

This was published 3 years ago

‘He loves it’: The 10-year-old boy beating lockdown blues

By Carolyn Webb

He can’t play football, go swimming, or even go to school. His much-loved family camping trips across Australia are but a distant memory because of COVID-19 restrictions.

The saying goes that a change is as good as a holiday, and so in the interests of general adventure, 10-year-old Aidan has been sleeping in his backyard.

Aidan sets up camp in the backyard.

Aidan sets up camp in the backyard.Credit: Eddie Jim

Every night since August 15, he has been catching Zs outside the family house in suburban Melbourne. And he’s pledged to continue until the current lockdown ends.

Not that Aidan is shivering out in the open rain and hail. He says his swag – a roomy tent, sleeping bag, foam mat and blanket – keeps him warm, and he has an overhead tarpaulin.

“It makes me feel like I’m camping, and it keeps my mind off lockdown.”


It’s usually quiet apart from the odd possum stomping on the roof of the house. “I don’t get scared,” he says. “I just go to sleep.”

Because of COVID-19 restrictions, the year 5 student’s swimming classes and junior football have been cancelled. Aidan has been doing schooling from home for large chunks of the year and isn’t due to go back to classes for a few more weeks.

His mother, Paula, says it has been “a big year for everyone”, with the “icing on the cake” being her retrenchment from her job last Thursday.


She says Aidan’s little project has been a welcome light moment. “In all the doom and gloom with the news, it’s something a bit uplifting.”

“It makes me feel like I’m camping, and it keeps my mind off lockdown.”


And Aidan is a seasoned camper. Since he was eight weeks old, the family has ventured all over Victoria and as far as outback Hay in NSW, Uluru and Birdsville.

For two weeks in September 2020, Aidan and his brother, Jack, slept in a caravan in the front yard of their house and had a ball, so the family suggested this year the pair camp in the backyard.

“We hadn’t been away in the [2021] July school holidays,” Paula says. “My father-in-law had passed away and we didn’t go on our regular camping holiday.

“We needed something to break up the monotony of lockdown, give them something different because they can’t go anywhere and do anything.”

But while Jack returned to his bedroom after the first two weeks, Aidan soldiered on.

“Aidan’s saying, ‘I’m never coming back inside,’ ” says Paula. “We’ve got the tarp up, which keeps the rain off. And he loves the cold, so there were no dramas in that sense. I think it’s something he’s doing to keep his mind off lockdown.”

She says Aidan has never caved in and slept in his room. “It’s been every night outside. He loves it.” Paula says, when they hear about it, “people say, ‘Really? He sleeps outside, on his own?’


“But we’ve been to such remote places, this is nothing. And in the swag, he’s quite warm. “People go, ‘What does he do? He can’t watch TV’ and I say, ‘My kids have never watched TV when they’re in bed so it’s no different.’ ”

Aidan may read a book by torchlight “but usually he hops into bed and goes to sleep”.

Paula says sleeping outside has given him confidence and some much-needed fun.

“What could be the harm? It’s a little adventure of his own that he can always remember ... ”

Aidan says: “I thought it was a good idea because I just like sleeping outside.”

He would recommend it to other kids. “It’s a fun thing to do. You don’t have to keep sleeping inside over and over,” he says. “You can sleep somewhere different for once.”

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