

This was published 5 years ago

'It was always going to come out': Iddles expected informer scandal

By Simone Fox Koob and Sumeyya Ilanbey & Adam Cooper

Respected former homicide detective Ron Iddles says a group of senior policemen should be "held to account" for allowing a gangland lawyer to become an informer.

Mr Iddles, who is the government's Community Safety Trustee, said he first heard about Informer 3838 when he was attached to the Briars Taskforce in about 2009, telling 3AW radio on Monday it was inevitable the matter would eventually become public knowledge.

Former detective Ron Iddles.

Former detective Ron Iddles.Credit: Simon Schluter

"It was always going to come out I think and be a mess," said Mr Iddles, the former head of the police union.

On Monday, Premier Daniel Andrews announced that a royal commission would be held into Victoria Police’s mismanagement of several high-profile gangland investigations after it was revealed that a female criminal barrister operated as registered informer from 2005 to 2009.


Mr Iddles said he raised concerns about the use of Informer 3838 after he was asked by former chief commissioner Simon Overland to take a statement from the lawyer in relation to the matters being investigated by the Briars Taskforce, which was looking into the murder of drug dealer Shane Chartres-Abbott.

He took the statement but never got it signed.

"On return to Victoria I had a further conversation with senior police, including a superintendent, and I said, 'you don't get this. I can tell you now, this will cause a royal commission'," he said.

"I couldn't get that they didn't understand the ramifications of deploying and employing and registering a solicitor."


Mr Iddles said the application to register the lawyer would have been decided on by a committee of senior police.

"We were taught to give yourself the source test, every decision you make ask this, 'would the decision I make today withstand scrutiny, is it ethical, it is lawful and is it fair?' When you go to register a solicitor, the first two points fail straight off.

"So it's those senior members who need to be held to account.

"Somebody should have pulled it up."


Asked about what should happen next, Mr Iddles said the government had made the right decision in establishing a royal commission straight away.

"I do know there would have been 10 to 15 very senior police who knew what was happening. They walked past the behaviour but still accepted it.

"You can't make a compromise, as soon as you start to cut a corner, you cut another corner and you end up in the position we are now in."

"What concerns me and I've seen it historically is at times those senior police end up saying, 'I didn't know', and people who did the day-to-day job in the handling unit copped the blame.

"Many of the people who were handlers are looking forward to speaking publicly at a royal commission and saying what they knew."

Informer 3838 and the legal controversy surrounding her  dominated Tuesday's headlines.

Informer 3838 and the legal controversy surrounding her dominated Tuesday's headlines. Credit: Mark Stehle

'He's got to stand down': Ashton called to resign

Retired barrister Peter Faris QC, who has represented underworld figures including the late Carl Williams and Tony Mokbel, told ABC Radio National that he believed Police Commissioner Graham Ashton must step down.

"Absolutely [he should step down]... he was involved in this and he's got to stand down," Mr Faris said.


The former chairman of the National Crime Authority said that everyone was entitled to the due process of the law, which includes having confidence in their lawyer.

"It's absolutely unprecedented, as far as I can see, that a practising busy criminal lawyer is at the same time a registered police informer."

Informer 3838 may also be in danger, he added.

"The police... assessed it as being almost certain she will be killed unless she goes into witness protection which she has refused to do. The High Court has said it's up to her, if she refuses to go to witness protection... and if she won’t take her kids into witness protection then maybe the state will have to take them away from her."

Government backs Ashton

Despite calls for his resignation, government ministers have backed Mr Ashton.

Attorney-General Jill Hennessy, who took on the job as Attorney-General last week after she spent years as Health Minister, told ABC Melbourne radio on Tuesday Mr Ashton had the government's full support.

"Let me emphasise that the government feels very assured by the Chief Commissioner of Police, [that] the work that has been done implementing improvements to the way in which human sources are managed in Victoria Police," she said.

She also revealed some members of the judiciary, such as Supreme Court judges, could be exempt from giving evidence at the royal commission despite working as lawyers on underworld cases.

“There are certain exemptions that some of the judicial personnel have in regard to your ability to make people provide evidence,” Ms Hennessy said.

“Ultimately these are going to be the matters the commission are going to grapple with.

“I want the law to be applied and certain Supreme Court judges will have an exemption around what evidence they will not be required to provide.”

At a press conference on Tuesday, Police Minister Lisa Neville also expressed her confidence in Mr Ashton.

Police Minister Lisa Neville speaks to the media with Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews during a press conference announcing a Royal Commission in on Monday.

Police Minister Lisa Neville speaks to the media with Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews during a press conference announcing a Royal Commission in on Monday.Credit: Ellen Smith

"As I understand, Graham Ashton's involvement was not in any way part of managing this witness, this informer. In fact it was involved in a completely different matter," Ms Neville said.

"In addition to that it was actually Graham Ashton when he was in crime command that raised concerns and raised the alert in relation to these issues and initiated the first review which was the Neil Comrie review. So I have complete confidence in Graham Ashton."

"I think he's played a significant role in bringing this to light."

Ms Neville said the aspect of the scandal which concerned her the most was the possibility that convicted criminals could walk free.

"What really concerns me ... I understand they were extraordinary times, I was a member of parliament at the time, it was an extraordinary time, it was a gangland war, we've had TV shows about it. But at the same time, what really concerns me and why we've done this [royal commission] is we should not have any conduct that in any way leads to the risk of very dangerous criminals getting out," she said.

"That's why we are having a look at it. There are processes in place to protect the legal system to protect people's rights and people need to follow the rules, otherwise you risk what we've got right now and the possibility of action that leads to people getting release. We don't want to see that."

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