By Selma Milovanovic
HIS name was Allem Halkic and he was 17. When he made the decision to end his life at dawn last February, threatening text messages from a former mate weighed heavily on his mind.
''I'll put you in hospital,'' said one. ''Don't be surprised if you get hit some time soon,'' read another.
Alllem's parents, Dina and Ali Halkic.Credit: Ken Irwin
Yesterday, Allem's former friend, Shane Phillip Gerada, avoided jail in Australia's first prosecution over cyber bullying. But a magistrate sent a warning to potential cyber bullies after the court heard that between 10 and 30 per cent of young Australians had fallen victim to the practice, described by a prosecutor as a ''plague on the community''.
''It just demonstrates SMS messages or internet communication may have severe consequences on intended victims whether it was meant to or not,'' magistrate Peter Reardon said.
Shane Gerada leaves the court.Credit: Ken Irwin
''People really should think about what they are doing instead of just hammering some message of hate or aggression.''
Gerada, 21, of Bacchus Marsh, pleaded guilty to stalking. He received an 18-month community-based order.
The Melbourne Magistrates Court heard Gerada told police he had felt betrayed by Halkic. He later told the ABC that he wanted ''revenge'' after finding out Halkic had told a mutual friend of disparaging comments Gerada had made about her.
Gerada knew Halkic was seeing another boy's girlfriend and taunted him about it in five text messages sent over 24 hours before Halkic died.
''You're a f---ing bitch. I'll put you in hospital,'' said one. ''It's payback time.'' Gerada then contacted the other boy in the love triangle on MySpace and told him about the relationship.
At 1 am on February 5 Halkic and his tormentor spoke on the phone. Gerada told the ABC the pair had made up, although police say no one knows what was really said.
Before leaping from the Westgate Bridge at 5am, Allem Halkic sent Gerada this message: ''I need your help. You may not give a f--- about me but just answer your phone tomorrow.''
Gerada, who suffers depression, told the court he was sorry, and that he missed Allem, whose name he has tattooed across his back. ''I did not realise the effect of my words,'' he said.
The Halkics said Gerada's prosecution was a step forward against cyber bullies.They will sue the state government for failing to establish security barriers on the West Gate Bridge. A fence was erected last year.
Meanwhile, national educators will gather in Melbourne today to discuss bullying in Australian schools. Next week, a world-first international conference will try to develop strategies to deal with cyber bullying.
For help or information visit, call Suicide Helpline Victoria on 1300 651 251, or Lifeline on 131 114.