

This was published 2 years ago

Police union figures charged with corruption, influencing witnesses

By Nick McKenzie

Two directors of Victoria’s powerful police union allegedly plotted to sabotage an internal corruption investigation by undermining potential witnesses, and one of them, Sergeant Mark Sims, now faces criminal charges for threatening a fellow police officer.

Sergeant Mark Sims.

Sergeant Mark Sims.

The anti-corruption investigation they allegedly sought to undermine was into a former director of the union, Sergeant Calum McCann, who is facing 86 charges including falsifying affidavits to obtain search warrants and seeking to intimidate corruption witnesses.

Court records show Sergeant Sims was recently charged with 10 offences, including taking detrimental action against a witness, misconduct in public office and intimidation of a witness.

The charges relate to alleged incidents in 2020 and 2021, including allegations Sergeant Sims took detrimental action against the police officer who made the initial allegations about Sergeant McCann to anti-corruption investigators in the force's Professional Standards Command.

An Age investigation has also uncovered phone calls tapped by internal investigation detectives in which Sergeant McCann allegedly discussed using his “influence” on the Police Association board to block financial support for a suspended senior officer he despised, as well as accusations that he leaked information he received as a board member of the union to help a police officer who was under investigation for alleged misconduct.

Last month, The Age revealed how Sergeant McCann, who held a middle management position at the Gisborne police station, is facing dozens of charges over lying to obtain search warrants between 2018 and 2021. His alleged corruption led to the unlawful raiding and arrest of multiple Victorians in the Mount Macedon region.

Sergeant McCann left the police union board late last year after he was raided and suspended, but Sergeant Sims was re-elected in the past fortnight, even though he is facing charges.

The Police Association said in a statement the charges the two sergeants were facing had no connection to their role as elected officials on the union’s board. It also said there was no suggestion Sergeant Sims had abused his position as union director.

The charging of Sergeant Sims is the latest development in a Professional Standards corruption inquiry that has reached across key parts of the state’s policing landscape and raised questions about cultural problems in pockets of the force.


Many of the allegations facing sergeants McCann and Sims, as well as three other police sergeants caught up in the probe, point to a culture that prioritises loyalty and operational results over the law. However, none of the charges have been proved, and it is understood they are being contested by the accused policemen.

The inquiry also raises serious questions for the Police Association, often described as the most powerful union in the state because of its sway over state politics and force command. The board of elected association directors on which Sergeant Sims sits is responsible for overseeing the union’s strategy and operations, including the maintenance of a multimillion-dollar legal defence fund for officers suspended or charged by Professional Standards.

Victoria’s anti-corruption agency, the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission, investigates relatively few police misconduct cases due to resourcing and jurisdictional limits, leaving the bulk of misconduct probes with Professional Standards.

This arrangement has led to years of calls from groups such as the Human Rights Law Centre and academics for IBAC or another independent anti-corruption body to handle all cases of suspected police malfeasance.

Calum McCann in 2011.

Calum McCann in 2011.

‘Out of their way’

An investigation by The Age has found details from a previously unreported court hearing that cast fresh light on Sergeant McCann’s alleged falsification of affidavits, including one allegedly used to convince a magistrate to approve a police raid by using invented claims a man was selling drugs to high school students.

Using court records, The Age tracked down one family affected by the allegedly unlawful raids. Retired health architecture specialist Marion Place said she was unaware the police raid targeting her son David in 2018 was the result of a search warrant affidavit police now say was corruptly compiled. Ms Pace said David had previously been in trouble with police and had a relatively minor criminal record, but since going “clean” had been unfairly harassed by select officers.

“They have gone out of their way to target Dave,” she said.

The Melbourne Magistrates Court recently heard allegations during a bail hearing for Sergeant McCann that he falsified an affidavit to obtain a search warrant to raid the Pace home. Anti-corruption officers are alleging that Sergeant McCann invented testimony from a police informant and inserted it into the Pace affidavit, including false information that an informer had identified a person called “Dave” selling drugs to teenagers at Kyneton High School and Sacred Heart College. The raid led to no charges and no drugs were discovered.

A junior police officer has also told anti-corruption detectives that the information about “Dave” attributed to him in the search warrant affidavit is false.

In a statement released to The Age in February, Victoria Police said it was notifying 15 Victorians named in the allegedly tainted search warrant affidavits, including a small number of people who had been convicted and one accused who was jailed.

In another case that has led to corruption charges, Sergeant McCann is accused of forging the signature of another police officer to try to get a search warrant. Professional Standards detectives also allege Sergeant McCann interfered with evidence, pretending a banknote stored in his car had been seized in a raid.

Phone taps and ‘threats’

A recent bail hearing heard allegations that covert phone taps had captured Sergeant McCann and Sergeant Sims discussing a plan to undermine a second police officer who had agreed to testify against Sergeant McCann.

The phone tap allegedly records Sergeant McCann telling Sergeant Sims that he had put “things in place” to undermine this witness and that he would face “a bumpy road”.

As Sergeant McCann went on to allegedly denigrate this witness, Sergeant Sims is recorded on the phone tap laughing and saying: “Very good, yeah, very good.” When Sergeant McCann allegedly said his plan was to interfere with the witness’ new job as a detective at a metropolitan investigation unit, Sergeant Sims is recorded allegedly agreeing with Sergeant McCann that the witness could face problems in his new workplace.

Other phone tap material aired in court captures Sergeant McCann allegedly describing how he would use his position on the Police Association board to undermine the union’s financial support for a suspended Professional Standards inspector, Kathy Rudkins.

Inspector Rudkins is not facing any criminal charges and her suspension with pay is unrelated to the allegations at the heart of the McCann inquiry. But in Sergeant McCann’s November bail hearing, Detective Senior Sergeant Peter Fogarty, who is leading the probe into Sergeant McCann, alleged that Sergeant McCann had said he would use his position on the Police Association executive “to influence” the union’s handling of any future request from Inspector Rudkins for union funding.

The association said it had conducted a “preliminary audit” into Sergeant McCann’s involvement with union funding decisions, which had not raised any concerns.

The court also heard claims that Sergeant McCann sought the help of an allegedly corrupt Professional Standards detective to obtain sensitive information about the ongoing internal affairs inquiry into Inspector Rudkins. The same allegedly corrupt internal affairs detective is accused of leaking information about witnesses to Sergeant McCann.

Senior Sergeant Fogarty also alleged that Sergeant McCann had leaked “confidential information he received due to his role on the Police Association” to another police officer who is being investigated for misconduct.

A bail hearing

In unsuccessfully seeking to have Sergeant McCann remanded into custody at his November bail hearing, Senior Sergeant Fogarty alleged there was a risk the accused policeman would continue to allegedly interfere with police officers who had agreed to testify against him.

Senior Sergeant Fogarty said in late 2020, Sergeant McCann and a second sergeant under investigation, Brendan Fry, had arranged a meeting with a Professional Standards witness at Mr Fry’s house. Senior Sergeant Fogarty alleged that both Sergeant McCann and Sergeant Fry were “pressuring” this witness. Sergeant Fry is not facing any charges.

Senior Sergeant Fogarty also alleged there had been other approaches to witnesses organised by Sergeant McCann, including to a police officer who was told by Sergeant McCann that “if you make a statement, it would be awkward for you working here or there”.

Senior Sergeant Fogarty also alleged that Sergeant McCann had discussed a plan to use Sergeant McCann’s wife to make false allegations against anti-corruption investigators. There is no suggestion this ever occurred.


Sergeant McCann’s lawyer, leading criminal defence solicitor Tony Hargreaves, told the bail hearing that his client denied all wrongdoing and believed he was being treated unfairly by Professional Standards.

“He has been angry for a long time about the way this investigation has been conducted,” Mr Hargreaves said, insisting the allegations presented by Senior Sergeant Fogarty would be contested.

Mr Hargreaves also accused police of overstating the content of the phone taps. He said that one of Sergeant McCann’s conversations was no more than that of a police officer talking to his mates about the need to be “wary” of a fellow policeman turned “give-up” assisting an anti-corruption inquiry.

“That has been happening in the police force forever … that is not interfering with a witness,” Mr Hargreaves said.

Sergeant Sims and Sergeant McCann will appear in court later this year.

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