The backlash against Australian tennis champion and evangelical Christian pastor Margaret Court's opposition to same-sex marriage highlights community support for changing the law to recognise the right of people in love to get married.
Ms Court is boycotting Qantas because the carrier's chief executive, Alan Joyce, signed an open letter from dozens of business and community leaders calling for same-sex marriage to be legalised. Thus, she was widely condemned for saying she did not support something that is currently illegal in Australia.
Claims that Ms Court has been pilloried are false. As SBS' openly gay chief executive, Michael Ebeid, observes, most of the many people who have disagreed have done so politely, have defended Ms Court's right to freedom of expression, and are heterosexual. Opinion polls have long shown three in four Australians want our lawmakers to enact same-sex marriage legislation, as has been done throughout the industrialised world.
The Age shares the view that Ms Court, the 74-year-old founder of Victory Life Church in Perth, has every right to express her beliefs. We think calls to strip her name from the eponymous arena in Melbourne are over the top. We profoundly disagree with Ms Court's views, and believe it is inevitable the law will be changed in Australia on the grounds of fairness and justice.
In the days after Mr Joyce wrote the letter that attracted the ire of Ms Court, he was the victim of a homophobic assault when a man who opposes same-sex marriage strode on stage during a speech by Mr Joyce and shoved a pie in his face.
The group letter was also signed by Mr Ebeid, who was treated shabbily in recent days during an appearance before a key Senate committee. Tasmanian Liberal senator Eric Abetz repeatedly insinuated it was inappropriate for Mr Ebeid to use his work email to correspond with the organisers of the open letter, Australian Marriage Equity. Senator Abetz, also suggested it was inappropriate for Mr Ebeid to have been included in a report in The Australian Financial Review about non-straight corporate leaders. It is reasonable for anyone to use their professional email for such communicating.
Senator Abetz – like Immigration Minister Peter Dutton, who attacked the chief executives for their public stand – seems to believe that business leaders should not have public positions on social and political issues, although the Coalition has chastised big business for not being publicly supportive of the government's economic policies. This looks hypocritical. Senator Abetz and Mr Dutton rightly claim the freedom to speak widely, but they wrongly seek to criticise others for exercising that very right.
Liberty is underpinned by not only freedom of expression, but one of its key institutional corollaries, a media unfettered by political or commercial censorship. We would argue, too, that business leaders not only have a right but a duty to participate in public policy debate. The only thing that will happen when people in love are no longer denied their right to marry is people in love will get married. The Coalition should dump the same-sex marriage plebiscite policy foisted on it as a desperate ruse by Tony Abbott as he tried to save his prime ministership a few years ago.
It is one of the most unfair, dangerous and wasteful policies in Australia history. The polls show a huge majority of people in this nation know it and want Parliament to just do its job. The situation is absurd; the leaders of both main political groupings support marriage equality. Surely enough is enough.
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