

This was published 6 years ago

Schools that Excel: Find out how your school has performed

By Craig Butt and Henrietta Cook

How do we measure success?

When VCE results are released every year, the same handful of schools often dominate the top of the league tables. While it’s important to celebrate the success of these schools, what about all the other schools kicking goals? More importantly, what is driving improvements at these schools?

These are the questions that have driven The Age education team’s ambitious "Schools that Excel" project.

We have gathered results data going back 10 years for every secondary school in the state and turned it into an easy-to-use dashboard. It’s the first time so much valuable information, from multiple sources, has been published in one place.

Simply type in the name of your school to find out how it has fared over the past decade, what its graduates do after finishing school, and more:

This project has allowed us to delve deeper into what makes schools excel and how this change unfolds over time. We have found that it’s often small or simple ideas that can have the biggest impact on student results.

We also used the extensive information we gathered as the basis of our inaugural Schools that Excel awards, which recognise schools that have shown the most impressive gains in VCE results over the past decade.

What can I learn from this interactive?


The interactive lets you gauge a school's VCE performance over 10 years, so you can see whether it has improved or maintained its results over that time.

When VCE results are released in December, only the current year's figures are provided. That information is useful, but it doesn't tell you anything about how representative those results were of the school's typical performance. By threading together data from the past decade, a much clearer picture emerges.

You can also see how students enrolled in VET or VCAL programs fare and whether they continue on to vocational education or apprenticeships. Not all schools cater to students who are predominantly after a place at university, and the Schools that Excel dashboard reflects that.

With so much information about the vital final years of secondary education in one place, the dashboard helps you research the schools in your area, and could help you select one that is a good fit for your child.

What does the dashboard show?

The information about your school is divided into multiple panels. Here’s how to interpret the data:

Average student performance shows the median VCE subject study score for the school since 2009, which is a good indicator of typical student achievement. Study scores are out of 50, and a 30 is the average. The horizontal line at 30 on the graph is the yardstick that shows how the typical student at this school fares against the statewide average.

High achievers shows the percentage of the school’s VCE subject scores that were among the best in the state. These are scores of 40 or above, which put students within the top 10 per cent of all those who completed a VCE subject. This panel also shows the subjects in which students obtained the best results.

Completion rates shows the enrolment numbers in VCE, VET and VCAL over the past five years, as well as the satisfactory completion rates among year 12s.

Student pathways shows what 2017’s year 12 graduates were doing midway through last year – whether they had gone on to further study at university or TAFE, or whether they had taken on an apprenticeship or joined the workforce. This panel does not show up if a high percentage of a school’s year 12 graduates did not complete the survey.

School awards shows the 10 high-gain schools that The Age judged as having shown the best growth in their results over the past decade, following input from Nathan Zoanetti of the Australian Council for Education Research.

Student success stories links to coverage of the school’s VCE program from The Age’s education team over the past few years. This panel only shows up if a school has been featured in articles.

In each panel there is an "About the data" section that provides more detailed explanations and technical information to help you understand the data.

Which schools are featured in the dashboard?

The interactive dashboard features data on more than 500 Victorian schools that offered VCE, VET or VCAL programs in 2018. If a school also offered the International Baccalaureate program, its 2018 results will show up in the Average student performance panel.

Unfortunately, small schools or special schools for which there is insufficient data, schools that exclusively offer the International Baccalaureate, and adult education institutions do not show up in the interactive. There might also be gaps in the data for years in which student enrolments did not reach a certain threshold.

Eltham College was a high achiever.

Eltham College was a high achiever. Credit: The Age

How were the Schools that Excel Awards decided?

We used Department of Health and Human Services boundaries to categorise schools as metropolitan or regional, and divided the metropolitan region into west, north, east and south Melbourne. One government school and one non-government (Catholic or Independent) school was chosen for each area based on their records of improvement at year 12.

Of course there are many qualities in schools that can’t be measured. These include a school’s culture, its inclusiveness, the dedication of teachers, extra-curricular activities and that feeling you get when you walk through the school gates.

Why is growth important?

Measuring student growth was a key recommendation of the Gonski 2.0 review into achieving excellence in Australian schools. Instead of focusing on student achievement at one point in time, the landmark report adopts education expert John Hattie’s mantra of achieving a year of learning growth from a year of schooling. This offers an alternative way of looking at success.


While The Age’s project does not focus on individual student growth, it tracks school improvement or growth over time. This is driven by individual student growth.

Australian Council for Educational Research chief executive Geoff Masters said excellent leadership and teaching were important drivers of school improvement.

“Improvement is more likely when there is a culture of high expectations, a school-wide improvement agenda, a focus on the professional learning of teachers and close monitoring to ensure that the learning needs of every student are addressed.”

How can we learn from these schools?

The Grattan Institute’s Julie Sonnermann says it’s important to identify what works well in improving schools.

“We need to look at the quality of the teaching, the school leadership, the support for students for personal development and growth,” she said.

“We need to make sure that we are picking up the factors that are the differentiators between good and bad schools and the way to do that is through rigorous research and analysis.”

She said governments should play a role in expanding the practices that have been known to drive school improvement.

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