This was published 4 years ago
Mea culpa in order after health official's Cook comment
The recent 250th anniversary of Captain James Cook's landing at Botany Bay was always going to be contentious. It was an inauspicious start to European intrusion. Cook wrote that when he approached the shore, the Indigenous people watching "all made off except two men who seem'd resolved to oppose our landing". Cook threw some beads ashore in a bid to befriend them, but then felt the need to fire three shots of his musket, one of which struck one of the Indigenous men.
Having finally scared them off, Cook made it to shore, and his place in Australian history was assured. But how disputed a figure the British explorer has become has been highlighted by, of all people, Victoria’s Deputy Chief Health Officer, Annaliese van Diemen. In a post to her personal Twitter account on Wednesday, she wrote: “Sudden arrival of an invader from another land, decimating populations, creating terror. Forces the population to make enormous sacrifices & completely change how they live in order to survive. COVID19 or Cook 1770?”
It took little time for her tweet to become a target. Liberal health spokeswoman Georgie Crozier led the charge, calling for Dr van Diemen to resign, while former opposition leader Matthew Guy was not far behind, calling it an example of how the state is governed by "hard left nutters". Even Prime Minister Scott Morrison decided to weigh in: "I applaud the work she is doing as a medical officer in Victoria, that's her expertise. I would strongly suggest she keep to that, because those sort of comments don't inspire confidence."
The Prime Minister has a point. For a senior government official entrusted with giving advice on the deadliest pandemic in a century to be offering up such historical analogies on social media is completely out of bounds. Even a cursory read of the heated debate that has unfolded to mark Cook's anniversary should have given her some pause for thought before sending out her views.
It's not only culture war commentators who have joined the debate. ANU history professor Angela Woollacott says Dr van Diemen's tweet was a "very misleading comparison". She claims that while Indigenous people who did observe Cook's party found their presence "sudden and disconcerting", the ravages of British settler colonialism unfolded quite gradually from 1788 over more than a hundred years.
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has played defence by deferring to the big picture: "There was a tweet posted on a day off and if that’s the biggest issue of this global pandemic, I don’t agree with that.” The Premier has a point – the state is going through an enormous economic and medical crisis not experienced for 100 years – but those calling Dr van Diemen to account also have a point.
Whatever the merits of her historical comparison, most senior government officials well know that mixing work with personal belief of such a contentious nature is not just personally damaging to the individual, but undermines the ethos of the whole public service.
The Age does not support the calls for Dr van Diemen to step aside, which is overreach from the state opposition, but it does call for some public accountability for the mistake. She should apologise not just for the sake of appeasing those who have her in the firing line, but for the absolute need to uphold good government, no matter what the circumstances.