

This was published 6 years ago

No rego fee, no petrol tax: Melbourne Council in user-pays road push

By Timna Jacks

Motorists could be taxed for every kilometre they drive under a radical Melbourne City Council proposal to replace car registration fees with a new congestion charge.

Drivers would not have to pay for car registration under the congestion-busting policy.

Instead, they would pay for the kilometres they travel, and pay a premium for travelling in busy areas during peak hour.

Radical moves are being proposed to arrest Melbourne's growing congestion.

Radical moves are being proposed to arrest Melbourne's growing congestion.Credit: Paul Rovere

The council's proposal follows growing calls for a road user charge by the head of the Productivity Commission, Infrastructure Australia, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission head Rod Sims, the RACV and think tank the Grattan Institute.

This is the first time the council has backed a congestion tax, which has been deemed too politically risky by successive state governments. It has been successfully introduced in Singapore, London and Oregon.

The council has released the proposal ahead of a five-year transport plan that will seek to tackle growing congestion in the city, with Melbourne's 12 million daily trips set to rise by another 10 million by 2050.

Lord mayor Sally Capp said she wanted to see if road pricing could help reduce Melbourne’s congestion, given that it had worked well in other cities, including London.


Under a pricing scheme favoured by the council, the charges would start as an opt-in system, and initially apply only to the city, before being rolled out across Melbourne.

Cars would carry a device similar to an e-tag, which would record charges based on the time of day, location, and kilometres travelled.

Prices would surge during peak periods in busy areas, and along routes where cars delay trams and buses. Trips would be discounted on quieter roads outside of the peak.

The council even suggests the scheme could replace the fuel excise for those who opt in, although how this would work is unclear.

It would be modelled on an opt-in user pays system in Oregon, which charges volunteer motorists 1.7 US cents (2.3 cents) per mile travelled.

The council cannot overhaul the fuel excise or car registration schemes, nor can it unilaterally impose a charge on motorists to enter or exit the city.

Nicolas Frances Gilley, the transport portfolio chair, said it was time for governments to consider a CBD congestion charge.

"I'm not saying it's the solution, but I think it's one of the things we should consider because it would reduce the through traffic in the city," he said.

The proposed congestion charges would be designed to keep the system revenue neutral, without imposing an additional cost for travellers.

The scheme should discount motorists forced to drive long distances due to their health or a lack of public transport, Cr Frances Gilley said.

Reserve Bank of Australia board member Ian Harper said it was unfair that motorists paid the same registration fee regardless of how much they travelled.

Mr Harper, whose 2015 Harper Competition Review called for major reform including road pricing, said the fuel excise was also "inequitable", as it did not extend to those driving fuel efficient cars – the "Tesla drivers from Toorak".

Roads Minister Luke Donnellan said the Andrews government had "no plans to introduce a congestion tax or to replace car registration with a road user charge".

Shadow roads spokesman David Hodgett said he was more likely to "partner Dustin Martin in Richmond's midfield" than ever contemplate a congestion tax.

Victorian politicians may be shying away from a new tax, but the federal government is taking the idea seriously enough to establish a study on the impacts of road user charging.

Paul Fletcher, federal Minister for Urban Infrastructure and Cities, said road user charging would be a "10 to 15-year journey" and would "only go ahead if governments were confident that the benefits to the community of any new arrangements outweighed the costs".

RACV's mobility advocacy manager Dave Jones said the current system of charging motorists was failing, and called for congestion charges to be introduced as part of broader reform.

"We can see the merit of a change to road use pricing, which would be based on types of vehicles, locations, distances and times of travel."

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