This was published 2 years ago
Heartbreak and hard work: The gruelling Maribyrnong clean-up begins
By Marta Pascual Juanola and Liam Mannix
A load of washing covered in mud hung on Lam Luong’s back porch on Saturday, the flood level clearly marked on the legs of a baby’s onesie.
The waters of the Maribyrnong River rose so quickly on Friday morning there was no time to bring in the washing before Luong had to bundle up her children and flee to higher ground.
Lam Luong’s husband, Hoang Nguyen, and father-in-law clean up their home on Oakland Street in Maribyrnong. Credit: Marta Pascual Juanola
On Saturday, Luong and her neighbours returned to their mud-filled Maribyrnong homes to begin the massive clean-up.
Piles of damaged household goods, furniture and clothes piled up on the footpaths along Oakland Street, one of the worst-affected streets.
Residents used brooms and rakes to clear their driveways and gardens of ankle-deep mud.
A total of 245 homes in the inner north-west suburb flooded on Friday, the State Emergency Service said, far exceeding the 60 initially predicted.
On Clyde Street, a car caught in the quick-rising tide sat abandoned at an intersection. Debris and mud had flooded in through the passenger window, leaving the vehicle covered in a layer of sludge.
Luong and her husband Hoang Nguyen tossing out ruined furniture on Saturday.Credit: Marta Pascual Juanola
Luong, a mother of five, was putting her family’s soiled belongings in plastic bags as her father-in-law carted cardboard boxes and rubbish away in a wheelbarrow. Ruined tables, chairs and clothes were piled up outside the front gate of their Oakland Street home.
“Cheap stuff, expensive stuff, it’s all the same,” she said. “It’s all the same colour. I hate brown from now on.”
Luong said the water had come up so quickly they hardly had time to prepare.
Authorities issued a watch and act alert for low-lying areas along the Maribyrnong River at 9pm on Thursday. By 2.30am on Friday the alert had been upgraded to a major flood warning as water levels continued to surge.
At 5am, Victoria’s State Emergency Services began doorknocking homes telling people to evacuate immediately. By then the water had reached most homes, including Luong’s.
A layer of silt and scattered personal belongings covered the floor of her two-storey home on Saturday. Mattresses sat atop tables, an attempt to protect them from the water.
The floodwater had come in with such force it lifted the fridge and left it on its back. Somehow, family photos stuck to the door were still intact.
Luong said her family had lost everything, including the food, clothes and the pram for her seven-month-old baby: “I need to buy everything and start all over again like I’ve just arrived to Australia.”
Inside Luong’s Oakland Street home after the flood. Credit: Marta Pascual Juanola
Down the street, Joe Fakhri had enlisted the help of his son and brother-in-law to clean up his family home. He estimated the flood had caused $600,000 worth of damage.
Water inundated their entertainment area on the ground floor, damaging an industrial-grade kitchen, an indoor pool, memorabilia and his son Christian’s work tools. Three of the family’s cars were submerged.
Fakhri and his family gathered upstairs, offering shelter to neighbours as the water surged on Friday. He said the SES had rescued a handful of people from the roof of his carport.
Many long-term locals said they had watched the river rise and fall several times over the years without flooding homes. They expected the same Friday morning, despite warnings to evacuate. That proved to be a mistake.
Steve Rodger has lived in Oakland Street for 14 years, only a few blocks from the river.
“I’ve seen it five times now. [You think] ‘it’s not going to happen’.”
His partner, Ange, nodded. “It went so quickly, though.”
In a matter of minutes, Rodger found himself “in water that’s six feet deep, swimming my daughter’s clothes and nappies across the road”.
A crab on Chifley Drive in Maribyrnong.Credit: Scott McNaughton
Chifley Drive, which runs along the bends of the river, had been transformed from bitumen into a muddy wetland complete with scurrying red-shelled crabs on Saturday morning.
“They said it was moderate. And I thought, OK, moderate maybe halfway up the drive. But that’s not moderate,” said Peter Whelan, indicating the waterline halfway up his wall.
A BMW parked in the garage was completely submerged; Whelan estimated at least $120,000 worth of damage had been done.
Whelan’s house is one of about 80 significantly damaged by floodwaters, Maribyrnong Mayor Anthony Tran said.
Flemington Racecourse, meanwhile, remained largely dry, with floodwaters diverted by a flood wall built 15 years ago.
Tran said he did not know if the wall contributed to the flooding in his ward.
“I don’t know what their strategy was, and I’m sure it was to preserve the racecourse – and fair play to them,” he said.
“But the more land there is to absorb the water, the less water there is in the area.”
After making sure his family was safely on high ground, Rodger turned back and waded through his flooded house to a garage out the back to find a priceless memento, his dad’s $20 watch.
He found it, but the water was starting to pick furniture up off the ground.
“Next thing I was stuck in here with a f---ing fridge blocking the door.”
Out the front, the family’s four cars were destroyed. Ange sorted through possessions that had been turned over by the flood, finding a wardrobe destroyed but a suit jacket somehow completely dry.
Rodger, meanwhile, hunted for a bottle of Jack Daniel’s whiskey he knew he’d left down here before finding it smashed on the floor.
“They even took the Jack!” he yelled, as the liquid inside mingled with the floodwater.
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