was to Malcolm Turnbull.
Pamela Pilgrim, Highett
There are now young disfigured soldiers from Ukraine and Russia. For what?
Barry Revill, Moorabbin
Daniil Medvedev is right in saying it’s unfair he is banned from Wimbledon. It is also unfair that Russia should invade Ukraine.
Les Aisen, Elsternwick
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