

This was published 6 months ago

Freemason halls brought members together, now they’re tearing the organisation apart

Freemason halls have for decades occupied prime locations in communities around Victoria, now a multimillion-dollar battle over their future has exposed deep ruptures in the secretive order.

By Charlotte Grieve


The brethren of Victoria’s oldest fraternity have become used to unsettling messages from Grand Lodge, but this pre-Christmas missive shocked even the most loyal freemasons.

Thirteen brothers had been expelled – a severe punishment ordinarily reserved for those guilty of violent crimes or infidelity – and among them were senior masons, a former grand master and others who had dedicated their lives to the brotherhood.

“To get expelled you had to do something really bad,” says one serving mason. “To have 13 in one go, I’ve never heard of it before.”

The official reason for the intervention was association with a “spurious lodge” after failed attempts at reconciliation. “A motion for expulsion is a regrettable step, but one which is both necessary and important,” the message to freemasons said.

The edict was a dramatic escalation of a years-long battle over the future of Freemasons Victoria, an organisation that values tradition, hierarchy and loyalty.

The Age has interviewed 31 current and former freemasons, some of whom are breaking masonic rules to speak publicly for the first time, and obtained a cache of internal documents and recordings that provide a rare window inside the secret society.

This investigation can reveal the historic organisation is in crisis as factions wrestle for control amid allegations of financial mismanagement, nepotism and bullying.


“They can do what they like with impunity,” claims Barry Minster, a senior freemason who was among the expelled cohort. “That’s where it’s very disappointing and frustrating. They need to be held to account.”

Barry Minster was a senior freemason but was expelled late last year.

Barry Minster was a senior freemason but was expelled late last year. Credit: Eddie Jim

The conflict is against a backdrop of decline. Freemasons Victoria’s membership has been in freefall since peaking above 110,000 in the 1980s, and stands at fewer than 7000 today.

Reduced membership fees have caused financial strain for the organisation and fuelled a sell-off across its substantial property portfolio – mostly meeting halls scattered through suburban and small-town main streets.

The strategy has triggered a bitter dispute about the ownership of Masonic properties.

The stoush between the organisation’s leadership and internal factions involves claims and counter-claims of bullying, but centres on historic agreements and conflicting interpretations of Freemasons Victoria’s constitution, a 200-page document first drafted in 1890.

“It’s asset rich, membership poor,” Minster says. “They’ve turned from a charity provider to property developer.”


One of those pushing back is Barry Hodder. He uses the title of worshipful master for Pakenham Masonic Lodge but is currently suspended by Freemasons Victoria (FMV). However, his lodge is owned by an independent association, which he says is entirely separate from Freemasons Victoria.

Barry Hodder has fought to stop the sale of the Freemasons lodge in Pakenham.

Barry Hodder has fought to stop the sale of the Freemasons lodge in Pakenham.Credit: Simon Schluter

Hodder claims that Freemasons Victoria is not entitled to sell Masonic centres as the properties belong to members, not Grand Lodge, and has spent more than $60,000 on legal costs causing him to suspend the lodge’s charitable projects.

“Talking publicly goes against Masonic teachings,” Hodder says. “But it’s come to this.”

Freemason Victoria’s grand master Anthony Bucca strongly rejects Hodder’s claims. “The association is not in control of the lodge. I’m in control of the lodge as grand master,” he said.

Bucca claims Hodder has spread misinformation online, and was suspended after he failed to produce books and records for the lodge.

“He called us spineless and dirty individuals that do not represent the true ethics of Freemasonry,” Bucca says. “Well I’ve been a Freemason for 44 years and I’ve done a lot of work for this organisation over those years.”


Infighting has plagued Freemasons Victoria for years, tracing back a decade to the redevelopment of its East Melbourne headquarters – the Dallas Brooks Centre.

What is Freemasonry?

The history of Freemasonry is contested – but the first written record of masonic meetings dates back to sixteenth century Europe where stonemasons sacrificed formal education to build the great architectural structures of the time.

Private meetings were organised by unions to teach stonemasons a moral code – free from religion and class – that encouraged charitable giving and fostered a sense of community.

At that time, stonemasons were largely illiterate so a suite of secret rituals and handshakes were developed to communicate rank and history within the organisation.

Over the centuries, the movement has grown in size and influence to become one of the largest all-male clubs in the world, with membership including the upper echelons of power and influence.

At its peak in Australia, the fraternity counted notable figures such as Donald Bradman and Robert Menzies, alongside lawyers, public officials, police officers and politicians from all levels of government.

Named after Victoria’s longest-serving governor and notable Freemason Dallas Brooks, the site had long been used for rituals, charity events and meetings.

Structural defects prompted redevelopment and, after considering proposals from five development consortiums, the leadership struck a deal with Mirvac in 2012 for a complex featuring luxury apartments, retail space and a small Masonic centre.

The deal terms were “confidential”, according to FMV meeting minutes, and discussion among rank-and-file members was limited.

The project was a commercial success – netting $60 million profits for both Freemasons Victoria and Mirvac – but there was scepticism in rank-and-file membership over transparency and engagement.


Before the property went to market, Mirvac employees and Freemason members were offered an opportunity to buy off the plan.

Minster was among those who took advantage of the deal. In 2016, he attended a cocktail party in a glass display home hosted by Mirvac on the grass outside the old Dallas Brooks Hall and paid $1.4 million for an apartment. He still lives there, but says others flipped the units for a profit.

“Many have sold the units. One sold before construction was finished,” Minster says. “There’s nothing legally wrong with that, but it created a perception that some people got special treatment.”

Property titles show at least three other Freemason members retain ownership of apartments, including former grand master Bob Jones and senior mason Peter Shellie, who has overseen the organisation’s wider property developments.

Freemasons grand master Bob Jones in 2017.

Freemasons grand master Bob Jones in 2017.Credit: Wayne Taylor

While some current Freemasons said they had no idea of the early offer, Bucca says the early access deal was available to the entire membership and provided documentation detailing the public offer.


“Everyone is free to buy whatever property they want if they’ve got the money. It’s an investment for some, it’s their residence,” Bucca says. “The entire transaction was scrutinised by the [board], by auditors. There’s been a full debrief.”

Disharmony grew though as Freemasons Victoria turned more of its ageing Masonic centres into luxury apartments.

Centres in Kew East and Box Hill were redeveloped by Little Group under former grand master Bob Jones, who has a longstanding friendship with founder and chairman Paul Little – formed over a mutual love of fast cars.

“I raced his car at Bathurst,” says Jones. “We were friends in the ’80s. Our friendship is a matter of public record.”

Little Group was one of several developers engaged by Freemasons Victoria and Jones says any conflicts were properly disclosed and managed. “I’m very aware of directors’ duties. It’s all been totally open.”

This investigation, though, has obtained hundreds of documents detailing allegations by Freemasons of nepotism, bullying and financial mismanagement within the organisation.

Some were reported to the Fair Work Commission others to Victoria Police, while others still were handled by Freemasons Victoria’s internal complaints process. Bucca dismissed all allegations as “rubbish” and raised by people with “axes to grind”.

“I have no doubt that ... previous grand masters, my predecessors, were men of the utmost integrity,” Bucca says.

Freemasons Victoria sought to deal with the turmoil by enlisting The Ethics Centre in August 2020 to conduct an independent review of culture and governance.

After interviews with 22 people over two months, the centre concluded that significant change was needed.

Its report found: “Recently, the Grand Lodge of FMV has not been a happy place. There has been – and remains – disharmony, distrust, blame and allegations of poor behaviour between senior members of the organisation.”

The leadership seized on a key recommendation from the report – to “dis-establish” the Board of General Purposes, the entity responsible for making key strategic decisions.

Graeme Wallace was a senior member of Freemasons Victoria who was also recently expelled and has many concerns about the governance of the organisation.

Graeme Wallace was a senior member of Freemasons Victoria who was also recently expelled and has many concerns about the governance of the organisation.Credit: Wayne Taylor

A former member of that board, Graeme Wallace, claims the board was given an ultimatum to dissolve itself or risk the grand master of the time vetoing all decisions it made.

Wallace voted against a motion to dissolve the board, never resigned and fought against efforts to sack the board.

“No one has the power to sack the board. It would be like someone sacking the government of Australia and putting a dictator in. That’s what it amounts to,” says Wallace, who was elected on a four year term.

He wrote a letter outlining these concerns to Freemasons Victoria’s leadership, and claims this led to him being suspended for making an “unsolicited approach” and he was later forced out of the organisation entirely.

Enraged, he retained Melbourne barrister Chris Young, KC, and constitutional expert Dr Nicholas Petrie to examine the board dissolution.

Their report, obtained by this investigation, found dissolving the board was unconstitutional.

Bucca says FMV’s legal advice says otherwise.

“I won’t say too much about Mr Wallace other than he’s a suspended member,” Bucca says. “He chose to commission an opinion from a senior barrister. And we chose to commission opinions from a senior barrister as well. Both of them were Queen’s Counsel at the time. The opinions were vastly different.”

‘Absolute disaster’

This distrust with leadership is feeding into the current dispute over property.

In December, Freemasons Victoria sent an email to members outlining plans to reduce the number of Masonic centres – in particular targeting lodges with low membership attendance.

“Most of the changes will affect districts and lodges in Victorian regional and rural areas,” the letter said. The “action report” will be released in March, members were told, fuelling a groundswell of concern among rank-and-file members.

Don Paterson resigned over his concerns about administration at the Freemasons.

Don Paterson resigned over his concerns about administration at the Freemasons.Credit: Justin McManus

“It’s an absolute disaster,” says 91-year-old Don Paterson, who was a freemason for 40 years and believes there is insufficient focus on increasing numbers.

Paterson, a military veteran whose four sons were also masons until recently, says Freemasons Victoria has gradually changed its business model to run the organisation centrally rather than at the individual lodge level.

“I’m concerned that, in my opinion, they seem to be selling property to sustain the operational budget.”

Bucca says 190 membership applications are currently being assessed and there are plans for growth but conceded properties will be sold to sustain the financial viability of the organisation.

“Nothing has been decided at this stage,” Bucca said. “There’s probably two or three that currently will be on the market very shortly. We’re certainly not going to flag what’s on the market and give people a free kick.”

Hodder, who also chairs the Pakenham Masonic Association, says centres were historically bought by members who pooled funds and the Masonic property portfolio included a patchwork of individual trustees.

In the 1980s, Freemasons Victoria sought to reduce insurance premiums for lodges by creating Temple Custodian Company Limited, and encouraging all lodges to transfer titles under the one name.

Hodder says most lodges agreed to transfer titles to Temple Custodian Company Limited on the understanding that true ownership remained with members, and the title could be transferred back at any time.

This is supported by a 1998 document, seen by The Age, that says: “The transfer of the property into the name of the [Temple Custodian Company] does not, in any way, affect the beneficial ownership of the property, which remains with the Owner Lodge or Owner Lodges.”

Property titles show more than 110 masonic centres are now owned by Temple Custodian Company Limited. Hodder says he has been “blacklisted” for teaching lodges how to reclaim titles and reduce land tax through registering as an association.

“It’s a win-win,” he says. “But they don’t see it that way. They have a big strategy to sell off everything. Grand Lodge wants the title so they can stay afloat.”

Hodder is prepared to take the matter to court if Grand Lodge does not back down. “I’ve already been suspended. Might as well go out on a bang,” he says. “It’s a boys club and it has to be exposed as one.”

The outcome of Hodder’s dispute will be pivotal to other Masonic centres, such as the Mount Waverley Masonic Centre, which has been managed by an independent association since 1964.

One Freemason who attends Mount Waverley said the lodge could not afford its land tax bill and was exploring options to develop or sell – when it was discovered Freemasons Victoria had placed a caveat on the property.

“They did that without our consent,” he said. “There’s been some terrible dealings. You’d think we were dealing with a foreign company. But they’re our own people.”

The lodge engaged lawyers to have the caveat removed. “I don’t want Freemasons Victoria getting involved,” he said. “They can just see a big dollar sign. They want a quick buck – get it, sell it, move on.”

While Hodder will soon be expelled and has “nothing to lose” by speaking publicly, others remain silent due to fear of retaliation.

A Freemason of more than 40 years, Kent Henderson, told members he was “marked out for execution” after raising concerns about financial mismanagement turned into an internal complaint against him.

“I was tried, and found guilty, effectively by a kangaroo court. This ‘court’ was concerned only with political motives and mob rule with not a semblance of justice existing,” he claims in an open letter to other members from mid-2021. “Ordinary members have no say.”

Another Freemason, Mark Reynolds, was threatened with a defamation lawsuit after posting his concerns on social media. He launched a GoFundMe page in 2022 claiming he spent his savings on legal advice to respond to the complaint.

“I am now in the desperate position of having to live pay cheque to pay cheque just to provide for my needs and those of my family,” Reynolds wrote on the GoFundMe page.

“I joined an organisation that prided itself on values like integrity, equality, truth, justice, mercy, compassion, and brotherly love; and my experience fell very much short of this expectation.”

Reynolds deleted the original social media post and issued an apology, but Freemasons Victoria pursued a financial settlement.

“Unfortunately, this sincere attempt to make amends has not satisfied these men,” he wrote. “I beg you, brethren — please help me.”

Reynolds declined to comment when contacted. Bucca said Reynolds’ settlement was confidential, but claimed it was a small sum and given to charity. In any event, Bucca defended the organisation’s right to defend their reputations.

“If people want to break the laws of the land, or they’ve got to expect consequences of all their actions,” Bucca said.

Consultant Stephen Duns was enlisted by Freemasons Victoria to implement a “change management” program across the organisation following The Ethics Centre’s report.

“Boy do they need it,” Duns says. “In the end, it was a bit pointless because they didn’t take any of my advice.”

Stephen Duns was employed by the Freemasons as a consultant and found worrying issues.

Stephen Duns was employed by the Freemasons as a consultant and found worrying issues.Credit: Darrian Traynor

He believes the complaints process is unfair. “It was a systematic exercise in removing all the people who were likely to call [out] bad behaviours,” he alleges.

Bucca says the organisation has vastly improved under his leadership and efforts to assert ownership over masonic properties are for the greater good.

“We’re doing what needs to be done to protect the interests of the wider organisation. There’s no financial benefit to me, or anyone else. We’re protecting our assets for the future for all Freemasons,” Bucca says.

Bucca dismisses claims that the 13 masons were expelled for raising concerns and says their departure was a democratic process, voted on by members.


This masthead has obtained the voting record, which confirms approvals for expulsion ranged from 79 to 85 per cent for each mason – yet less than 500 members (under 10 per cent of total membership) cast votes.

Freemasons Victoria’s rule book prevents members from “electioneering” or seeking to persuade members how to vote.

An attendee at one longstanding member’s complaints committee hearing confirmed he was ousted for breaching this rule when advocating against the dissolution of the board of general purposes. The mason’s representative criticised what he saw as a lack of “natural justice” at the hearing.

In February, after this investigation began, Bucca sent an email to all Freemasons warning them not to speak publicly.

“The Grand Master is the only person authorised to make media comment on behalf of Freemasons Victoria,” Bucca wrote. “If approached by the media, Brethren should explain that our members are not authorised to make any comment. A firm ‘no comment’ should be given to all questions.”

Lutruwita man Russell Summers in Swan Hill.

Lutruwita man Russell Summers in Swan Hill.Credit: Paul Rovere

Many of the expelled masons resigned before the expulsion notice was published. That includes Russell Summers from Swan Hill, who sought to resign in 2021, partly due to what he describes as the heavy-handed style of the current leadership.

Summers is now part of the “rebel” masons who have joined the “spurious” Grand Lodge of Queensland – which Bucca says is not recognised by mainstream freemasonry.

“We have several people joining who are disenfranchised,” Summers says. “We’re returning back to what Freemasons was – more educational, focused on mentoring.

“Whereas it would appear that FMV was potentially more interested in what some might refer to as revolving door Freemasonry.”

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