

This was published 11 months ago

My Aunty Eleanor’s discovery exposed a surprising link between my first job and this one

By Mathew Dunckley

I was sitting in our news conference the other day when a message alert flashed up on my phone from my Aunty Eleanor. “Came across this random bit of history at work today, I thought you might like it,” it read. I was intrigued and as soon as we had a break in conference proceedings, I took a look.

It was a 1944 letter from the then editor of The Age Harold “Ham” Campbell under the official letterhead of David Syme & Co to the owners and staff of the Oamaru Mail on New Zealand’s South Island. My aunty had come across it in her new job as an archivist.

Letter from Harold Campbell, then editor of The Age, to the staff and proprietors of the Oamaru Mail

Letter from Harold Campbell, then editor of The Age, to the staff and proprietors of the Oamaru MailCredit: Waitaki Museum and Archive, Oamaru

Campbell’s note thanked them for forwarding a news article from the Mail, printed on The Age’s 90th birthday that year, explaining that the Melbourne paper’s very first printing press had made its way across the Tasman, from one gold rush region to another, to give birth to the Otago Daily Times in 1861.

The press later headed north from Tuapeka to Oamaru, where eventually – in classic resourceful Kiwi fashion – its drum was turned into a lawn roller.

“No one now associated with ‘The Age’ had any idea of the subsequent history of the first press used in its production,” wrote Campbell. “We are grateful to you for giving us such an interesting piece of newspaper history.”

As an aside, Campbell, who was later knighted, was an important and interesting figure both in the history of The Age and the nation as a modernising force in publishing.

Former editor of The Age Harold Campbell.

Former editor of The Age Harold Campbell.Credit: The Age

This all piqued my interest for many reasons. Firstly, I read the O.D.T. avidly until leaving Dunedin in my early 20s, and it helped spark my love of newspapers and journalism. Like many regional dailies, it carried everything from local and world news to the cricket draw and birth notices.

I didn’t always agree with its editorial line, but it was part of the region’s heart. I certainly never imagined it shared a key physical piece of history with the news organisation where I’ve now spent most of my working life.


The O.D.T. was also the first publisher – of a few – to turn down my offer to work for them and thus gain my first job in the craft. Perhaps encouragingly, the editor wrote a note to someone else, which was passed to me, that the job as an editorial assistant would be a “waste” for me and I should aim higher.


We’ve been talking a lot about these moments of entering the workforce lately thanks to a series we’ve been running over summer, inviting our journalists to write about their early jobs. It has been most entertaining and the data tells us you’ve enjoyed it greatly too.

The series was born out of a summer reading brainstorming session – this being a time when many people get their first jobs, or reflect on them.

One of the most memorable stories for me was Waleed Aly’s description of his elation at being given a call centre job at Telstra. Here’s a taste: “But for me, it was fabulously exciting. Telstra was this huge, prestigious company, whose ads I’d watched my whole life. How did someone let me represent them? Was I an Australian icon now, by association? Not just Waleed. But Waleed from Telstra.”

And there were plenty more – books editor Jason Steger (get his Booklist newsletter here, by the way) on his time in an east London pickle factory, Canberra chief Michelle Griffin on her time as a Melbourne hotel maid and explainers editor Felicity Lewis on her formative time at Doncaster shopping town selling stockings. (You can sign up for Felicity’s newsletter here.)

You probably didn’t know that one of the nation’s top journalists and editors, Michael Bachelard, once spent a summer as a teen groundsman at a Canberra cricket oval where he had to contend with commandos running landing drills.

Would it surprise you that senior culture writer Karl Quinn converted a vacant office floor into a makeshift cricket oval during a stint with the Queensland public service, where he was being paid to literally tie documents up in red tape?

There are many more excellent stories here if you want to explore them.

Your interest in the series was a good reminder that media outlets, and those who work in them, are no longer distant monolithic institutions. Our readers want to know who it is they’re dealing with – this newsletter is another example of that dynamic at work.

We’re trying to tell you who we are and where we’ve come from, to let you know that we are a part of this city and this country too, that we have lives and interests beyond what appears below our bylines. It has been a great development in the widening two-way conversation between publishers and audiences as we seek to better understand one another.

So my first job? Filling in on a couple of occasions for a mate on his paper round, delivering the Otago Daily Times.

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