Andrew DysonCredit: .
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It’s an absolute tragedy that the Great Barrier Reef has experienced extensive bleaching again this summer (“Soaring ocean temperatures hit reef”, 27/2). The reef is a remarkable and iconic UNESCO World Heritage listed ecosystem of rare and diverse beauty that can even be seen from space. It also adds $6.4 billion to our economy annually and supports 64,000 jobs. That we threaten the reef’s very existence by continuing to burn the fossil fuels that are causing alarming atmospheric and oceanic temperature rises, beggars belief. Facing this loss, proactive leaders would be doubling down efforts to roll out climate solutions. Instead, we have Labor who have approved or supported 16 new coal and gas projects since the 2022 election, and the Coalition who delay with anti-renewables rallies and distract with nuclear pipedreams. As coral reefs pale under the relentless heat, we cannot allow our collective responsibility to safeguard the climate and environment to fade.
Amy Hiller, Kew
Do we care enough about our ‘lifestyle’?
What happens to our “lifestyle” if we fail on our emissions-reduction commitments? New analysis by the Climate Council shows, among other dire consequences, that the Murray-Darling Basin’s irrigated agricultural output would be halved by 2050 (“The effects of climate change on your suburbs and city revealed”, 28/2). On a more micro level, The Age reported recently that Melbourne’s hottest areas – those with the least tree cover and green space – house those most at risk from health impacts of over-heating. The short-sighted destruction of green spaces has created these Melbourne “heat islands”. Temperature rises will also impact outdoor labour. The US Union of Concerned Scientists reported in 2021: “If we don’t reduce our heat-trapping emissions, millions of outdoor workers are going to be increasingly exposed to dangerous levels of heat” by 2050. “Remarkably, nearly one-in-five outdoor workers would experience at least a month of these scorching days.”
As the Climate Council’s chief executive Amanda McKenzie says: “If we don’t take further steps now, some neighbourhoods and communities will become so hot people will struggle to live there. It’s not something that’s far off, it’s here and now it will define the coming decades.”
Fiona Colin, Malvern East
Change the development plans
The discovery of a lizard thought to be extinct may be a “serious concern” for the chief executive of the Urban Development Institute of Australia Victoria Linda Allison (“Rediscovered lizard stalls plans for 3100,000 homes”, 28/2), but those plans represent a far greater threat to the lizard. Change the plans now, because the lizard can’t change where it lives. We don’t need another extinct Australian species.
Colin Smith, Dandenong
Victoria’s grasslands need urgent protection
Grasslands aren’t sexy unless you are in Canada where the Grasslands National Park, established in 2001, attracts about 20,000 visitors each year. In Victoria, we have the Western Grasslands Reserve southwest of Melbourne with grasslands classified as critically endangered under the national Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act. All privately owned properties within the reserve are covered by a Public Acquisition Overlay but only about 20 per cent of the 15,000 hectares have been acquired. But time is running out. The critically endangered grassland earless dragon, rediscovered in 2023 with a known population of less than 20, is being threatened by housing development trying to cater for Victoria’s record, unsustainable population growth and housing shortage. At last count, Victoria’s grasslands were home to several other threatened species including the spiny rice-flower, matted flax-lily, striped legless lizard, golden sun moth, and the growling grass frog. Given the ongoing threats from development to Melbourne’s 12 green wedges, it’s clear that Victoria’s unique and threatened grasslands need stronger and more urgent protection.
Ray Peck, Hawthorn
Don’t blame Cook
A lack of statues of King George III or Viscount Thomas Townshend, two of the enthusiasts for colonising Australia, has meant Captain Cook has been left to take the flak (″Captain Cook’s statue toppled″, 28/2). Honing his craft as a meticulous cartographer, navigator and sailor in Canada, in 1768 he was sent by the British Admiralty on the first of three voyages into the southern hemisphere. The purpose of these voyages was to increase the known world’s knowledge of the Pacific area, including flora and fauna as well as charting coastlines and astronomical observations. He had little or nothing to do with decisions about colonising countries.
Tony Devereux, Nunawading
Ignorance is not bliss
The failure to teach Australian history in schools must be behind the vandalism of Captain Cook statues. Cook mapped many coastlines in his lifetime. One was the east coast of Australia. Other navigators mapped more of our coast. Being poorly educated should not prevent vandals from finding out who was actually responsible for sending the First Fleet. Perhaps a quick look also to see which nation was pipped at the post and consider if life would be better speaking French. Ignorance may be bliss but it should not be an excuse to destroy the monuments to heroes of the past.
Neil English, Doncaster
Be mad at Banks
The people cutting down the Captain Cook statues in Melbourne don’t know their history. While Cook charted the east coast of Australia, it was the scientist who sailed with Cook who advocated for Australia to become a penal colony to take the overflow of British jails. Instead of cutting down Cook statues, their fury should be against the banksia named after Sir Joseph Banks. The banksia is native Australian flora, so this creates a bit of a quandary.
David Beauchamp, Aireys Inlet
Educate, not hate
Professor Marcia Langton states that only a relatively few First Nations’ people are equating the Israel-Palestinian situation with British colonisation of Australia (“Writers festival hit by key resignations amid deep division over conflict in Gaza”, 26/2). This concurs with views of Koori colleagues with whom I worked in a First Nations’ organisation during the ’90s. They understood that violence breeds violence, and were very clear that they chose, as First Nations’ poet and protest writer Oodgeroo Noonuccal advocated, to “educate, not hate”. Their parents and elders did not wish to replicate the violence that was then prevailing in Northern Ireland. Their dreaming was based in both a continuous ancient culture and a contemporary long-term vision for a more inclusive Australia, achieved by informative communication about the damaging effects of colonisation on their Peoples, and their contribution to a more holistic and peaceful Australian society.
Jennifer Gerrand, Carlton North
Bipartisanship was needed
People are still complaining about the Voice referendum being derailed, but I saw a campaign that ignored the lesson of our referendum history. The 1967 referendum got a resounding majority because it had bipartisan support, unlike most other referendums. The course for the ALP was to focus its first term on gaining that essential support and then hold the referendum in its second term if re-elected. If it failed to get both bipartisanship and a second term, there’d be no referendum doomed to fail.
Mark Freeman, Macleod
Demolition job
Tony Wright’s demolition of Scott Morrison’s final speech to parliament and indeed the flawed former prime minister’s political career, is masterful (″Scotty from Sunday school lays it on thick″, 28/2). In a fine example of journalistic restraint, there are no swear words and not once did he resort to the pejorative ″hypocrite″.
Lawrie Bradly, Surrey Hills
Morrison’s other side
Scott Morrison’s heartfelt farewell parliamentary speech reminds us that politicians are more than capable of delivering refreshing and honest speeches when they break free of their restrictive partisan policies.
Kevin Burke, Sandringham
No thanks to God
Scott Morrison’s valedictory speech to parliament demonstrated (yet again) why the “Morrison Experiment” was such a disaster for Australian democracy.
Morrison’s unrepentant memory of his time in the “big job” was interspersed with acknowledgment and thanks directed to his god and his explanations of results as being “miracles” achieved through “prayer”.
I can certainly appreciate the significance of religious faith to those people who believe in such things, but the dangers of “outsourcing” national policy to a supernatural entity must be obvious. Morrison admitted to his own character weaknesses, but sought to address these matters through his confident religious belief.
Although this approach may work for him within his Pentacostal community, it is clearly not appropriate as a desirable instrument in the context of secular government.
Mark Bennett, Manifold Heights
Trump, the attacker
Columnist Bruce Wolpe (Comment, 28/2) says Joe Biden has “room to strengthen” his chances in the 2024 presidential election by attacking Donald Trump’s extremism.
This assumes Biden has the ability to land some blows on Trump. It also discounts Trump’s ability to attack Biden. Trump has destroyed the candidacy of Nikki Haley, a comparatively young, smart, articulate and experienced opponent.
Imagine what he will do once he starts on Biden?
Rod Wise, Surrey Hills
Not qualified for the job
Your correspondent implies that at least three politicians are not qualified to promote nuclear power (Letters, 27/2). No argument there. However, that demographic is wider and more general than nuclear power and runs the gamut of political portfolios. Far too many politicians in all parties have no real experience or qualifications to adequately perform the roles they inhabit in their respective parliamentary parties and, subsequently, in government.
They do, however, all possess the three qualities that seemingly define politicians the world over, namely, an outsized ego, a remarkable ability to obfuscate issues and spin the truth, and apparently an unswerving belief that mediocrity is something to which they should aspire.
Such is the nature of democracy, socialism, communism, fascism, republicanism ... ad nauseam.
Colin Wilson-Evered, Forest Hill
Review daylight saving
As we approach the end of daylight saving for another year, perhaps now is a reasonable time to review it. Daylight saving was introduced to reduce demand for electricity by allowing people to make better use of daylight hours. This was in a time before the widespread use of domestic airconditioning.
Now we have many households winding up their home airconditioning in the late summer afternoons as the daytime temperatures in southern Australia reach their maximums. So it might be that daylight saving actually increases demand for electricity. It could be environmentally unfriendly. For many of us we get most value from daylight saving in the balmy evenings of late spring and early autumn. Can we have our cake and eat it, too?
Keep the advantages in spring and autumn, but cut out the summer costs?
Peter Salway, Beaumaris
Retrograde step
The decision by Mardi Gras organisers to request police not attend the festival is a retrograde step in the wake of the deaths of Jesse Baird and Luke Davies. This case has nothing to do with the police (apart from their diligent investigations). Instead, it demonstrates that LGBQTI are included in all professions and that individuals within their roles are capable of jealousy-related violence. Let us not step back into division.
Let us all grieve.
Di Clifton, St Kilda
Plea for education aid
It is sad that the Smith Family has to take out a full page advertisement in The Age (28/2) in order to try to impress upon the government and the community the importance of education. As they say, “In the Australian education system we have really concentrated disadvantage.”
Hopefully someone is listening.
Jenny Macmillan,
Clifton Hill
Communal life
About 20 years ago, a neighbour in the short street where I live letterboxed everyone to ask whether they would be interested in forming a book group.
A dozen or so replied positively and the book group that was formed is still going strong. Knowing each other better made a great difference to our street. People are friendly and some real friendships have been made.
Our regular Christmas street parties are attended by nearly everyone who lives here, including those with small children. This contributes to the open and welcoming atmosphere, which is appreciated by new neighbours.
I hadn’t thought of our street as a commune, but perhaps that is what your correspondent would call it. (“I love my ‘commune’ in our suburban street”, 28/2.)
Elizabeth Sprigg, Glen Iris
Phrases of fear
Reds under our beds, the domino theory, the axis of evil and now the arc of autocracy. All meant to keep the public in a constant state of fear so that governments can achieve political goals.
Glenn Hilling, Watsonia North
“Full house for Morrison’s fond farewell” (28/2). Are we sure they weren’t there to make sure he went?
Les Aisen, Elsternwick
A miracle at last; Scott Morrison has gone.
Garry Brannan, Spring Gully
Scott Morrison. No less, and certainly no more, than a politician. Goodbye.
Chris Wilson, Poowong
Scott Morrison referred to the importance of Judaeo-Christian values as part of our culture. Number one of these is redressing the imbalance between the rich and the poor.
Jenny Smithers, Ashburton
At last Scott Morrison has done something useful for the country. He’s left the parliament.
Glenda McNaught, East Melbourne
No way did Scott Morrison “conceive” AUKUS, George Brandis (Comment, 26/2). We already had subs being built in France. Australia is a lap dog to America and Morrison just ran along with them.
Chris Hooper, Castlemaine
Morrison’s legacy – the robo-debt victims.
David Cayzer, Clifton Hill
Well said Tony Wright, well said (“Scotty from Sunday school lays it on thick”, 28/2).
Frank Flynn, Cape Paterson
I am not sure you would call Jim Chalmers’ changes to the RBA a power grab when one of the changes is to remove the veto of the treasurer over interest rate decisions.
Alan Inchley, Frankston
I see plenty of armchair critics telling Palestinian and First Nations activists how to run their campaigns.
Andrea Bunting, Brunswick
If we are all supposed to be reducing electricity usage to save the planet, why can I see the glow of Melbourne from Ballarat at 4am?
George Houlder, Cambrian Hill