

This was published 4 months ago

Dutton’s emissions plan is unconscionable and reckless


Credit: Illustration: Megan Herbert

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I cannot fathom why Peter Dutton’s opposition is intent on pursuing nuclear power for Australia when it is abundantly clear, environmentally and economically, there is a better option (“Dutton to ditch Paris Agreement”, 9/10). Is the word “renewable” so distasteful to conservative politics that they still keep chasing their 1950s nuclear nirvana backed by gas, still a fossil fuel by the way, as the only way to reduce Australia’s carbon emissions?
Zero emissions after the very long construction phase of a nuclear plant might be the attraction, but what about the long-term consequences of nuclear waste storage, or an accident? What about the massive amount of water each plant needs to generate the steam that drives the turbines? What about the extra cost of nuclear generation to customer hip pockets? None of this seems to stack up as an argument, but if it saves the opposition parties the embarrassment of saying that unspeakable word “renewable”, then that is all we need to save our planet.
Jeff Dickinson, Tecoma

Liberals must stop listening to Barnaby Joyce
Peter Dutton’s plan to scrap 2030 climate targets is reckless and retrograde. In 2022, Australians overwhelmingly voted for action on climate change. Since then, the world has experienced 12 consecutive months that had the hottest global surface temperature on record. To have any hope of regaining seats like Kooyong, Dutton and the federal Liberal Party needs to stop listening to Barnaby Joyce and the Nationals, and start addressing the climate disasters that are increasingly impacting the environment, regional communities, businesses and agriculture.
Sarah Brennan, Hawthorn

Dutton was never referred to in my physics lectures
I knew the Liberals would somehow get back to their strong belief that climate change does not exist. Waiting for these magical nuclear reactors, would see us spewing billions of tonnes of greenhouse gases (The Age, 9/6) into the atmosphere, breaking our commitment to the Paris Agreement and increasing our contribution to speed up the calamitous situation affecting survival of life on Earth.
Professor Stephen Hawking outlined this dramatic shortening of life on Earth years ago. Consider Hawking v Dutton, two intellectual giants on scientific matters. What a clash of the titans. I don’t remember Dutton referred to in my physics lectures at university.
Phil Mackenzie, Eaglemont

A Coalition still in denial
The Coalition’s plan to exit the Paris Agreement emissions target and lower our emissions target is unconscionable. The Coalition was mostly in denial of the changing climate and its impact in its 10 years in power. Its inaction contributed to the lack of understanding and the importance of achieving a sustainable future for the Earth and for our children and grandchildren.
Ignoring the science from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the latest dire warning from the secretary general of the UN, and the majority of the world’s leading scientists, renders one with utter disbelief should it be returned to government.
Judith Morrison, Nunawading

A dystopian world awaits
How shocking that Dutton wants to develop nuclear energy, which will take much longer to develop than clean renewable energy. It is a mammoth, perhaps impossible task to limit the world average temperature increase to 1.5 degrees as aimed for in the Paris Agreement. As the average world temperature exceeds this, apart from having to face more major fires and floods, there will be massive amounts of refugees seeking refuge. Radioactive nuclear waste lasts millennia and makes it easier to create nuclear weapons.
What a dystopian world we are creating for our offspring. We must do everything we can to ensure a safe climate future.
Marguerite Marshall, Eltham

Outrageous, shortsighted
As the world strides into the future of renewable energy, Peter Dutton’s plan is a stubborn and bewildering step back.
Amid the global shift towards clean energy, he debates our 2030 climate goals while nearly 40 per cent of our electricity is already from renewables.
Dutton proposes slow-to-develop nuclear options and more gas power. If he were committed to benefiting us with reliable, cheap energy and more jobs, he could craft smart policies such as installing solar panels on the vast rooftops of shopping centres and industrial buildings already connected to the grid, coupled with significant investment in large-scale and household battery storage solutions.
Dutton’s policy echoes climate denial and the desire to preserve the life of the fossil fuel industry. A stance that isn’t just frustrating, it’s outrageously shortsighted.
Sophie Torney, Kew

Breathtaking decision
Peter Dutton’s Coalition has taken my breath away, but not in a good way with the announcement of the plan of ‘ditching the emissions target’. Australians need a bipartisan approach to encourage investment in clean technologies to rapidly transition our nation to a carbon-free future, then once again the Coalition plan to sabotage the progress made.
It is akin to an enemy threatening our existence and as the nation prepares for defence it announces policies that do the opposite, and while trying to convince the electorate that there is no threat.
This head in the sand approach to climate change is not interested in our future and especially future generations of voters.
Michael Weadon, Lake Wendouree



Twelve Apostles threat
It is deeply disappointing that, for the first time in 10 years, state Energy Minister Lily D’Ambrosio has approved fossil gas extraction to occur in the vicinity of the iconic Twelve Apostles. Not only will drilling for gas threaten marine life and the Great Ocean Road’s tourist appeal, but it will also add climate and air pollution to our atmosphere. Burning gas releases greenhouse gases and toxins that are known to carry both environmental and health risks. Reducing the demand for harmful gas by ramping up the roll-out of efficient electric appliances and boosting clean energy sources offers a safer, healthier future for us all.
Karen Lamb, Geelong

Internecine Greens
Chip le Grand’s expose on the schism within the Victorian Greens is indicative of a generation gap, as reflected in the cited polling data (″⁣The schism in the Greens driving out Jewish members,″⁣ 8/9).
The issue within the Greens pre-dates Palestine, the trans debate generated bitterness, and reflects the shift from ‘old left’ class analysis to ‘new progressive’ identity politics. Associated with this is cancel culture, which has a sectarian element targeting those it is closest to, but who have some differences in perspective.
All movements peak and in decline a hard-core element often comes to dominate. The ability of the Free Palestine movement to sustain such big numbers for almost nine months is impressive, but it is showing signs of exhaustion. With the whole world going through an angry phase, the strategy of ‘aggressive lobbying’ falls within these parameters.
Israel’s destructive behaviour in Gaza is a component of global anger, and people are disillusioned by the perceived timidity of leaders and institutions. It seems that now the biggest threat to Israel’s existence is becoming itself.
The new progressives have taken the old left slogan of ‘the personal is political’ and elevated it to ‘everything is connected’ – through #BLM to #MeToo to Transgender, climate change and now Palestine – and are having a significant impact. It remains to be seen what substantive shift in reality they can achieve.
Phillip Walker, Chewton

A nuclear election
The ALP rightly sees the Greens as a major competitor for inner-city seats. According to Peter Hartcher (“Right on cue, the scrapper PM”, 8/6), Albanese views the upcoming election as a referendum on nuclear power versus renewable energy. He’s banking on Australians recognising that nuclear is way too costly and way too late, regardless of merits the Coalition claim.
Labor would also have a better chance against the Greens if it stopped caving in to fossil fuel lobbyists by approving new and extending old carbon fuel projects. An escalation of commitment to renewable energy would take the wind out of the Greens’ sails.
Caroline Leslie, Hawthorn

Investors flee. Good
Oh, cry me a river! (“Property investors are fleeing Victoria over soaring land taxes” 9/6). Investor-friendly tax policies are one of the biggest reasons for the housing crisis. Apartments and homes sit empty while the media prop up the idea that we need to build more homes, import more tradies. There are hundreds of vacant properties owned by investors which could be sold or rented out. If investors in Victoria are finally getting the message that it’s not a sure bet, that means these properties will finally be sold. As your own reporting says, more first home buyers are getting in. That’s a good thing.
Christina Cox, Coburg

Tim Costello’s tribe
Tim Costello, like so many, rightly feels he has lost his tribe (“I am a Christian but my tribe supports Trump. I feel like I no longer belong”, 9/6).
In all movements, there is a spectrum of belief and commitment to the central tenets of the movement. There are always those who seek to exploit those tenets for their own benefit. They move beyond the original purpose for their own purpose whether it be political, religious or even artistic movements. Sometimes for the better and sometimes not.
As Billy Graham said, “the hard right has no interest in religion except to manipulate it”.
The question then, is does this movement to the right deliver anything of particular merit?
When a movement insists on total compliance to its beliefs and brooks no means by which to express an alternative opinion it becomes an autocracy or a cult. In the far right of Pentecostalism there is a strong belief that the achievement of wealth is God’s wish, and they remain firm that their faith wishes it so, making the movement blind to the consequences of its actions for others. It becomes a manipulation of the central purpose of Christianity.
Like all tribes, they sometimes grow and fracture. Christianity has many tribes as a look over the centuries reveals.
You haven’t lost your tribe Tim, it’s still there, just do as you are doing, know you have a tribe and those you have identified are no longer in our mob.
Tim Biles, Metung

Humble and angry
There are so few of us who have the ability or emotional means to tackle subjects like the politicisation of religion as Tim Costello does in his column. (Comment, 9/6).
Not only is it inconceivable that the great religions of the world are weaponised, it’s equally inconceivable how followers of such religions are duped.
Costello makes great sense describing our historic need for serfdom. I’m sure there’s not a gene for this trait, but if you watch Trump’s rallies you could be excused for thinking these people need a good dose of history and clear thinking.
I only learnt three things at school – be compassionate, humble and stay angry. The last being a metaphor for questioning inequality and policies of division.
I can understand populist policies being used to garner power and influence, it’s just the extent of illegibility in the community that’s got me confused.
So Tim Costello, stay humble and compassionate and stay angry. You never know, some day you’ll find more punters in line with your life mission than you ever thought possible.
Stewart Handasyde, Shoreham

Loving the ABC
Aunty has outdone herself this King’s Birthday weekend with the ABC Classic FM’s “Feel Good” top 100. Two days of magnificent music to nourish the soul and lift the spirits, chosen by thousands of ABC listeners around the country.
The diversity of music, the commentary and production were of the highest quality and demonstrate the depth of talent that we have at our ABC.
Marilyn Hoban, Mornington

Remember the USSR
The achievements and sacrifices of those who landed in Normandy on D Day should never be forgotten. But it is sobering to look again at the military casualties suffered by the participant nations in WW2. Deaths among the forces of the US, UK and Commonwealth were well over 1 million, but in the USSR it was a staggering estimate of 9 million or more (Germany and Japan incurred similar losses).
Cold War history cannot cancel the fact that it was the blood of the Soviet Union that first checked the relentless tide of the projected thousand-year Reich and this sacrifice should also be recognised and remembered.
Peter McCarthy, Mentone

Abhorrent sheep exports
Within the next week, federal parliament will meet to vote on a plan to end the live export of sheep. There is no longer any excuse for the abhorrent practice of shipping any livestock from Australia to a certain slaughter, and on an uncertain path to that death.
A society is judged by how it treats the elderly and animals, who are often the most vulnerable.
We are a privileged country with the means of structuring an industry whereby farmers, exporters and customers can continue to flourish in their respective industries with a clear conscience.
Live exports must stop now and parliamentarians must listen to the people.
April von Moger, Ashburton


Coalition emission target
Thank you, Peter Dutton. I now understand Liberal climate policy – the economy above extinction. (“Dutton to ditch Paris Agreement”, 9/6).
Les Aisen, Elsternwick

Maybe a hot and bothered mob at the Paris Olympics will send a message to our athletes about Dutton’s declaration to ditch Australia’s commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement.
Jenny Smithers, Ashburton

Peter Dutton’s plans are new (no-one else has proposed anything so dangerous), but not clear (location, cost, waste). Haven’t coal towns suffered enough?
Greg Curtin, Nunawading

Dutton’s promise to abandon the 2030 emissions target is to me a very good reason not to vote for his party.
Doug Springall, Yarragon

Coalition’s plan to pump 2b extra tonnes of gases into Earth’s
atmosphere”, (9/6) is based on a populist fantasy. Safer to stick with science, the world’s unique Paris Agreement, speediness, and Labor leadership.
Barbara Fraser, Burwood

Assuming Labor loses government and the Coalition start the process for nuclear power, will Labor guarantee that a future Labor government will cancel the project and revert to renewables?
Peter Carlin, Frankston South

Dutton’s nuclear fantasy and plan to exit the Paris Agreement may have been funny if it had been announced on April 1.
Ralph Frank, Malvern East

Local government
Re “Sacked and under scrutiny: Behind state’s council chaos”, 9/6. Save everyone time and money and abolish local government.
Carolyn King, Malvern East

Trump joins Tik Tok. Communist China rubs its hands together.
Jae Sconce, Moonee Ponds

Biden v Trump – the unelectable v the ineluctable.
Tony Haydon, Springvale

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