

This was published 5 years ago

Forget being tough on crime. It's time we were smart on crime.

By John Silvester

Being culturally diverse is a good thing. Embracing every hare-brained trend because you saw it on Facebook is not.

The American invention of the Potato Gem was a wonderful thing.

The American invention of the Potato Gem was a wonderful thing.Credit: Fairfax

For example, the Cantonese delicacy Peking duck is a good thing. And while the American invention of the Potato Gem is also a good thing, the Scottish culinary initiative of deep-frying a Mars Bar is clearly not.

Wearing a freshly laundered pair of jeans while attending a wine tasting on the weekend is a good thing. Wearing a dirty pair without a belt exposing the top of your bottom while drinking shots in King Street is not.

(It is an object of constant bewilderment that private schoolboys whose last interaction with an angry man was dad’s Uber driver on Prom night think it is cool to fashion themselves on black gang members from American ghettos.)

Certainly we are following, without apparent serious debate, the US model of declaring war on crime, recruiting more police, building more prisons, introducing mandatory jail terms and toughening parole conditions.

After all they are nuts over there, everyone carries a gun and you are always just a dirty look away from a bullet fired by some deranged mass shooter. Except in the US the crime rate is actually dropping and has for years. While their gun laws are by any definition indefensible to anyone with an IQ higher than a sea urchin they have actually slowly turned a corner.

US prisons have changed since the days of <i>Cool Hand Luke</i>.

US prisons have changed since the days of Cool Hand Luke.

And the rate at which Americans put fellow Americans in prison has also slowed, peaking at 2.3 million in 2008. According to the US's Brennan Centre for Justice, 34 states have been able to reduce both their imprisonment and crime rates between 2007 and 2017.

They are still number one in the world for locking up their own, with a rate of 655 inmates per 100,000 of the population. Australia ranks 92nd with a rate of 172 per 100,000.


Donald Trump has been accused of many things but being soft on crime is not one of them. Yet he is the President who signed the First Step Act – a piece of legislation that tries to take some steps to reform inmates as well as punish them. In his State of the Nation address earlier this year he said: “This legislation reformed sentencing laws that have wrongly and disproportionately harmed the African-American community. The First Step Act gives non-violent offenders the chance to re-enter society as productive, law-abiding citizens.”

US President Donald Trump is actually trying to keep his citizens out of jail.

US President Donald Trump is actually trying to keep his citizens out of jail. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The law aims to improve conditions in prison, relax mandatory sentencing restrictions and offer early-release incentives to prisoners. It is hard to believe but the US crime rate has dropped to 1960s levels.

Crime in America peaked in 1991 – 28 years ago – but for many years the prison industry continued to grow. In 1994 president Bill Clinton signed the wide-ranging Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, part of his "tough on crime" agenda. The act funded 100,000 extra police and provided $US10 billion ($14.9 billion) to build prisons.

In Victoria we appear to be committed to replicating Clinton's approach of getting more offenders behind bars and there is little doubt the politicians are delivering exactly what the public wants. But is it smart?

In Victoria prison numbers are at a record high of around 8000 and projected to reach 11,000 in 2023. The annual cost of running the state's prisons is now more than $1.6 billion, triple the outlay in 2009-10.

Since 2008 prison numbers have jumped by more than 80 per cent. In the US they actually have 100,000 fewer people behind bars than they did then - which, given the growth of the US population as a whole, is an effective drop of 15 per cent.

Both sides of Victorian politics privately say the growth rate is not sustainable but neither wants to raise the issue and risk appearing to be soft on crime.

Adam Gelb is the president and CEO of the US Council on Criminal Justice and spends his time developing crime strategies based on data, not rhetoric. In the 1980s Adam was a crime reporter for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution during the war on drugs, and since has been a congressional aide and a government policy adviser on crime.

US crime expert Adam Gelb.

US crime expert Adam Gelb.

He says the crime rate in the US has dropped for a number of reasons that include more police using smarter methods, increased jailing in the 1990s that removed many dangerous offenders from the street and the crack epidemic subsiding.

He adds there are non-enforcement reasons that include better security technology, preference for credit cards meaning we carry less cash and even the tendency to work from home resulting in less vacant houses that are easy burglary targets.

While in Victoria both sides of politics agree there is a need for more prisons, in the US there is a bipartisan consensus that there should be fewer.

“We know so much more than 40 years ago, when prisons were the weapons of choice,” Gelb says.
Change, he says, can be frustratingly slow but “the ship is turning”.

“It is remarkable that the crime issue that was once so divisive has now reached agreement. Republicans and Democrats agree – they don’t go down the same road but have reached the same destination. The justice system has become way too big and unfair. We need a smaller justice system that concentrates on the people that are a danger to public safety.”

There was no light-bulb moment - rather a series of recessions in the 2000s which meant governments simply didn’t have the money to build more prisons.

It was in Texas in 2007 that the government moved to stop building jails and develop smarter policies to deal with low-level offenders. And it worked.

Their prison population was 150,000 with a projected increase of 17,700 over the next five years requiring three new prisons at a cost of $US530 million. After introducing a raft of reforms, prison numbers dropped by 3000 and Texas has been able to close three jails, saving $US2 billion. “We reached the point of diminishing returns,” says Gelb.

The question is, when will we?

Many US states pushed to improve parole and probation systems so offenders were not automatically returned to prison for a breach. Gelb says that at one point between 25 per cent and 60 per cent of inmates were those sent back to jail for breaching supervision orders.

“This has little to no impact [on crime rates] and makes it harder for people to get their lives back on track,” says Gelb. Yet in Victoria we have embraced the exact opposite approach, with a much tougher line on parole breaches.


There is little appetite for this discussion now, as we want more police and more jails, but it will come when we reach that point of diminishing returns. After all it costs more than $300 a day to keep an inmate in jail – meaning it is cheaper to keep them in a five-star hotel (with no access to the minibar or the free shampoos).

First we need to ditch the unhelpful binary of being "tough" or "soft" on crime. It is about being smart on crime. We all agree we want dangerous offenders locked up, minor offenders punished and potential offenders to understand there will consequences from committing crime. We all want to develop tactics that stop offenders reoffending and methods to stop crime escalating.

We want to feel safe and we would prefer to spend our tax dollars on hospitals and schools (or the Geelong football ground, apparently) than barbed-wire prisons.

One of these smart ways is for police to step in before crimes are committed. Echo taskforce detectives regularly meet with bikie bosses to de-escalate potentially deadly feuds.

There is nothing new in this - back in the early 1980s detectives would cruise into the bar at the Galaxy Nightclub that was an undeclared neutral space for serious cops and equally serious crooks. Over a beer police would often warn major gangsters they knew about proposed crimes and advise them to pull up. It is no exaggeration to say lives were saved over Crown Lagers.


(Then we would flow into the late show - usually an American crooner singing Sinatra while we ate a crumbed sausage supper.)

In Buffalo, New York, police are stepping in on turf wars, warning shooters and potential victims they are watching.

In Melbourne the Hume Crime Reduction Team was assigned a spate of aggravated burglaries and home invasions. The unit of one detective sergeant, five senior detectives and three general duties police did more than just lock up the young offenders.

In 2018 they arrested 405 offenders, cleared more than 2680 offences and recovered stolen property to the value of $950,000. More importantly they achieved a 32 per cent reduction in burglaries.

Part of the reason is many of the offenders were locked up but the reality is they soon get out and if left to their own devices usually go back to crime.

What police now know is their job doesn’t finish when the cell door is locked. They visit homes to check offenders are obeying bail and parole conditions. They identify gang leaders who initiate much of the crime and try to turn them around, knowing the others will follow. The week before a young offender is released, police will often visit the family home, providing tips to help stop the ex-prisoner reoffending.

Isn’t it time to look around for alternatives to just more jails?

Adam Gelb will be a keynote speaker at the International Criminal Justice Conference to be held at the MCG on November 21 and 22.

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