

This was published 9 years ago

Luke Batty's death was not foreseeable: Coroner report

By Adam Cooper

Luke Batty's death was not forseeable, according to state coroner Ian Gray, who has handed down his findings into the death of Rosie Batty's son.

Judge Gray said no individual person or agency should be held responsible for failing to prevent Luke's death on February 12 last year, when the 11-year-old was attacked by his father, Greg Anderson, with a cricket bat and knife at cricket practice at Tyabb. Anderson, 54, was shot by police and died in hospital.

But in his findings presented to the Coroners Court on Monday Judge Gray made reference to several "missed opportunities" in apprehending Anderson before he killed his son. Judge Gray said these lost opportunities included the failure by authorities to hold Anderson to account in court for breaching intervention orders in the year before Luke's death, and a limited review by hospital staff in the years beforehand of Anderson, who was never diagnosed with mental-health problems. The coroner said police also did not arrest Anderson in the fortnight before Luke's death: once when officers met with him but did not know arrest warrants were in place because of a problem with the police database, and on another occasion when Ms Batty had passed on Anderson's address.

But Judge Gray also referred to several incidents of proactive policing in the case, such as when an officer from Hastings police urged his colleagues to keep on the lookout for Anderson over fears for his erratic behaviour.

Luke Batty's mother, Rosie Batty, at Tyabb oval reading cards well wishers left following the death of her son in early 2014.

Luke Batty's mother, Rosie Batty, at Tyabb oval reading cards well wishers left following the death of her son in early 2014.Credit: James Boddington

Ms Batty was in court as Judge Gray handed down his findings, seated close to a framed photograph of herself and her son.

Among a series of recommendations, Judge Gray called for greater sharing of information across the family-violence sector, for greater state government support and for further training for police. He also called for reviews of the bail and family law acts.

At the end of the findings, Judge Gray told Ms Batty Luke's death had not been in vain and congratulated her for her work raising awareness of family violence matters.

Earlier, Judge Gray called for better information sharing among different agencies in family violence matters, and also among police, such as in having investigating officers kept informed of all proceedings in court. He said magistrates needed to ensure that every avenue of engaging people involved in family-violence cases in support programs needed to be taken. "It is a central lesson from this case," he said.

Luke Batty, 11. His death was not foreseeable, according to the Victorian state coroner.

Luke Batty, 11. His death was not foreseeable, according to the Victorian state coroner.Credit: Wayne Taylor

Judge Gray said a proposal to develop a central agency in family-violence cases was a worthy one, although resourcing was a potential concern.

The coroner described Ms Batty as a loving mother who did everything she could for her son, and that she should bear no responsibility for her son's death. Anderson was solely responsible for Luke's death, he said.

Judge Gray's rulings come almost a year after the inquest into Luke's death began. At the time of the 11-year-old's death, Anderson had four arrest warrants against his name, over charges including assaulting Ms Batty and possessing child pornography. He also had two intervention orders, one preventing him from having any contact with Luke bar weekend sporting matches, and the other against a former flatmate.

The inquest was told that about 15 months before the murder Anderson produced a knife while in the car with his son and said: This could be the one to end it all." But police and Department of Human Services workers were not satisfied Luke was in danger because in an interview the boy said he loved his father and was not in fear of him. They had also been told by Ms Batty that she believed Anderson would never harm her son.

Police told the inquest of their concerns about Anderson's erratic behaviour, but said there was nothing else they could have done within their powers to have prevented the death. One officer said he was astounded when Anderson was granted bail in January 2013 after being charged with threatening to kill Ms Batty. Anderson was also arrested in May 2013 and was again granted bail several weeks later, despite police objections.

Police prosecutors told the inquest of a lack of compelling reasons why Anderson would be denied bail in each case. The court was told four police officers met with Anderson on January 27 last year - just over a fortnight before he killed Luke - to serve him with an intervention order, but did not know of the arrest warrants because of problems with the police database. Those problems have since been fixed.

The inquest was told Ms Batty passed on Anderson's phone number and address to police in the days before the murder, but police did not arrest him in time. Police defended the delay at the inquest, when a detective investigating the child pornography case said he did not want to make it obvious to Anderson who had passed on his details.

Ms Batty said she contemplated calling police when she saw Anderson at cricket practice, knowing his presence was breaching an intervention order. But she decided against doing so because she did not want to embarrass her son, and she had been traumatised by previous attempts to have police arrest Anderson at the oval.

She told the inquest she was fearful from Anderson for her own safety, but believed he would never harm their son.

The inquest heard a psychologist warned Ms Batty that Luke risked being harmed by his father, while her GP also reminded her that men could snap and cited the tragic cases of the Farquharson children and Darcey Freeman, who were all killed by their fathers. Ms Batty, the current Australian of the Year, is scheduled to address the media on Monday afternoon.

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