

This was published 14 years ago

Farquharson - the man behind the nightmare

Robert Farquharson has again been found guilty of murdering his three sons.

By Andrea Petrie

QUIET and humble in manner, short and plump in stature, Robert Farquharson is a man who seems innocuous and inoffensive.

With a worried expression like a little boy lost at his Supreme Court retrial for 11 weeks, the scale of his terrible crime - murdering his three sons - felt incomprehensible.

The events of Father's Day five years ago instantly made the then window cleaner from Winchelsea one of the most gossiped about men in Australia.

But after deliberating since Monday, a jury has found the 41-year-old guilty of murdering Jai, 10, Tyler, 7, and Bailey, 2.

Jai, 10, Bailey, 2, and Tyler Farquharson, 7.

Jai, 10, Bailey, 2, and Tyler Farquharson, 7.

September 4, 2005. Their mother, Cindy Gambino, had arranged for Farquharson, her ex-husband, to have an access visit outside normal custody terms so the boys could give him presents.

She stayed as Farquharson unwrapped his gifts - a framed photo of the boys and a set of saucepans - before leaving them about 3.10pm. She told Jai and Tyler she loved them and hugged Bailey who asked for a ''cuddle, Mum''. It was the last time she saw them alive.

Father and sons left in his 1989 Holden Commodore to Geelong, where he bought Jai a cricket ball and Tyler and Bailey a DVD each. They had KFC for dinner and, on the way home, stopped at Farquharson's sister's house.. He then ushered his sons into the car for the 20-kilometre trip back to their mother.

It was during this short journey that a nightmare occurred. The known facts are that after crossing a railway overpass about five kilometres outside Winchelsea, the car crossed to the wrong side of the Princes Highway. It continued along a grassy area, went down a slope, through a wire fence and narrowly avoided major contact with a tree before plunging into a large dam.


While Farquharson freed himself and swam to safety, the trapped kids sank with the car. When their bodies were recovered, their seatbelts were undone in a desperate attempt to survive. They met their terrifying deaths seven metres down.

Farquharson was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment over their murders in 2007 after a jury found he deliberately drove into the water in a carefully planned act of ultimate revenge against Ms Gambino for leaving him. But many questions remained unanswered.

So when the Court of Appeal quashed Farquharson's conviction last year and ordered a retrial, both the prosecution and defence saw the chance to present even stronger cases. Justice Lex Lasry afforded both sides the fairness the appeal judges found Farquharson had been denied.

The grieving grandparents, Bob and Beverley Gambino, were in court every day. They simply ''had'' to be there for their grandkids.

The dramatic difference this time was that Farquharson took the stand to tell his side. Standing with his hands clasped in front of him like an admonished schoolboy, he delivered answers in a calm and controlled tone.

But his story was littered with uncertainties and inconsistencies because he claimed he blacked out at the wheel from a coughing fit. He had spent time off work with a throat infection in the weeks before and was seen coughing profusely by workmates and others.

He told the jury he vaguely remembered driving over or approaching the railway bridge when a cough ''took hold''. He next recalled being woken by Jai shouting ''Dad, dad, dad'' as he tugged at his father's arm from the front passenger seat.

Farquharson said Jai had opened the door and water began pouring in. He reached over and closed the door and instructed the frightened boys not to panic. ''I will get you out,'' he assured them.

Darkness made it hard to know where the car had rested. Perhaps they were in a ditch or a drain, he thought. He got out to investigate and immediately sank underwater.

Farquharson insisted that he bobbed up and down several times as he desperately tried to get around the other side to free the boys. A faulty rear passenger door on the driver's side prevented him from opening it from where he was. Then he watched helplessly as the car was swallowed by the freezing water and disappeared.

He claimed that although he dived several times he was unable to find his sons. Screaming for help, he then swam for what felt like ''an eternity'' to the water's edge. Then he rushed to stop a passing motorist.

''I've just killed my kids,'' were among the first words he said to the two men who stopped. All he could think about was the boys' mother, he recalled, demanding that they take him so he could tell her. ''It's just something I had to do, I can't explain it,'' he said. ''She's the mother of my children and I wanted to tell her I had an accident.''

He refused the men's offer of a mobile phone to call police and told them there was no point in jumping into the dam. It was too late. They're ''already gone'', he said.

Farquharson admits he does not know why he behaved that way. He can't remember most of what happened. Nor does he know why he told the men the car must have done a wheel bearing.

Also inexplicable is why his story changed from a wheel bearing to a coughing fit to blacking out and a chest pain, when later speaking to Ms Gambino, police and paramedics at the scene.

''I'm trying to fill the gaps myself, to find out why this accident happened,'' he explained during intense cross-examination by prosecutor Andrew Tinney, SC, about the many holes in his ever-changing story. He was upset, in shock and traumatised, he explained. Nothing else could explain why his memory was so bad, why he fled the scene to go to his ex-wife's, why he had not helped try to find the car when he returned to the dam and why he provided varying accounts about the cause of the crash. His responses were so far-fetched, Mr Tinney dubbed them Farquharson's ''greatest hits''.

Some jurors rolled their eyes at Farquharson's seemingly hopeless memory or outlandish suggestions. Especially when he suggested that one of the children, before he died, might have turned off the car's ignition. ''I don't know,'' he said when asked who had done it.

Or why he turned off the headlights. Or why he could provide no rational explanation for why the car had left the road or changed direction three times before entering the water.

For a fleeting moment, though, Farquharson turned the teary, grieving father that defence barrister Peter Morrissey, SC, had portrayed him as, when asked about the Father's Day gifts he got from his sons. Then, he stood upright and in a calm and measured tone denied murdering them.

''A simple country bloke who has been stepped on by the world,'' Mr Morrissey deemed his client. An emotionally inarticulate, shy and retiring, compliant and placid man who above everything was a loving and dedicated father. He did not have the capacity to pretend to love his kids when in reality he had a bubbling hatred towards them, the court heard.

After days of questioning, a spent Farquharson returned to the dock.

A WARRNAMBOOL dairy farmer returning from a trip to Melbourne with her daughter and her friend, strengthened the prosecution case over Farquharson's driving before the car left the road. Dawn Waite said she was forced to slow down behind Farquharson's car before the railway bridge. Farquharson was travelling about 60km/h on the straight stretch of road and kept braking. Then his car began swerving and alternating speed and moving back and forth and even onto the wrong side of the road.

As she overtook him, the driver appeared ''preoccupied, looking at the right side but ahead of me'', she said. And he was not coughing.

Susan Hatty, a friend of Farquharson's, related a conversation she had with him in June 2005 that since his conviction had gnawed at her. She claimed Farquharson told her he was going to take the children from their mother. Farquharson just shrugged his shoulders when asked if he was ''going to go for custody''.

Many claimed to have witnessed Farquharson's resentment towards his ex-wife over their separation and her new relationship with Stephen Moules.

Greg King again implicated his long-time mate. The school bus driver detailed a chilling conversation with Farquharson outside a Winchelsea shop three months before the crash that helped first convict him.

It was eight months after their separation and Farquharson was blaming Ms Gambino for his life falling apart. He had complained he'd been left with the ''shit car'', was living at his father's house and paying child maintenance for the children, which was due to increase. ''Nobody does that to me and gets away with it,'' Mr King said Farquharson told him. He then vowed that he was ''going to pay her back big time''.

''I asked, 'What would you do? Would you take them away or something?' And he said: 'No.' He stared me in the eyes and said, 'Kill them,''' a visibly distressed Mr King told the jury.

''I said: 'That's bullshit, Robby. It's your own flesh and blood.' He said:

'So. I hate them.' I said: 'You'd go to jail.' He said: 'No, I'd kill myself before it gets to that.'

''And I asked him how and he said: 'It would be close by.' I said: 'What?' He said: 'An accident by the dam and I survive and the kids don't. It will be on a special day.'

''I asked him what day and he said something like Father's Day so everybody would remember it was Father's Day. 'I was the last one to have them for the last time.' And then I heard: 'And then every Father's Day she would suffer for the rest of her life.' ''

The defence tried to portray Mr King as an unreliable thug who got favourable treatment in court on an assault charge after a letter written by police explained his help in the murder case. Farquharson was adamant no threat had been made.

Evidence from Ms Gambino provided the biggest bombshell. No longer was she the supportive ex-wife and defence witness who had previously declared: ''I believe with all my heart that this was just an accident and that he would not have hurt the hair on their heads. I don't believe this is murder.'' This time she bristled with hatred as she glared at Farquharson in giving evidence, blaming him for her sons' murder.

''I hate him for what he's done to my life,'' she said, declaring she wanted him convicted of murder. She admitted she had changed parts of her story from the first trial. ''Of course I'm changing my evidence … I've had five years to think about this,'' she said. ''He killed my kids.''

The courtroom's heart seemed to break when Ms Gambino's frantic 000 call from the dam scene was played. Even though she had never heard it before, and despite being offered the opportunity to excuse herself, she wanted to stay.

She could be heard screaming: ''I need an ambulance and I need police … My husband's had an accident. We can't find the car.'' And she yelled ''I've gotta find my kids'' as she struggled to explain what had happened and where to send help.

It was horrific. Some jurors cried. It was so traumatic that Justice Lasry described Ms Gambino's evidence as the ''most harrowing'' he had heard.

In addition to her chilling stares, Ms Gambino crumpled a photo she was handed in cross-examination of her husband comforting her at their sons' funeral. When Mr Morrissey asked if Ms Gambino was involved in the desecration of her children's grave, she seethed: ''Oh, you disgust me.''

Ms Gambino added: ''That's my children's resting place. That's my children's headstone … I can't help it if my children's father's name was Robert Farquharson.''

When she saw headlights in the driveway on Father's Day, Ms Gambino told the jury she thought they signalled the safe return of her children. To her horror, it revealed her drenched ex-husband with the ghastly news.

She, Farquharson and Mr Moules' son Zac then sped to the dam. When Mr Moules arrived, he and others repeatedly dived into the icy water to try to find the boys.

She recalled Farquharson standing with his arms crossed like ''he'd lost his pushbike''. As Mr Moules said, Farquharson seemed more interested in getting a cigarette and stood like a ''boss would overseeing a project at work''.

Days were spent questioning medical experts about whether or not Farquharson had blacked out after a coughing fit, a condition most agreed was extremely rare.

The Alfred hospital's head of respiratory and sleep medicine, Professor Matthew Naughton, told the jury it was ''extremely unlikely'' that a person of Farquharson's age, weight, state of health, and in the circumstances he described as happening on the night the boys died, would lose consciousness after a coughing fit, known in the medical world as cough syncope.

But Dr Christopher Steinfort, the head of thoracic medicine at Geelong Hospital who saw Farquharson a year after the crash, described what Farquharson had experienced as a ''classical episode of cough syncope''. He acknowledged that his diagnosis was based on what Farquharson told him. He strongly denied suggestions that he was too quick to diagnose cough syncope in patients.

Clinical psychologist Rob Gordon testified that people had been known to do extraordinary things in the throes of a traumatic situation.

When the car disappeared and Farquharson was unable to find his children, it is likely that at that point he would have hit a wall of helplessness, Dr Gordon said.

Cough syncope sufferers also took to the stand to explain their experiences of the rare condition. Keith Carroll testified that he had lost consciousness several times in 2003 after coughing. Karen Carroll testified she had seen her husband shaking each time he had passed out and said he was ''really confused'' when he regained consciousness.

Farquharson - who suffered from a nasty cough during the trial which required a doctor's visit - had twice blacked out from coughing fits since his sons' deaths, the court heard.

Michael Eames, who was an inmate of Port Phillip Prison with Farquharson in 2009, testified that Farquharson appeared to lose consciousness after falling off a chair while coughing when they were working on a prison assembly line.

In a more recent episode, Farquharson's eldest sister, Carmen Ross, witnessed him coughing on June 11 before he fell to the floor.

Family members and a friends sat through most days of the hearing, while a group of disgruntled fathers who had been wronged by their former wives and partners over custody of their kids made their presence felt in the court's upstairs public gallery.

Probably the strongest witness to appear on Farquharson's behalf was his friend Michael Hart, whose evidence Mr Morrissey declared was ''fatal to the prosecution case''. The Farquharson he knew ''hasn't had an angry bone in his body'', Mr Hart said. ''He couldn't lie.''

A single parent himself, Mr Hart said he had counselled Farquharson about his feelings and emotions after his separation with Ms Gambino because he understood what he was going through. He testified that Farquharson had asked him to join him and the boys to Geelong on a trip the boys made it home from.

''It's almost an acquittal on its own,'' Mr Morrissey loudly told the court in a raised tone. ''There's no way even the most enthusiastic guilt-finder would be able to link that one into a plan to kill … because there was no plan to kill anyone.''

In his closing address, Mr Tinney said if Farquharson's action were not conscious, voluntary and deliberate, he must have had an incredible case of bad luck because his version of what happened that night was beyond belief.

''You can be unlucky, but could anyone be as unlucky as the accused would have to have been on 4 September, 2005, if he was not a murderer?,'' he asked.

''He lost consciousness as a result of a coughing fit, which on any view is a very unusual and rare thing to happen to any person,'' Mr Tinney said. ''He's told you on oath that's the first time it ever happened to him in his life. So that's pretty unlucky. Such an event would never occur even once in the lives of the vast majority of human beings and yet it happened to the accused so that's an unlucky sort of start.''

Mr Tinney said it was ''bad luck'' for Farquharson to have had this coughing fit and lost consciousness while he was driving his car with all three of his children with him along an open highway. And was also unlucky his foot did not come off the accelerator, or that he had left the Princes Highway at a dam.

''Not just any dam, of course. Not one of the many empty or half-empty dams common in Victoria in these days and those days of drought … but a dam that was full to the brim with water,'' he said. ''And not just any old dam, not a shallow, small, dam but a large deep dam, seven-metres deep. Stroke of bad luck, that.''

He said it was unlucky the car had left the road at perhaps the only place that would permit a relatively free passage from the roadway, and that it had happened at night, when no one else was around or could go to the aid of Farquharson or his children.

''Unluckily for him, members of the jury, on top of all of this, this shocking tragedy didn't happen on just any day, of all of the days of the year, it happened on Father's Day,'' he said.


''What a dreadfully, shockingly unbelievably unlucky man the accused was on that day if he was not a heartless murderer,'' said Mr Tinney, who submitted that no loving father would dream of leaving a car without securing the safety of his children first or at least nearly dying in the process.

Mr Tinney said after murdering the children, Farquharson had the ''delicious reward'' of telling his former wife about the deaths.

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