

This was published 4 years ago

From the Archives, 1970: 70,000 anti-Vietnam War protesters swarm Melbourne

By Max Beattie and Staff Wrtiers

First published in The Age on May 8, 1970

70,000 marchers take over city

Big M-day sit-down for peace

Seventy thousand citizens took to Melbourne streets yesterday, shouting, "Peace", "Stop the war!"

A dramatic view of the mass anti-war protest in Bourke Street, Melbourne.

A dramatic view of the mass anti-war protest in Bourke Street, Melbourne.Credit: The Age Archives

A thousand police, many armed with pistols and shotguns waited. But hardly a punch was thrown.

The riots did not happen. The city's Vietnam moratorium was peaceful.

White-helmeted police watched impassively as the march — massive, colorful, peaceful — flooded central Melbourne in autumn sunshine like a tidal wave.

The moratorium leader, Dr. Jim Cairns, exultantly claimed that 100,000 people were in Bourke Street for the 12-minute sit-down.

"Nobody thought this could be done," he cried, on top of a car in the middle of the street. "But it has been done."


Around him sat a sea of people stretching from Queen Street to Spring Street.

All sorts of people. Students with Red Indian headbands; tough-looking wharfies; middle-aged men in business suits; mini-skirted girls; workers in construction helmets. But the young predominated.

Join us, they shout

Tens of thousands marched in quiet protest in other State capitals.

Sydney had only seven arrests in a demonstration by 20,000 people.

Protesters sit down outside Myer on Bourke Street.

Protesters sit down outside Myer on Bourke Street.Credit: The Age Archives

In Melbourne some young mothers carried babies on their backs, "papoose" fashion.

There were flags and banners. And placards of all sizes — crude and elaborate, idealistic and gory, obscene.

There were Viet Cong flags — carried mainly by members of the Monash Labor Club, who chanted "Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh . . ." "Join us, join us," the marchers shouted to shoppers and the pavement bystanders.

There was drama but little violence. The Victorian Civil Ambulance Service made four extra ambulances available. None was needed.

A dozen policemen guarded the U.S. Consulate all day and into the night. The marchers stayed away.

The most dangerous incident occurred when three youths fought over a Monash Labor Club banner on a Town Hall parapet.

Two press photographers were punched in a scuffle.

Bolte cool

Claiming a triumph for Melbourne's part in the nation - wide moratorium, Dr. Cairns said: "The will of the people is being ex-pressed here today as it has never been expressed in our lifetime."

Crowds gather at the Treasury Building before marching down Bourke Street.

Crowds gather at the Treasury Building before marching down Bourke Street.Credit: The Age Archives

But Sir Henry Bolte estimated that only 20,000 to 30,000 marched, adding: "They were all of the one ilk."

The ACTU president (Mr. Bob Hawke) last night described the moratorium rally and march as "the most significant public participation In a political event."

Government backbencher, Mr. John Jess, said: "I thought it was well conducted."

The Federal Leader of the DLP (Senator F. McManus) said the moratorium had won a victory — a right to take over a city.

"This is setting a very dangerous precedent," he said. "Now anyone with a grouch can take over Bourke Street."

Many of Bourke Street's stores closed their doors as the marchers filled the street.

In Coles' Bourke Street store, shoppers were locked in when the management closed the doors as the demonstration approached.

As the crowd overflowed the tiny city square a march marshal — one of 400 —called for three cheers for the police.

Sheepish grins appeared on the faces of many grim-looking constables as the crowd roared its approval.


The police just looked and smiled

An angelic-looking blonde carefully pointed a placard at half a dozen police-men outside the Town Hall.

It read: "Fighting for peace is like . . . for chastity".

The police smiled —just a little — and otherwise ignored her. Another time, perhaps, the blonde would have found herself in the City Watch House.

But this was a special day. A few yards away something nastier was happening.

A long-haired youth wearing a studded leather armband climbed on to a Town Hall ledge and pulled away a big red Monash Labor Club banner. A Monash demonstrator climbed on to the ledge and scuffled with the youth, but came down when the crowd began chanting "peace, peace . .."

A second demonstrator, hanging from the ledge, shouted obscenities and shook his fist at the intruder —who stamped on his fingers.

One young man was arrested — but not the one who grabbed the banner. He slipped away. Retrieved, the big red banner was put back in place.

Nearby in Swanston Street a weirdly-garbed theatre group — La Mama — was miming and screeching the horrors of war and death. The crowd applauded.


A young girl offered sweets from a paper bag to the police. They were a little dubious about accepting. "You can't be sure what's in them," one sergeant said half-jokingly.

In Bourke Street, one of the few unsympathetic protestors, an elderly woman, held aloft a crude hand-drawn poster showing Australia being bombed fiercely by arrows from the north.

"1942-45 and all that —God Bless America," it read.

At the City Square, several agile demonstrators hung flags—including a Viet Cong flag—high up on light poles. A dummy soldier was strung up on one.

One ingenious youth, more than 40 ft. from the ground, found there was nothing on the pole to tie his flag.

He used his shoelace.

A young Hampton mother, Mrs. Pam Ophel, carried her baby boy, Cassin, five months, on her hack in a Red Indian-style harness. "I'm standing up to be counted," she explained.

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