

This was published 4 years ago

From the Archives, 1973: City's sewerage pours into Port Phillip Bay

By Michael Gordon and Ron Holdsworth

First published in The Age on May 11, 1973

Sewage is pouring into bay: Board

Every river and creek in Melbourne is pouring sewage into Port Phillip Bay, the chief engineer of the Board of Works (Mr. A. G. Robertson) said last night.

Port Phillip Bay.

Port Phillip Bay.Credit: The Age Archives

He said 400,000 people in 97,000 unsewered homes were pouring effluent and sullage into the Yarra, the Maribyrnong and two major creeks, Darebin and Kananook.

“But nothing can be done about this until the south-eastern sewerage system and the Carrum treatment plant are completed,” he said.

“It is the high degree of pollution which we are concerned about,” he said.

Mr. Robertson said the Carrum treatment plant was already nearly 12 months behind schedule because of wild-cat stoppages, union demarcation disputes and off-site strikes.

He said the first properties were due to be connected to the new system this June. “Now we do not expect to be open until at least April next year,” he said.

“Each week of delay is costing the community $200,000.


“Melbourne’s main watercourse, the Yarra, cannot be fully sewered until this south-eastern system is completed.

“The whole community must realise that now is the time to stop talking about pollution and get down to the solid work of preventing it.”

All of Melbourne’s sewage now flows to the 80-year-old Werribee sewage farm. The new $182 million system is designed to serve the present and future needs of the rapidly expanding eastern suburbs.

Mr Robertson said most unsewered properties were out in the newer eastern suburbs.

$62 million

Extension of sewerage up the Dandenong Creek Valley and the cleaning up of the “highly polluted Dandenong Creek” were high priority tasks.

“Our biggest problem at present is shortage of funds. We are trying to work towards the State Government deadline of 1980 to have the whole of Melbourne sewered,” he said.

“The Federal Government has indicated it will provide some funds. The board can effectively spend another 20 percent next year in addition to the $62 million we are spending on sewerage this year.

“I am not paying out on any union, or blaming them, but the community must realise that everybody must pull together to overcome the pollution problems.”

The chairman of the Board of Works (Mr. Croxford) said yesterday he deplored the strike holding up the completion of the work.

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