

This was published 4 years ago

Private schools say they're being used as a 'wedge' in COVID-19 fight

By Adam Carey

Independent schools in Victoria have accused the Morrison government of using them as a wedge in Canberra's fight with the state government over reopening schools to all students.

The Catholic schools sector has also said it will continue to be guided by state advice in its decisions about reopening classrooms, despite the federal government dangling a multibillion-dollar advance in recurrent funding to non-government schools that return to class.

Education Minister James Merlino on Wednesday morning.

Education Minister James Merlino on Wednesday morning.Credit: Eddie Jim

Non-government schools have been given until Friday to accept a cash incentive from the Commonwealth in return for agreeing to restart classroom teaching within four weeks.

Some of those schools have been standing down staff in recent days in response to the loss of revenue caused by the COVID-19 lockdown.

The government will bring forward recurrent funding for schools that return to classroom learning by the end of May, but the sector is yet to embrace the offer.

Michelle Green, chief executive of Independent Schools Victoria, said the Morrison government had placed staff, students and parents at independent schools "in an extraordinarily difficult and unfair position".

"Schools now have just two days to decide if they are able to provide a safe workplace for their teachers and a safe learning environment for their students, in circumstances where they are all under incredible strain and many are under financial pressure," Ms Green said.

Non-government schools, which receive most of their government funding from the Commonwealth, have been offered a 25 per cent advance on next year's funding, on the condition they have at least half their students in classrooms by June 1.


Federal Education Minister Dan Tehan has said he wanted to see all Australian students back in class by the end of May.

On Wednesday he said it was safe for students and teachers to return to school, according to the advice of the Commonwealth’s expert medical panel.

Education Minister Dan Tehan.

Education Minister Dan Tehan.Credit: Sitthixay Ditthavong

Mr Tehan said that was why he was “incentivising” schools to reopen classrooms.

“Why we’re doing this is because Catholic and independent schools approached the federal government and said that some schools were experiencing cash-flow issues, and asked for us to consider bringing forward the July payment that we would normally make to them,” he said on ABC television.

Victoria has planned to stick with remote learning until the end of term two, unless Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton decides schools can reopen for all students sooner than that.

"Independent schools are being used as a wedge in a policy disagreement between the federal and Victorian governments," Ms Green said. "This is unfair and entirely inappropriate when what's at stake is the health of children and their teachers."

Independent Schools Victoria has so far recommended schools follow the advice of the Andrews government and Professor Sutton regarding a return to classes.

Victoria's Education Minister James Merlino also hit out at the federal government's funding intervention on Wednesday.


"I am very disappointed in the decision that has been made by the federal government; I feel for non-government schools who have been forced into this position," Mr Merlino told reporters.

He said it would be reckless for schools to return to class before the Chief Health Officer said it was safe.

"If we ease restrictions now we may need to reverse that down the track," he said.

On April 16 Prime Minister Scott Morrison said schools should take advice on returning to class from state premiers.

The Independent Education Union said the federal government had suddenly changed its position and was seeking to break state-based COVID-19 containment strategies by cajoling non-government schools to make their own decisions about student attendance, based on financial rather than health and safety reasons.

The union's Victoria and Tasmania branch secretary, Deb James, said the federal government's benchmark of 50 per cent attendance would drive down the quality of education schools could provide.

"Schools and teachers cannot deliver curriculum by two modes at once," Ms James said.

"Schools must be able to commit to either remote learning or to classroom-based learning, and the transition between them must be clear and consistent."

The Commonwealth has allocated $13.1 billion in recurrent funding to the independent and Catholic schools sectors this year.

The head of the National Catholic Education Commission, Jacinta Collins, said Catholic schools would probably manage their transitions back to the classroom based on local health advice.

"Catholic schools are keen to minimise the disruption on students' education and return to classroom learning as quickly as possible," Ms Collins said.

"However, there may be variances in the way Catholic schools across Australia manage the transition of students back to school in response to differing local considerations and differing state health advice."

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