

This was published 11 years ago

Mokbel extradition unlawful, lawyer claims

By Andrea Petrie

Drug boss Tony Mokbel has accused the Australian government of knowingly violating international law when it extradited him from Greece four years ago.

In what is the 47-year-old's latest bid to get out of jail, the Victoria Court of Appeal heard on Wednesday that despite his guilty pleas to serious drug charges upon his return to Australia, Mokbel was appealing his conviction and 30-year jail sentence he received in addition to seeking a permanent stay on any retrial on the grounds that he could never get a fair trial.

Big wig: Tony Mokbel after his 2007 arrest at an Athens coffee shop, and before his extradition to Australia.

Big wig: Tony Mokbel after his 2007 arrest at an Athens coffee shop, and before his extradition to Australia.

His defence lawyer Debbie Mortimer, SC, told Court of Appeal president Chris Maxwell and Justices Peter Buchanan and Mark Weinberg that Australian and Greek officials had unlawfully rushed through Mokbel's extradition following his arrest after 15 months on the run in 2008, despite knowing he was taking steps to present his case to the European court.

He had made an application with the human rights court but no interim measures had been granted when he was surrendered by Greek authorities.

Ms Mortimer said the two governments had an obligation to allow Mokbel time to present his case to the human rights court, even though it might have taken years to reach a conclusion, thus her client had suffered a miscarriage of justice.

An email from the Attorney-General's department to the Australian Federal Police has been submitted as an example of Mokbel's efforts to put his case to the human rights court being "consciously frustrated" by Australian officials.

The May 2008 email states: "It would be advisable to arrange [with Greek authorities] for surrender as soon as possible and if possible prior to Greece's notification of the application by the ECHR."

It has been submitted by his lawyers that the email "can be read in no other way than as an exhortation to the AFP to arrange for the applicant's return quickly, before he could obtain interim measures, and in any event in order to avoid the delay which might result from the ECHR determining the merits of his application.

"There is other evidence showing the desire of Australian officials to press for the applicant's return despite the pendency of his ECHR application," written submissions presented to the court state.


"The Australian authorities had been concerned since August 2007 about the possibility of interim measures being granted by the ECHR, and the delay that this might cause. The fact that they did indeed encourage Greece to return the applicant was conceded by the prosecution."

Mokbel's defence lawyers have also submitted that he had planned to argue to the human rights court that he would have been forced to endure "inhumane or degrading treatment and punishment" upon being extradited to Australia and placed in the high-security Acacia Unit at Barwon Prison.

He intended to submit that his life would have also been placed in danger.

"(His) claim in respect of his right to life could hardly be said to be without merit since Carl Williams was killed in the Acacia Unit," the submission states.

"Ultimately, the ECHR may well have found that Greece would have been in breach of... the (European) Convention by returning (Mokbel) to Australia and to custody in the Acacia Unit. If it so found, it could, by the use of interim measures, effectively have blocked the extradition - only allowing it to proceed if appropriate assurances were received about the custodial conditions proposed."

The prosecution has submitted that Mokbel's appeal must fail as he had not established that an earlier Supreme Court which found the extradition was lawful, was unreasonable.

Mokbel skipped bail in 2006 while on trial for cocaine importation charges. He was convicted in his absence, and sentenced to 12 years' jail, with a minimum of nine.

His elaborate escape plot included a stint hiding in Bonnie Doon, in central Victoria, before he was driven to Western Australia, where he boarded a $323,000 luxury yacht - purchased for him with drug money - to Greece. He arrived in early December 2006.

He spent 15 months on the run before being arrested in a coffee shop in Athens on June 6, 2007, wearing an ill-fitting wig as he sipped coffee with an Australian friend.

He was extradited to Australia in 2008, and failed in a similar bid to argue that he was unlawfully brought home and that an abuse of process had taken place before the European Court of Human Rights had heard his case.

He then admitted to being the mastermind of a sophisticated multimillion-dollar drug syndicate and pleaded guilty in April last year to trafficking large commercial quantities of methamphetamine (speed) and MDMA, the key active ingredient in ecstasy, in the mid-2000s.

He also pleaded guilty to inciting an undercover police officer to import a commercial quantity of MDMA in 2005. Following his guilty pleas, several other drugs charges were dropped.

Six months later he unsuccessfully applied to change his pleas after it was discovered that search warrants and other investigative tools used in what is believed to be the longest and most expensive criminal investigation in the state's history, were invalid.

The appeal hearing continues.

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