

This was published 1 year ago


Melbourne needs a second CBD ... but where?

Throughout most of our city’s history, the CBD, or central business district, home to major corporations, imposing government offices, sprawling department stores and the like, worked well enough, corralling everything important into the one place, easily accessed first by trams and Edwardian-era railways then the freeways of the 1960s and 1970s.

As Melbourne has sprawled ever outwards, though, and those glittering towers have receded into the horizon, the idea of continuing to concentrate much of our commerce into one increasingly hard-to-get-to cluster of streets surely makes less and less sense.

Our reporting constantly shows that commute times are already horrendous for many living in newer outer suburbs; congestion on our roads and conditions on public transport can only grow worse as our city’s population grows, as predicted, from 4.6 million today to close to 8 million by 2051.

Indeed, for many of us the old model that flourished in the 1950s is no longer working, Melbourne’s famous “liveability” continually eroded by the effort of getting around, hobbled by the hub-and-spoke transport network that was built to serve a central point. Something has to give.

So what if everything essential to everyday life — work, school, shops, healthcare, parks — was a lot closer to home, or at least a lot easier to get to?

Our reporting constantly shows that commute times are already horrendous for many living in newer outer suburbs.

Our reporting constantly shows that commute times are already horrendous for many living in newer outer suburbs. Credit: Pat Scala


It is not a new idea. The Paris-based urban planner Carlos Moreno famously coined the notion of a “15-minute city” around 2010, theorising that city-dwellers should ideally live in ersatz villages with everything they needed no more than a short walk or bike ride from home. Moreno’s work built on earlier experiments in “neighbourhood units” for New York City, Britain’s planned “garden” towns such as the Cadbury Bournville workers’ village in Birmingham, Copenhagen’s optimistic “five minutes to everything” model and the general push to make cities friendlier for pedestrians and less accommodating to cars, spurred on by the “First International Conference for Auto-Free Cities” held in the US in 1991.

(Bizarrely, we must note here, Moreno’s philosophy started to circulate again earlier this year among conspiracy types who seem to believe the 15-minute boundary is a precursor to physical state-controlled surveillance zones, but we can probably assume it was not his original intention.)


Many of these ideas may not translate well to a city of Melbourne’s scale today, but the notion of re-thinking how we want to live, of not just accepting the increasingly unworkable status quo, certainly warrants ongoing investigation. For while the CBD certainly did not die, as some grimly predicted during COVID, the ongoing prevalence of remote working and the realisation that we need not necessarily harness ourselves to a gruelling daily commute have permanently changed the landscape. What do we want to do better?

That is why in a special series The Age has been exploring the notion of developing a second CBD, or multiple CBD districts, beyond the single central zone that currently serves as our major hub for commerce, white-collar work and recreation.

Melbourne’s famous liveability is being eroded by the effort required to get around.

Melbourne’s famous liveability is being eroded by the effort required to get around.Credit: Jesse Marlow

As Sophie Aubrey writes, this has actually been on some town planners’ radar for decades. A landmark report issued by the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works in 1954 was even then warning of sprawling development and pointed to decentralisation as a solution, suggesting, “Thus, for many people, the wearisome journey into the city centre could be avoided, and some relief afforded to the already overcrowded central area.”

It has subsequently happened — but only to some extent. Landmark precincts like Glen Waverley, Box Hill, Footscray and Clayton are all vibrant hubs in their own right: in the right circumstances, a “15-minute” life is certainly possible there. But their largely organic growth, predicated on commercial imperatives or the draw of a single major institution, has left some of their potential as yet unfulfilled.

Of the four CBD rivals we have identified as front-runners, Clayton, home to Monash University, and La Trobe are big employers in the education sector but struggle for substantial mass-transport links; Box Hill’s high-rise boom town has been a radical transformation but skews residential and lacks open space; Sunshine offers abundant land and a prime location in the west but to date has seen little of the medium-density development vital to attract bustling retail.


A true “second CBD” must offer a little of everything, with wide-ranging employment opportunities that can compete with those in our original centre clearly critical.

The suburban rail loop could eventually solve many of the existing transport problems and is in itself a bold, orbital, repudiation of Melbourne’s original hub-and-spoke design. But as we have often observed, it will be a very long time coming, if it comes at all in its full form.

In the intervening decades there is no reason why state governments present and future should not prime the pump to make sure our new proto-CBDs flourish, chiefly by tweaking the dials on planning incentives and relocating public service departments to areas of need. Box Hill’s 20-storey Australian Taxation Office building on Whitehorse Road and Geelong’s NDIS headquarters are both successful models that can be replicated.

We are not alone in this project: Sydney has identified Parramatta in its western corridor as a potential second CBD, powered by a $3.5 billion redevelopment of a civic precinct that incorporates a student campus, a community, civic and cultural hub and acres of retail and office space.

Clearly, a visionary leap of this scale cannot be left to chance. While the weirdness of COVID gave us the opportunity to imagine the Melbourne we really wanted, hard decisions must now be made to ensure it actually transpires.

Patrick Elligett sends an exclusive newsletter to subscribers each week. Sign up to receive his Note from the Editor.

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