

This was published 4 months ago

Rallies alone won’t stop the violence against women


Credit: Illustration: Matt Golding

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Action, not just rallies
The rallies for greater action to address violence against women are well meaning and in many ways necessary.
But just as Anzac Day doesn’t stop wars, so rallies themselves won’t stop the deaths and violence. Initiatives such as using ankle bracelets might offer limited protection, but they don’t address the root cause.
How much would we be prepared to give up to save lives? Violent and pornographic films and video games? That might be the easy part. But if violence can be shown to be linked to social media content, especially the cesspool that X has become, and especially its negative influence on children, would we support a government that banned the platforms? Or would we oppose such a move on the grounds of personal inconvenience?
Jenny Herbert, Metung

How murder unfolds
Every girl and woman needs to learn the eight steps to domestic violence and murder as described in the 2021 book In Control: Dangerous Relationships and How They End in Murder by Jane Monckton Smith, a professor of public protection at the University of Gloucestershire.
We shouldn’t have to, but until the significant number of violent men reform themselves, we might save our own lives or the lives of other women.
Monckton Smith shows how such men invariably repeat their pattern of violent behaviour in all their relationships.
The surprise is not that ″⁣dozens of men have five or more domestic violence victims” (″⁣Push to show family violence link in deaths″⁣, 27/4), but that so few who do, have been apprehended.
We not only need to do something about raising better men, we need that to carry through to all services that are supposed to protect women, especially the police and judiciary.
Margaret Callinan, Hawthorn

Police surgeons needed
Current community concern about grave assault attacks by individuals with alleged problems raises how to deal with and prevent such in our society.
I consider this was handled better in the past through standalone psychiatric hospitals that no longer exist.
I was a police surgeon with Victoria Police. The role included assessing those brought to police attention. These were individuals causing disturbance, with social risk behaviour, or whose families or neighbours were concerned about them. Statewide, 1200 such people were seen annually.
Those that were found to be a danger to themselves or others, or were acutely psychotic, were sent under certificate to the local designated psychiatric hospital that was obliged to assess and observe them. This led to a short or long-term holding and treatment regime. It defused many a situation.
It could be argued that police should not be community social workers, but no other government body has the availability, authority or geographic spread.
Psychiatric hospitals (then known as asylums) evolved in the 19th century in response to a need to treat the mentally ill humanely, and to control the abnormal, and at times dangerous, community activity of such people. I consider the current psychiatric services based on the public hospital model as a failure.
Peter McCleave, Essendon

University inadequacies
As an ex-lecturer and researcher at RMIT, working both as a casual and on part-time contracts, I found the remuneration relative to the required work sometimes dropped to as low as $3 an hour and rarely exceeded $10 an hour. The pay systems were changed regularly, apparently to actually delay the receipt of the totally inadequate payments.
This reflects corporate values, not what should be educational values. So, it was interesting to read the view of a former university council member (Letters, “Are university chancellors paid too much, or are they worth it?“, 27/4), supporting having a group of corporate people running universities and university councils, and arguing that students and staff contributed little when on the councils. Staff and students want to teach and learn, not make the university profits.
Laurie Comerford, Chelsea

Anzac march commentary
As a veteran of WW2, I have watched the Anzac Day march many times on ABC television, but I have never heard a worse commentary than on Thursday.
We learnt little about the marchers and the units they represented, while the commentators chatted about their families’ experiences in the Scouts – or even how to make a kilt. It was hard to hear the bands above all the talk, or give the marchers credit for their performance. It sounded more like cricket commentators filling in time. I hope the ABC can do better next year._
Penelope Garnett, Castlemaine

Brighton benefits
The article “The Brighton Bubble” (27/4) was spot on in describing the many facets of Brighton. It is not just about affluence, beautiful homes and big money.
I am a volunteer for Team Zoe, a community group supporting our MP, Zoe Daniel. Over the last two years, up to 2000 of us talked to many bayside voters. Her election indicates that Brighton’s values do not reflect the stereotype.
We care about climate change, gender equality and integrity in politics.
Jan Marshall, Brighton

The real Scott
Former prime minister Scott Morrison says voters didn’t know the ″⁣real″⁣ Scott Morrison (″⁣Morrison, his faith, anxiety, and staying the course″⁣, 27/4).
Oh, I beg to differ. They know you very well Scott – an Hawaiian holiday while bushfires raged, Robodebt, the French submarine fiasco and keeping five portfolios to yourself.
Greg Bardin, Altona North

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