

This was published 2 years ago

Exxon has torched its credibility for state plan

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

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Gas cuts
I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at your front page headline “Energy giant warns over state plan to turn off gas” (22/3). There are a couple of reasons why we should end gas use. One is that it is a finite resource and will only ever become more expensive as supplies diminish. The other is that gas is methane, the second-largest contributor to anthropogenic global warming.

Anything ExxonMobil says should be treated with extreme scepticism. In July 1977, senior company scientist James F. Black bluntly warned Exxon executives that carbon dioxide released through the burning of fossil fuels would warm the planet and eventually endanger human life. The term “catastrophic climate change” was not coined recently by green groups, it was used by ExxonMobil in 1981, yet the company has spent countless millions of dollars on sowing the seeds of doubt about the accuracy and certainty of climate science. In a secret recording last year by Unearthed, a project affiliated with Greenpeace, an ExxonMobil lobbyist said, “Did we aggressively fight some of the science? Yes. Did we join some of these ‘shadow groups’ to work against some of the early efforts? Yes, that’s true. But there’s nothing illegal about that.“

In the US, ExxonMobil spends more on lobbying against action on climate change than any other organisation. ExxonMobil has burnt its credibility while the world burnt its products and the planet warmed. The shift from fossil fuels to abundant, cheap renewables cannot come soon enough.
Helen Moss, Croydon

Households pay for Victorian plan
The Andrews government moving to eliminate gas usage in Victorian households will have some shocking impacts on household budgets. With most homes having gas hot water services, various forms of gas heaters and gas stoves, replacing these with electrical equivalents will costs many thousands of dollars. Many purchased these appliances in recent years with the intention of using them for the typical service life of 15 to 20 years, and reductions in gas usage of 25 per cent in just three years and 50 per cent by 2030 will leave many out in the cold. And with investment in further supplies spooked by this plan, little wonder predictions of price rises and shortages as soon as 2023 are emerging.

Also, will there be sufficient extra electricity supply to replace this current gas usage, particularly in summer peak periods? Given the cost of living pressures already being felt by many Victorians, this plan is the last thing we all need right now.
Mathew Knight, Malvern East

Roadmap the right step
Who will gain the ear of the Victorian government? Will it be the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres (“Fossil fuels ‘madness’ in energy crisis, UN boss says”, The Age, 22/3)? Or will it be Exxon Australia’s commercial director David Berman? One can only hope that the Andrews government will prioritise the health of the planet over the commercial interests of a global energy corporation. Its Gas Substitution Roadmap is a step in the right direction. Let’s hope it stays the course.
Tom Knowles, Parkville

Emissions failures bring shame
Antonio Guterres’ speech at the energy and climate summit is not only timely but puts in perspective the catastrophic dangers to our planet, unless the world and in particular, the wealthy nations, eliminate our dependency on fossil fuels. To our shame he identifies Australia as being recalcitrant for not doing enough to reduce our emissions within a timely framework. The current situation in Ukraine has identified the fragility of global energy. This makes it more imperative to address the challenges of the climate crisis to avoid more severe tragedies of weather events that we are witnessing in many countries at present. Prime Minister Scott Morrison bringing a piece of coal into the Parliament was nothing but a theatrical stunt for which he should be ashamed.
Judith Morrison, Nunawading



A person is not an opinion
There have been stirring and sombre words spoken in recent days about the late senator Kimberley Kitching (“The lost lionesses of Labor”; 19/3), who was obviously a gracious yet passionate social advocate, willing to work across the political divide, for the sake of the greater good. This is indeed the true heart of public service, which ideally is carried out when necessary in a spirit of both conciliation and bipartisanship.
Unfortunately, in recent years our domestic politics has become more tribal and polemical. A number of notable members of Parliament seem unable to necessarily demarcate between the person and the opinion; thus, members on the opposite side of the chamber are viewed almost as sworn enemies, rather than ideological adversaries.
Ultimately, it is the country and the wider Australian populace that will suffer if noble people in the mould of Senator Kitching are not willing to serve in public life, if it is viewed that the political workplace is one of perpetual hostility if one isn’t willing to go for the jugular of fellow MPs who might share a different outlook for society.
We will be all the poorer if our national civic discourse is reduced to the lowest denominator.
Peter Waterhouse, Craigieburn

Investigate complaints
It is hard to see how accusations of bullying within political parties can be properly dealt with internally (“Bullying ‘best dealt with before formal complaint’”, The Age, 22/3). There are too many competing ambitions and conflicted loyalties inside political parties to expect any complaint to be treated in a truly objective way. Labor leader Anthony Albanese says “we can always do better” in relation to complaints of bullying. He could start that improvement by having a professional, completely independent body deal with bullying accusations.
Rod Wise, Surrey Hills

Uniting for change
Our adversaries are not necessarily our enemies, we are wisely reminded by both the new South Australia Premier and Peter Hartcher (“Putin’s war invigorates the West”, 22/3). So much of our success in facing our current global challenges – authoritarian aggression, disease pandemics and climate change – will depend upon our ability to readily distinguish between our traditional rivals and emerging existential threats. We must be as ready to unite as we have been to fight.
Ben Moore, Northcote

Phonics not the answer
Tina Daniel suggests the implementation of a mandated systematic approach to phonics is about empowering all children to learn to read (“Dud teachers? Lack of phonics the issue”, 22/3). Explicit synthetic phonic programs were designed by cognitive scientists for children with severe learning disabilities. Where is the justice or empowerment in expecting the vast majority of early literacy learners to suffer the limitations of a mandated program unsuited to their needs?
Well-established international evidence does not support a one-size-fits-all approach to learning to read.
Susan Mahar, Fitzroy North

Victorian system works
Dr Daniel may wish to check NAPLAN results before recommending Victoria follow NSW down the phonics first, fast and furious route. Victoria consistently and significantly outperforms NSW in both reading and writing in NAPLAN, the national testing regime. This was true even in 2021 when Victoria was the only jurisdiction that had undergone a 2020 lockdown with remote learning in the second half of the year. There were 1.1 per cent of year 3 children below the national minimum standard in reading in Victoria in 2021 and 2.1per cent of year 3 children below the national minimum standard in NSW.
Moreover there were 37 per cent of Victorian year 3 children performing at band 6 or above in reading – the equivalent of the national minimum standard for year 9 students – compared to 33.9per cent in NSW.
So Victoria outperforms NSW at both ends of the spectrum, both in helping those who struggle in reading and pushing those who excel. These results are not a 2021 phenomenon. They are repeated every year. I suggest NSW looks to Victoria for guidance rather than vice versa.
Misty Adoniou, adjunct associate professor, University of Canberra

Science not ‘settled’
Dr Daniel thinks that “the science (of reading) has been settled” in favour of instruction in phonemic awareness and phonics. I have reviewed the research used by the National Reading Panel in the US that claimed to support their position that phonemic awareness training is useful. Their list included only six studies and 11 comparisons involving phonemic awareness training. Only one study produced statistically significant results for all comparisons, and the only study involving English included only 13 children.
The research does not provide strong support for phonics instruction: Intensive phonics instruction only results in short-term gains on tests in which students have to pronounce words presented out of context; they do not do better in reading comprehension.
But there is one area in which “the science has been settled”: the best predictor of performance on tests of reading comprehension is the amount of self-selected pleasure reading students have done.
Stephen Krashen, professor emeritus, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California

Health failures hurt
We all know mental health care in this country is in crisis. But it’s not till you have to interact with it that you realise just how bad it actually is. My wife is a Logie-winning actress and a visual artist who has had a number of solo exhibitions. About six years ago she was diagnosed with bipolar and prescribed medication. It has gradually become evident the treatment is not working. She is now sleeping 15 hours a day and has lost all creative energy and all motivation to achieve. Rather than feeling better she is depressed and sees little point in her life. She needs her medication urgently reviewed. In February her GP referred her back for review to the psychiatrist who made the original diagnoses and prescribed her treatment. Last week she got a letter offering her an appointment with that psychiatrist on January 5, 2023. This means nine more months of suffering. Of course she is not alone. There are many hundreds of other Australians suffering in a similar manner. The government must act urgently.
Name and address withheld

Parents are the bridge
John Donne once wrote, “No man is an island.” Today I would argue that just about every person is an island, in particular surrounded by a plethora of misinformation via social media and other outlets. Is it any wonder that our younger generation are suffering mental health issues? (“Young people’s mental health is visibly unravelling”, 22/3). Times have changed from previous decades where there were no computer and phone screens, no instant news, fake or otherwise, and no social media pressure. This is where parents need to step in and help to put perspective on what is happening and how best to cope with it as an individual and as well as a family. Teachers can help at school but the process needs to start at home.
Catherine Gerardson, Watsonia North

Complicated times
To your correspondent (“Generations of health”, 22/3) while I wasn’t born until 1945, my parents were involved in the Second World War. My father was in Darwin when it was being bombed and my mother’s fiancé at the time was killed over Germany. Our young people are living in a totally different world – they are living with uncertainty and fear my parents didn’t know existed.
With our society steeped in economic rationalism we are urged to spend on “things” but increasingly provide unrealistic funding to staff services needed for feeling safe and being well. It is no surprise to me that young people see little hope for their future. What good is the new phone and a Netflix subscription when your parents are working every hour of the day to keep the family together but cannot find or afford a psychologist for you to talk to? Or, you go to hospital and thanks to COVID restrictions they are unable to visit you or worse, there isn’t a hospital bed available?
Blessed are the parents of our young people as they struggle to find the services in our vastly more complex society than the one I grew up in.
Pamela Bores, Eltham North

Lost values
In response to Peter Hartcher (“Putin’s war invigorates the West”, 22/3), it is a known fact that taking away or threatening to take something of value away can motivate people to take action. The value of something of worth can be lost through familiarity, a lack of an understanding and even complacency and apathy. Democracy and human rights can and have been gradually eroded due to a lack of awareness. This has only come to the fore with the crisis that is occurring in Ukraine at the moment.
It should not take war or the threat of war to motivate people into action. Democracy and human rights should be foremost in everyone’s mind. By valuing them and upholding them in a meaningful way in everyday life there is no need to resort to war.
Glenise Michaelson, Montmorency

Escalation danger
What is happening in Ukraine is shocking and those responsible should face the full force of international law, in particular Vladimir Putin who has masterminded and directed Russian troops in the mass murder of innocent Ukrainians. But while I can understand various correspondents urging foreign countries (presumably including Australia) to intervene, this would inevitably result in huge numbers of casualties. How many would put their hand up to be the first to die as part of this cause.
David Parker, Geelong West

And another thing

Space territory
Peter Dutton says space will become the next frontier of defence, but Australia already seems to have plenty of space in its defence.
Joan Segrave, Healesville

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

Maybe Peter Dutton’s announcement of the new space agency is the start of a Coalition plan to leave the planet once it’s uninhabitable.
Pete Sands, Monbulk

Scott Morrison wants us to think there is no connection between federal Labor and the Labor governments in Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, ACT and Western Australia.
Phil Lipshut, Elsternwick

Every clash of opinion or conflict in a workplace or anywhere else, does not necessarily constitute “bullying”.
Lawrie Bradly, Surrey Hills

A memo to politicians and the media, stress in the workplace is being an aged care worker, hearing a resident falling to the ground, but being unable to rush to aid because they are in the process of donning PPE.
Carlo Ursida, Kensington

It’s a bit rich for Andrew Landeryou to label others as a “cantankerous cabal”. Anyone who remembers his nasty blog would say “right back at you”.
Linelle Gibson, Williamstown

Is Bill Shorten and his faction beginning to act like Kevin Rudd during the Gillard government?
Allan Patience, Newport

Russian forces are taking over Odesa and have control of Ukraine ports and Black Sea movements. How is Morrison’s 70,000 tonnes of promised coal going to reach Ukraine?
Brian Kidd, Mt Waverley

Echoes of Joe Hockey – the Coalition supporting wind farms so long as they are so far out to sea they can’t be seen.
Greg Curtin, Blackburn South

Electric vehicles are now looking pretty good for the weekend and towing the boat.
Jenny Smithers, Ashburton

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