

This was published 5 months ago

Empty rooms pile up as garden state abandoned

From on high.

From on high.Credit: Cathy Wilcox

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The trend of barren outer suburbs that have no trees (“Ugly, treeless, hot: Push to force developers to plant trees in Melbourne’s outer suburbs”, 1/4) is surely an example of collusion among prospective buyers, developers and the government. Even first-home buyers these days seek their four-bedroom, three-bathroom dream home from the outset. The accepted trade-off is living in a new estate bereft of trees, 50 kilometres from the CBD. Unfortunately, despite their remote locations, these homes, among the largest in the world, are precariously sited on ever-shrinking blocks because there is decreased profit in larger allotments. Extra bathrooms, unused bedrooms and the fashion of low-maintenance gardens have displaced the lush vegetation of the past.
Similarly, these developers seem to have been able to get away with providing fewer shared amenities, including adequately wide streets, treed nature strips and even footpaths.
Finally, governments have obviously abandoned their regulatory role, otherwise why would there be such a dramatic contrast between established and new suburbs?
Marish Mackowiak, Ormond

We saw it coming
You always knew it was too late when signs appeared on fences saying “I oppose inappropriate development”. A local house was about to be replaced by something dreadful. The neighbours were so often disparaged by others who completely ignored the word “inappropriate” in those signs. But those so-called NIMBYs keep getting proved right. In more recent years we’ve had over-crowding, too-small rooms, rooms with “borrowed light”, ie no windows, deemed officially inappropriate. This time it’s lack of space for trees.
If authorities had listened to those NIMBYs rather than developers, we would have avoided a lot of poor quality development. It won’t be long before we rue putting suburbs on arable land and open green spaces such as golf courses.
Margaret Callinan, Hawthorn

Stopgap measure
What a shame the state government didn’t insist developers allow for proper canopy tree planting before the development of these concrete estates. The plan may be to leave space and soil for trees in private yards but there was no mention of what trees might be planted to prevent roots doing damage to structures in such small spaces. This stopgap highlights the power and influence developers have over Victorian state governments: there is no law banning political donations from developers. How ironic that the Property Council of Australia (Victoria) proudly features a well-known proverb on its website: “A society grows great when old people plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”
Sally Davis, Malvern East

Costs come later
Having lived most of my life under the canopy of trees I am horrified that nearly every new build is constructed on a cleared block. These are nearly always double storey with no room for a shade-providing tree. Such houses nearly always have blinds drawn, windows closed and rely on cooling and heating by non-natural means with a resultant cost to the owners and the environment. New rules are needed.
Ron Reynolds, Templestowe

Hard surfaces feed pollution
Never mind the outer suburbs; the inner suburbs are under threat of becoming treeless as well. Anyone walking around Melbourne’s “leafy east” would notice the number of old houses being flattened and gardens bulldozed to make way for housing, pools and driveways that cover almost the entire block. Not only are the established arboreal benefits being lost, but the aquifers that support the remaining urban tree-scape is being denied replenishment. As rainfall runs off the sealed blocks, it swells the storm drains that carry the water, along with all the flotsam and jetsam of urban living, into our rivers and creeks, and into the bay. A bay on which, due to pollution, many beaches were closed this summer.
John Mosig, Kew


Urban forests
Thanks for drawing attention to the doubling of the population in Carlton over the past 20 years (“Parts of Melbourne are more crowded than Manhattan and London”, 30/3). This has obvious planning implications in this time of climate change. As a long-term North Carlton resident I have been happy to see the imaginative urban forest strategies of the City of Melbourne and City of Yarra. They have greatly increased tree canopy and have ambitious goals of achieving over 30 per cent tree cover in the next decade. Even in my narrow street, the City of Yarra has managed to plant 10 trees directly into the road without affecting parking.
Meanwhile, just down the road from me is the Melbourne General Cemetery where decades of neglect and excessive use of herbicides have resulted in the creation of a heat island. At 43 hectares it is larger than the Royal Botanic Gardens yet estimates of tree coverage range from 8 to 18 per cent (the latter figure including trees outside the cemetery). A walk in the cemetery on a hot day tells its own story. During one of the 35 degree days earlier this year, the temperature on graves was measured at 50 degrees.
Melbourne now has an opportunity to create a beautiful memorial arboretum which would be a tourist attraction and help to offset the effects of climate change on the increasingly built-up city. It’s time those managing the cemetery brought it into line with the policies of the City of Melbourne within whose boundaries they sit.
Jane Miller, North Carlton


A bold strategy
Sean Kelly says Anthony Albanese should take a risk and bet that Australians are ready “for something new” in relation to several complex policy issues the government faces (“A fight to be won outside the ring”, 1/4). The government tried something new with last year’s Indigenous Voice, but was rebuffed. By now allocating extra funds to remote housing and disadvantaged schools, the government is resorting to a very old policy approach that has not worked well in the past.
In relation to the deportation of failed asylum seekers, the government could try something really new: convince Australians that these asylum seekers present no significant threat to Australia and let them stay in the country. But that bold approach would be easily attacked, and so the government has again resorted to the old approach of getting tough with unco-operative deportees.
Rod Wise, Surrey Hills

Protect refugees
The story of Nick Stride and his family (“He knew too much about Putin’s apparatchiks...” 30/3) is a good reminder of how many applicants for refugee status fall through the cracks. Even though he was on the run from the Russian mafia, the Immigration Department refused to recognise his application for protection. This led to several years hiding out in the Kimberley and, at some point, being close to starving. The legislation that would force hundreds of non-citizens to facilitate their own deportation or face imprisonment, which was rushed through the lower house of parliament, would also have seen the forced deportation of this family. Instead they were granted asylum in New Zealand, which clearly has a better process for assessing applications. We need a new approach to those who are in legal limbo in Australia. In past decades, amnesty was given to all non-citizens who, for whatever reason, did not have valid visas. Bring back the amnesty and, please, can we have a home affairs minister who does not wish to “out-Dutton Dutton”.
Di Cousens, Upwey

Protecting democracy
Big business and big unions are not enrolled to vote. Why should their donations determine the outcome of any Australian election? (“Unions want donations cap, but not of their funding”, 1/4). Why should any party have their campaign bankrolled whereby they can fool voters and derail the democratic process? In this age of disinformation, voters need the truth before they vote.
Geoff Black, Frankston

Skewed system
We need reform to limit the wealthy’s ability to skew our democracy to their preferences. We currently have two forms of democracy working in competition. In one, everyone gets an equal say in government. In short, “one person, one vote”.
In the other, the wealthy get to use their money to skew the system. Where political donations are allowed as a way for people to participate politically, the more significant a person’s wealth, the greater their ability to participate in the system and have their preferences represented.
Only a tiny number of Australians disproportionately make political donations, drowning out the interests of the majority. For the data that is visible in Australia, the Centre for Public Integrity’s analysis of political donations in the federal system between the 1998-1999 and 2020-2021 found the top 20 donors contributed 52.8 per cent of all disclosed political donations.
Analysis by the Centre for Public Integrity found that in the 2021-22 financial year, only 579 donors to political parties and candidates exceeded the reporting threshold of $14,500. That is just 32 donors for every 1 million Australians eligible to vote.
Mark Zirnsak, Parkville

The other side of fun
Kate Halfpenny’s piece on drugs, while admirably honest, highlights the blissful ignorance, whether real or wilfully deliberate, about the impacts of supporting criminal organisations by purchasing illegal drugs (“Drugs aren’t just for ravers. Middle-aged, middle-class women do them too”, 30/3). As she admits, fun they may be, but the implications of using them threaten the actual life she and her drug companions enjoy. It undermines our civil society, and if these drug suppliers get powerful enough they create chaos, see Colombia and Mexico as examples.
Drug users should think more of the consequences for all rather than their short-term enjoyment.
Peter Briggs, Frankston South

Freedom flows
Yes, FOI needs to be fixed (“Watchdog calls for overhaul of ‘outdated’ freedom of information”, 31/3) but by returning to the earlier ideals of making information available. When introduced, FOI was the high point in democracy. The Westminster system slowly evolved and finally it was agreed that the voting public were entitled to know what was being done in their name. FOI has been gutted to avoid embarrassment and to enable governments to control messaging. Democracy should be based on known facts and opinions but sadly has declined to self-serving representations of government’s behaviour or plans.
Gerry O’Reilly, Camberwell

Double play
James Massola’s article (“If one baby is a handful, try doubling it”, 31/3) made me smile over my hot cross bun and coffee. As the mother of twins (now adults) I could relate to his “laments” although I have never been locked out of the house by ingenious boys to devour a packet of lollies. “How did you cope with two babies?” was a common question – thinking back now, I don’t know. However, I am not surprised by the figures from the Multiple Birth Society on postnatal depression, exhaustion, and difficulty in finding and paying for childcare. Twins are more than one baby, multiple – why parents of twins are not eligible for a multiple birth allowance payment makes no sense. It is time the parliament (with all of those multiple birth parents within it) made the changes suggested to support parents of twins.
That said, twins are also double the fun.
Adriana Tiziani, St Kilda West

True courage
Your correspondent thinks that it is unlikely at the moment “the AFL will find someone who has the courage to step up and make a radical change to the homophobic feel of the AFL” (“Waiting for change”, 29/3). Too true, but it would not be courageous for a single player to “come out”, it would be foolhardy. Perhaps what needs to be done (as occurs in an episode of Little Britain) is for everyone to say (as they do to Dafydd) “we’re all gay!” Then perhaps the league can get on with the game.
Peter Drum, Coburg

Opportunity to learn
The obituary for Mike Jenkins (31/3) made for insightful reading. In particular it bravely outlined the cause of his death to be progressive nuclear palsy, whereas usually so many people die of a “long illness” or a “short illness”. We have been given the opportunity here to learn something of a rare condition. Over a career in general practice spanning four decades, I have only looked after one patient with this condition. There are many rare conditions, including rare cancers of which there are quite a few, and we are occasionally given the opportunity to learn about them. The more that we learn, the more we can offer appropriate help, after making a correct diagnosis – there is always something that we can do to help.
Dr Clyde Ronan, Yarrawonga


Bruce Wolpe, Emperor Trump does have clothes – a demon’s dark suit. (“Trump hog-ties Biden – and freedom”, 1/4). But what’s worse this time he is carrying a fully fledged plan in his pocket.
Ivan Glynn, Vermont

If there was the slightest doubt about how sordid a character Donald Trump is, there is now none.
John Rawson, Mernda

Cow’s milk
Re “WHO guideline update says cow’s milk good for babies” (1/4), maybe a cow’s milk should be used for its intended recipient, its own baby, the calf.
Judy Hungerford, Kew

Many – perhaps most – of my generation were reared on cow’s milk almost from day one. We have lived to tell the tale.
Patrice McCarthy, Bendigo

How about we stop SMSFs from investing in residential property instead of allowing people to use their super to inflate the market even more. That would fix the inconsistency Andrew Bragg is so concerned about (“The superannuation rules setting up a ‘major generational clash’,” 31/3).
Rod Meaney, Glen Iris

Surely it’s no great loss if Facebook drops Aussie news on their feeds. I’m fixated to Facebook to see who’s giving away cardboard boxes. What happened to that lost cat and if anyone heard the helicopter last night? Facebook for serious news? I don’t think so.
Paul Custance, Highett

I stand with Eddie Betts and we all should (“Betts says racial abuse hurled at his kids will ‘stick for the rest of their lives’,” 31/3). A champion on the field and a role model off it. Racists are small-minded people who attempt to drag people down on the basis of ethnicity so that they can feel powerful. We all need to call these behaviours out.
Mick Hussey, Beaconsfield Victoria

Tigers supporters must be relieved that they have done their penance for their three recent premierships and can now start winning again.
Tony O’Brien, South Melbourne

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