

This was published 4 months ago

Cutting migration is one thing Peter Dutton but it isn’t a housing policy


Credit: Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

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What passes for a housing policy in Peter Dutton’s budget reply confirms my long-held conviction that the essence of conservative politics is to do nothing until they absolutely must do something. Thus, Dutton’s solution is to cut immigration (“Migration Man to the rescue”, 20/5). But how will this immediately help the 140,000 permanent migrants who would arrive each year under Dutton find housing? What will Dutton do to stimulate the building of new housing? He has no significant plans to increase funding for services to cater for the increasing population.
The housing crisis has been building for many years and the Coalition did nothing about it in nearly 10 years in office. Whatever its faults, Labor is at least trying to address the housing problem, making up for traditional Coalition inaction.
Michael Meszaros, Alphington

An unjustified reduction
Peter Dutton recently announced that a Coalition government would reduce our refugee intake under the UN Resettlement Program to 13,750, noting that Australia had been a very generous supporter of this program. Before sharing his apparent pride on our humanity, we might consider the following: the UN program accounts for about 5per cent of all refugees recognised, registered or settled; Australia has been the third-largest supporter and increased planned intake to 20,000 in 2023; Australia ranks about 80th in refugee intake based on per capita GDP capacity.
We are laggards on broader performance measures. While there are some logistical excuses, there is no excuse for our inadequate foreign aid budget, or shameful treatment of detained refugees.
Norman Huon, Port Melbourne

Fair debate
Given complaints in recent times about Australia’s crises in housing, cost of living, access to affordable childcare, traffic gridlock, health and the environment, all exacerbated by sky-rocketing population growth, Peter Dutton’s call to reduce immigration is both reasonable and sensible. Immigration levels are not sacrosanct and should be questioned at any time, and those who do should not have to wear the lazy “dog whistler” label.
Greg Hardy, Upper Ferntree Gully

How many people?
The case for lower migration, backed by 66 per cent of voters (“Voters back Dutton on migration”, 20/5) is often interpreted as a religious or ethnic prejudice. However, many people are rightly concerned that the economic growth imperative of the government to increase the population does not take into account the adverse environmental consequences of cramming more people into Australia.
Leigh Ackland, Deepdene

Dreams crushed
Many remain unaware that the proposed government laws regarding the 485 visa, which will take effect on July 1, 2024, will exclude all international students studying in Australia who are over 35 from being able to apply for the 485 graduate visa. This will cause serious financial and emotional harm to thousands of international students already studying in Australia, expecting they will have access to a working visa when they finish their studies. Many students have planned and counted on gaining this postgraduate working visa for varied reasons. For many, it is an essential requirement to gain their skill assessments for migration purposes, for others who need Australian work experience to gain specific licences, and for others who depend on gaining meaningful Australian work experience. This is not the right way to treat our international visitors. These law changes will not only crush the dreams and hopes of the people we wanted to attract to Australia. It also creates a reputation for Australia that you cannot trust what the Australian government offers to international students. In particular, this law impacts highly talented PhD and master’s degree students, most of whom are over 35.
Subin Manuel, Wanniassa, ACT


Why we protest
What to do with countries that continually break international law? Should they face consequences? Trade sanctions? Yet our government does nothing. And so the people protest. The idea of protest is that the government listens. If the government is getting sick of the frequent protests, it just needs to meet with the protesters, listen to their demands and take reasonable actions.
When a great evil is happening in the world that Australia is complicit in, politicians should not be bleating that we should stop disrupting the city. A disruption isn’t as bad as tens of thousands dead. Calling for the end to the annihilation of a culture, the people and the land is not antisemitic. Our government needs to boycott all trade with Israel, cut ties with Israeli companies, expel diplomats and support South Africa’s court case.
Christine Morris, Hoppers Crossing


Peace rally
It is disingenuous to say the police “kept these two opposing groups separate” on Sunday (“Pro-Palestine supporters clash with police as rival protests converge on CBD”, 19/5). What the police did was stop a pro-Palestinian mob from aggressively disrupting a peaceful pro-Israel rally. According to some, apparently, the slogans “Stop the hate” and “Never again” are unacceptable on Melbourne’s streets.
By all means focus on a single conflict, on the other side of the world, and sympathise with Palestinians, and criticise Israel, if you feel that way. But if you ally yourself with the sort of pro-Palestinian protests our leaders are tolerating, you are a force for violence, not peace.
Anthony Caughey, Elwood

Small disruptions
On Sunday I attended a peaceful Free Palestine rally, as I have on many occasions. The organisers wisely led the march on an alternative route, ending at the State Library, to avoid the Never Again is Now rally at Parliament House, where the pro-Palestine rally usually ends. As we know there was an angry confrontation when a breakaway group of protesters arrived at Parliament House.
It is hard not to assume that in choosing this time and location, the organisers of the alternative rally anticipated this. It was a provocation, and the purpose was made clear by more than one speaker who claimed the weekly pro Palestine rally was “taking over our city”.
Marie Hapke, Kew

Creating mayhem
The concept of protest promoted by extreme left-wing activists is a direct challenge to democracy and the rule of law. That so few idealogues can create so much mayhem under the guise of “peaceful protest” beggars belief. Their actions have no effect on the tragedy of the Hamas-Israeli conflict. That so many students on campus are happy to be pulled into their orbit makes me question the quality of analytical thought taught at tertiary institutions.
My gold-standard reference point for protest is the 100,000 people who marched peacefully against the Vietnam War in 1970. Numbers, not mayhem.
Mike Pantzopoulos, Ashburton

Harsh restrictions
It is good that Australia has taken in 2000 Palestinians fleeing the Gaza war on temporary visitor visas, but it is very disappointing that they are not allowed to work or access Medicare (“Quarter of Palestinians here apply for asylum”, 19/5). The work restriction makes the Palestinians’ experience in Australia unnecessarily difficult, and adds to the demands on hard-pressed charities. Many of the Palestinians wish to offer their labour skills, at a time when Australia is experiencing labour shortages in many industries. The same prohibition of work applies to many other asylum seekers in Australia, often lasting for years.
Andrew Trembath, Blackburn

Double standards
I was shocked to read that Christians have “intensified” their support for Donald Trump (World, 20/15). People who support lying and hate are not Christians. The basis of Christianity is love, which includes being truthful. Anyone can call themselves anything but it doesn’t mean that is what they are. For instance a person who calls themselves generous and has never helped anyone is obviously not telling the truth.
Marguerite Marshall, Eltham

False witness
On January 24, 2021 The Washington Post reported that Donald Trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims during his presidential term, an average of about 21 a day. The ninth commandment says: “Thou shalt not bear false witness.” Surely that in itself should be enough for evangelical Christian Americans to turn away, not intensify their support for the former president.
Ivan Glynn, Vermont

Taking the initiative
Sheena Chhabra is to be congratulated for her stance on what her son’s football team should be serving at football matches (“The footy club whose Auskick sausage sizzle has come under fire”, 17/5). To have someone like her offer her services to the club, like the other volunteers, to prepare vegan food on an adjoining barbecue to introduce the alternative to club members is an excellent way of spreading the word. I suppose the next step is hers to make.
Julian Guy, Mount Eliza

Reasonable needs
The distressing account of your correspondent (“Centrelink indignity”, Letters, 20/5) highlights, among many other things, the loss of privacy for people needing to discuss personal, private matters in the first person with any large institution. Customers of the major banks will know that a request to discuss aspects of their financial affairs are initially dealt with in the public forum of a bank inquiry counter with other people standing around in earshot. Far too often, the right to reasonable privacy when dealing with a major institution in person is non-existent. The time is long overdue for these organisations to give more consideration to their customers’ reasonable needs and respect the need for individual privacy.
Brian Kidd, Mount Waverley

Risk management
One woman’s experience with Centrelink demonstrates a lack of empathy, commonsense and flexibility. Bureaucracies and organisations (Centrelink is certainly not alone), often have rigid procedures, finely honed over many years that do not allow for individual needs to be met. Usually these are created under the heading of “risk management” and staff are wary about deviating from the rules. Services need to be wrapped around people in need, easy to access and fit for purpose at every stage. I fear we have a long way to go. I wish this writer and her family a smooth transition into their new circumstances.
Fiona White, Alfredton

Held accountable
The NSW police rounding up 550 male perpetrators of family violence is a comfort to me as a woman. They are making these men accountable for gross deeds and, at times, unspeakable violence. In order for our society to clear the path to harmonious male/female relationships we need to delve deep into cultural assumptions regarding male dominance, male privilege, and male superiority.
Intervention orders and ankle bracelets are tame responses to male violence and, to its credit, the NSW police force is honouring the lives of the female gender by its current actions.
Carol Marshall, Williamstown

Keep it close
Ramona Koval writes (Comment, 14/5) that we should build big houses in suburban and regional city locations for young families. We have to stop building big houses. Why can’t children share bedrooms? The resources and infrastructure needed for building detached houses further and further from the city is a terrible waste and leaves people isolated and needing a car which then pollutes our world. High density as in old cities like Rome and Amsterdam please. And we certainly don’t need a bigger population.
Chris Hooper, Castlemaine

Faith in one’s cause
While your correspondents are bringing Oliver Cromwell to mind, we should recall that he was a man of deep religious faith and certain that his success in conquering Ireland through war, civilian massacre, starvation and plague, proved that he was doing the work of his god. We witness in many nations today (China, Afghanistan, the US) how a sincere faith in the righteousness of one’s cause can lead to the deepest cruelty and inhumanity.
It is easier to see the faults of others but we should not assume that our sincerity always equates with humanity.
James McDougall, Fitzroy North

Ill-judged ruling
What a lovely trip back to the 1980s (An Age Ago, 20/5) via the article, from 1983, on a judge refusing to hear a case before him from a woman barrister wearing trousers. He, of course was prettily dressed in his wig and long floor-length robe, yet he saw no irony in his statement.
Let’s hope that our current judges have done a better job of educating themselves.
Marie Rogers, Kew

Hidden gems
I’d suggest Anson Cameron do more than wander from George Street in Brisbane (where he was staying) to the Queensland Museum in South Bank before making his mind up about the city (“Stuffed crocs and Lego dinosaurs? No thanks Brissie, I’ll keep walking”, 17/5).
The Brisbane CBD itself is perhaps the worst part of the city, funnily enough – although small pockets have hidden gems. There’s a lot of reasons many Melburnians have moved to Brisbane over the years – and are doing so again in droves – and the dinosaurs at the Queensland Museum aren’t one of them.
Finian Cullity, Greenslopes



Credit: Illustration: Matt Golding

We need to remind Dutton that it was migration and the sacrifices and hard work of migrants that built Australia. His rhetoric is divisive and unhelpful to social cohesion.
Wilma Buccella, Hawthorn

Is Peter Dutton going to build a great big wall as well?
Barbara Lynch, South Yarra

Peter Dutton seems to finally acknowledge the seriousness of the housing crisis. However, for housing to be affordable prices must fall and by a considerable amount. Dutton should state how much he wants to see prices fall.
Barry Lizmore, Ocean Grove

I thought only snakes hid in “hollow logs” (“State Labor hides away $76b war chest”, 20/5).
David Cayzer, Clifton Hill

Ground zero in the trashing of building standards was the 1990s, when Jeff Kennett privatised government building surveyors. All downhill from there.
Joy Neumann, Elwood

One of the best things about flying to Sydney is getting the train into Circular Quay. One of the worst things about flying into Melbourne is not being able to get a train into Flinders Street.
Marie Nash, Balwyn

I have been a vegan almost all my life. That does not make me a political activist (Letters, 20/5). There are so many vegans now, people should be aware that vegan alternatives are essential.
Suzanne Palmer-Holton, Seaford

As fashion evolves it is comforting to know old words such as “daggy” still fit (“A daggy place? Actually, it’s lovely”, 13/5).
Ralph Tabor, Pakenham

An early start to the Magpie swooping season. Hawks and Crows shaking their beaks wondering what happened.
Ken Richards, Elwood

As my depression and heartache deepen over the Hawks’ one-point loss last Sunday, I ask the question – with just seconds remaining, why wasn’t the entire Hawthorn football team in the opposition’s goal square?
Ian Cameron, Chelsea

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