

This was published 10 years ago

Out of tragedy comes change

When a grieving mother spoke out calmly just hours after her son's murder, she shocked many. Now police say the Rosie Batty factor has been a watershed in the battle against family violence. Mex Cooper reports.

They were no doubt meant to be words of comfort uttered in the face of an unthinkable loss - ''you'll always be a mum, Rosie''.

But for Rosie Batty the sentiment cut deep as she faced life without her 11-year-old son Luke, who was killed by his father Greg Anderson with a cricket bat and knife in the small Mornington Peninsula hamlet of Tyabb in February.

''I was angry,'' Rosie says tearfully recalling the well-intended exchange. ''I said, 'I'm not a bloody mother any more. I have a memory but I'm not'.''

It's a rare moment of aggravation from a woman who anyone would forgive for being consumed with rage.

Rosie Batty, the mother of 11-year-old Luke who was killed by his father at cricket practice in Tyabb.

Rosie Batty, the mother of 11-year-old Luke who was killed by his father at cricket practice in Tyabb.Credit: Jason South

It quickly passes as she talks with sadness and resignation in the large, comfortable home she shared with Luke about the unknown future without him. Surrounded by native trees in a picturesque court, it's a home with a child's heart in mind. There's a swimming pool, a cubby house, donkeys, goats, sheep and three doting dogs.

''I have to rebuild a life with some direction and meaning because I'm not a mother any more and all the things I did with Luke, either for him, or with him or because of him, it's all gone,'' she says.

Luke's murder and the subsequent fatal police shooting of his 54-year-old father at the end of a cricket training session, only metres away from Rosie and other parents and children, stunned Victoria.


But what came next also surprised, if not shocked. Rosie spoke. She stood in front of a waiting media pack, the morning after her son's violent death, and spoke at length about forgiveness and compassion; of the love Luke had for his father; the prevalence of family violence; and the complex problems that had led to the two deaths.

Since that time, Rosie has used the spotlight the tragedy has attracted to campaign against family violence and has been admired for her lack of bitterness and resilience even as system failures leading up to Luke's death were exposed.

Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Ken Lay met Rosie two days after Luke's death and was struck by her compassion, forgiveness and ability to ask difficult questions that he believed the community needed to hear.

''There was this level of grief that you could see in her eyes that shone through. But she wanted to make a difference and she didn't want Luke's death to be wasted,'' he says.

Lay believes Luke's death could be a ''watershed'' moment in battling the state's domestic crime wave, which included 44 deaths last year, because of what he refers to as the ''Rosie Batty factor''.

The Napthine government last week announced $30 million to tackle family violence on top of an extra $4.5 million in the recent state budget, while the opposition has promised to hold a royal commission into the problem, if elected in November.

''I don't think it's any coincidence that we're seeing, coming into an election, strong policy positions from both government and opposition around family violence,'' Lay says.

''There is no doubt that there is the Rosie Batty factor in that.

''She has put this very much on the community's agenda and all power to her for doing so. This system sometimes moves very slowly but I have no doubt at all that her courage and willingness to speak out will put us in a far better place.''

Domestic Violence Victoria chief executive officer Fiona McCormack says Rosie has been an inspiration and voice for many thousands of courageous victims who go unheard.

''She's been somebody who exemplifies what women go through and who people have listened to because when she speaks out it's the voice of experience and she's measured, she's so ethical, she's so credible, she's a voice that's respected and she's done an amazing job of shifting attitudes and focusing on this issue,'' she says.

Rosie's strength has also left many wondering how grief hasn't simply knocked her down and left her aching alone somewhere in silence.

''My mother died when I was six, as kids we probably had to be resilient,'' she says. ''We grew up with a lot of sadness at times … it's your basic character where you have a choice - to push through something and get to the other side or let it beat you - and I suppose that inner drive when I look back has always been there.''

Rosie grew up with her three brothers in the small English village of Laneham in Nottinghamshire, Robin Hood country where most people worked in coalmines or power stations.

She went to a convent school in the nearby town of Lincoln then worked as a nanny and travelled through Europe with a friend before arriving in Australia on a holiday visa in her mid-20s .

Her Australian boyfriend sponsored her to stay through a de facto visa, but after five years the couple split.

Rosie had always intended to return to the UK but decided she wasn't ready to leave and instead got a sales job with global recruitment firm Drake International where she met Greg Anderson.

''He was very well groomed, very smart, I always thought very good looking,'' she says.

The attraction was mutual and immediate and the pair embarked on a casual relationship that ended after two years.

She didn't see him again until about seven years later when she was 39 years old and their paths crossed again.

Both were single, without children and ''still intrigued with each other''. They resumed their relationship.

''Very quickly I fell pregnant with Luke, which wasn't planned but I guess it was something that we both had wished for without planning it,'' she says.

The couple never lived together but Greg would visit her home in the Yarra Ranges township of Menzies Creek and help with physical work on the property.

They would share a laugh and company but Greg also began talking about his troubled feelings.

Fascinated by religions, he became involved with the Hare Krishna community in St Kilda. The community reportedly banned him from their temple in the months leading up to Luke's death.

The couple had their separate lives but despite the space between them, tensions began to build.

Greg couldn't keep a job and Rosie soon realised she would have to carry the financial burden of her child alone. She felt resentful, Greg felt inadequate. His paranoia grew and his behaviour became increasingly unpredictable and marked by an anger that was deep, quick and alarming.

At first, Rosie was never left with black eyes or broken ribs, just confusion, hurt and shock from the derogatory tirades that Greg would then blame on her.

''Their level of control and manipulation is set up to make you feel that … you're the one losing it,'' she says.

''They're the ones with the control. You're the one who is neurotic. You're the one that's screaming, you're the one who's crying so it's a real psychological game.''

McCormack says Rosie's experience is the norm, with offenders blaming everyone but themselves for their actions.

She says broader community attitudes that can also blame victims, rather than hold perpetrators to account, leave women confused about who is at fault.

Luke's birth in 2002 put further pressure, as newborns often can, on his parents' relationship. Greg was an adoring, hands-on father but throughout his son's early life there were also angry outbursts. One prompted Rosie to seek emergency counselling, during which she was given a pamphlet about forms of violence.

''Sexual abuse, financial abuse, intimidation, I just knew, it was like a revelation, this was everything that Greg had done to me,'' she says.

Dealing with Greg became akin to navigating a minefield. Rosie realised she was in a violent relationship and no matter how hard she tried to avoid a trigger, there was no way she could manage Greg's behaviour. She sought an intervention order.

Greg had become homeless and was living in his car while his behaviour spun out of control.

In mid-2012, he subjected Rosie to a terrifying physical assault and then in January last year threatened to kill her and chop off her foot.

''His words were along the lines of: 'You think you're going to outlive me in this lifetime but I can make you suffer','' she says.

Then Luke told his mum something, that she won't detail, that meant Rosie for the first time no longer trusted Greg to be alone with him.

She took out a stricter intervention order but at Greg's request amended it to allow him and Luke contact at cricket and football training.

''I agreed to that because I felt that was a fair compromise, that Luke would be safe and his dad would still have that fatherly opportunity and Luke was never alone with Greg again,'' she says.

Luke had always felt sorry for his dad but Rosie says he also became embarrassed about what he might say in front of people. ''Not that he didn't love him,but he was growing up too … Greg was, I knew, starting to sense that he was losing Luke,'' she says.

By January this year there were five outstanding arrest warrants out for Greg when he was involved in an alleged assault while Luke and Rosie were on holiday in the UK.

As has been widely reported, because of an antiquated police IT system, officers who questioned him about the accusations were unaware of the warrants, a system failure that has since been overhauled.

Luke went to cricket training on February 12 and Rosie says she had no idea anything had happened, so when her son asked to spend a few more minutes with his father playing cricket she agreed.

It wasn't until after his death that she learnt Luke's favourite colour was yellow or of his obsession with bananas, which he never liked to eat.

She speaks with pride about the relief teacher who told her he had stood out as a ''special little guy'' and of the school friends who always mention his humour.

''We laughed every day, we'd do little funny things, always laughed,'' she says.

He had an inquiring mind, was good at maths, liked magic and always, always wanted to be picked. Rosie says her son stood up for what he thought was fair and right and if he'd had the chance to mature she thinks he would have been a leader.

''He was actually a very sensitive kid and he had a dimple like me and I used to tell him it made us special,'' she says.

Rosie is forgiving of the police mistakes. She understands the workload the force faces and speaks highly of Lay.

But she wants the current fragmented system and agencies to work together to deal with cases holistically so that long-standing and escalating patterns of violence are not ignored.

''There has to be greater accountability with a breach of an intervention order,'' she says.

Lay says intervention orders mostly work and keep thousands of women safe, but some people will not be bound by court orders.

''We see some tragic examples of that all too regularly and in the last few months we've seen a number so we just need to make sure that we have processes in place that can address those really high-risk people and I'm not sure we have that at the moment,'' Lay says.

McCormack says intervention orders need to be just one tool in a more sophisticated system that tightens the web of accountability around high-risk men that is backed by a no-tolerance approach towards family violence from everyone in the community.

Rosie wants the community's focus to shift from why victims don't leave, to why perpetrators behave as they do.

''Why should a mother and child have to disappear interstate with false identities, why should they have to go into refuges while the perpetrator is probably just having a beer with his mates, holding down a job?'' Rosie says.

''It's crazy how as a society we kind of let that happen.''

Looking back on the past four months, Rosie feels she has leapt from one commitment to the next.

She knows she's avoiding being overwhelmed by the grief that comes in waves but is yet to pull her under.

''I haven't had a day when I didn't want to get out of bed,'' she says.

''I'm not sure of what I do or where I go or whether I stay here but I know that things will take care of themselves and I'll make decisions down the track when it's right to do that.''

Recently, she's had to tell herself that nothing she does will bring her son back and that she can't stop murderous family violence.

But she's also heartened by the people who tell her to keep going, to keep talking.

''I think I shouldn't have to be ashamed of family violence, it should be a topic we discuss, debate and analyse and say, 'how the hell does that happen' and I think to some degree I've helped that.''

Rosie Batty and Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Ken Lay will be holding an online forum on family violence on Wednesday from 11.30am at

For information and help regarding family violence visit Domestic Violence Victoria or in an emergency call police on 000 or the women's domestic violence crisis services on 1800 015 188.

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