

This was published 2 years ago

Doctors push for stronger action to quash Omicron outbreaks

By Aisha Dow and James Massola

The Omicron variant is spreading so quickly that experts fear soaring cases may overwhelm hospitals and cause mass illness and death, even if the strain is found to be significantly milder than other COVID-19 variants.

Australian Medical Association president Omar Khorshid has urged state governments including Victoria to use a combination of proven measures such as masks and social distancing as well as vaccination to flatten the new wave of COVID-19 infections.

Australian Medical Association president Dr Omar Khorshid.

Australian Medical Association president Dr Omar Khorshid.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

He joined many infectious diseases experts now warning that failure to urgently take simple steps to reduce the spread of Omicron could result in the need for lockdowns or other drastic measures later.

One leading epidemiologist has also questioned whether it is safe to stage the Australian Open next month, while Cricket Australia on Saturday moved to ramp up its COVID-19 protocols for Test matches by banning players from signing autographs for fans.

“Even if Omicron isn’t that bad, it’s still going to cause a lot of illness, a lot of death and a lot of disruption in the community if it’s left to run riot,” Dr Khorshid said.


He said the NSW government was almost abandoning its population to COVID-19 by gambling Omicron would be mild, adding the state basically had no social distancing in place.

“I know there’s fatigue in the community and the politicians feel they have to give people back their freedom, but if freedom is associated with illness, death and an overrun hospital system, ultimately it’s back to lockdowns again, and I don’t think anyone will be thanking them down the track.”

Epidemiologists say people have too readily latched onto very early reports that the variant could be milder.


The head of the epidemiological modelling unit at Monash University, James Trauer, says authorities may need to begin reconsidering whether it will be safe to hold future large events in January and beyond, such as the Australian Open.

Associate Professor Trauer said that in NSW, where this week a raft of restrictions were eased including masks in most settings, the government had “seemed to abandon any attempt to control the epidemic”.

But he said it was important if cases were surging and hospitalisations increasing across the nation, there were measures other than lockdowns that could be called on to reduce the pressure on the health system.

“I feel a bit of a sense at the moment that we’ve got our heads in the sand a little bit about what’s happening with Omicron,” Professor Trauer said.

“We need to shift our mindset towards realising that we not be heading for a normal summer, particularly in places like New South Wales and Victoria.”

Professor James Trauer says authorities need to reconsider the staging of big sporting events in January.

Professor James Trauer says authorities need to reconsider the staging of big sporting events in January.Credit: Scott McNaughton

Head of the Burnet Institute, Brendan Crabb, called for state and federal governments to urgently develop a “non-restrictive” intervention plan to help keep people safe over the festive period and for ventilation measures to clear COVID-19 from the air to be pursued with the same vigour as vaccination campaigns.

“To promote a notion that it’s OK for us to be infected with Omicron because it’s mild, is profoundly wrong.

“The threat is this perfect storm of us opening up at the very same time as a highly transmissible new variant emerges, is a major challenge for the country.”

A Victorian government spokesman said there were no plans to impose new capacity limits or cancel major events such as the Australian Open or the Boxing Day Test.

But the government has resisted opposition pressure to scrap masks in retail settings, as Premier Daniel Andrews had initially promised before Omicron emerged, in contrast to the NSW government, now facing mounting pressure to reinstate recently relaxed mask rules indoors.

University of Sydney infectious diseases paediatrician Robert Booy, who has previously supported decisions made by the NSW government, said: “The restrictions in NSW are being unwound too quickly. We are now ideologically driven and the public health advice has become secondary.”

In the past week, daily COVID-19 cases in NSW have undergone an unprecedented surge, rising from 560 to 2482 in just seven days. The number of cases in hospital has risen moderately from 150 to 206 in the same period.

Victoria’s cases have risen from to 1193 to 1504 a day in the week to Saturday, and hospitalisations have increased from 323 to 384. The state now has 19 confirmed cases.

In NSW, 226 of Saturday’s 2482 new cases were confirmed as Omicron, but a NSW Health statement advised the variant of concern likely accounted for the majority of infections.


While many have seized on initial reports from South Africa that Omicron seemed to be causing more mild illness, experts at research institutes in Sydney and Melbourne, alongside global experts, stress this remains unconfirmed.

In an apparent blow to hopes that the variant could be a positive twist in the pandemic, by replacing Delta with a more benign strain, a study released at the weekend by the Imperial College London found no convincing signs of Omicron being milder than Delta, and suggested the risk of reinfection with the variant was more than five times higher.

Professor Booy said the study suggested “one, that prior infection may be poorly protective, which means people can easily get reinfected. The second important implication is that prior vaccination may not be as protective as it might be”.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Friday that while more information was needed about the severity of illness caused by Omicron, “there is nothing to suggest it is certainly worse and a lot to suggest that it is less”.


When asked on Saturday about the Imperial College study, Mr Morrison did not repeat this statement and stressed that Australia was a highly vaccinated country, with 1.2 million people having had their booster jab.

”I’m in regular contact with the Chief Medical Officer. Indeed, he just provided me with further advice this morning. I met with him yesterday. We are constantly in contact on these issues, and his advice to me is that there is still a lot to learn about Omicron,” Mr Morrison said.

“We take this incredibly seriously, but it’s best addressed with a calm head and a clear plan and being able to rely especially on what the Australian people have done with vaccination.”

Epidemiologist Margaret Hellard, who has worked on influential COVID-19 modelling for governments, said even if Omicron was less likely to cause individuals to get sick, it might result in a higher number of people in hospital overall due to the sheer number of people with COVID-19 at any one time.

Professor Hellard said while the evidence so far suggested Omicron was more infections and was transmitting to more people than previous variants, it would take more time to establish the severity of the illness it caused.

That’s because it can take a number of weeks for people to get infected and end up needing hospital care, and also because initial data may be misleading. For example, if it was spreading more among younger people who are less likely to get severely ill.

Two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine appear to be of limited protection from Omicron. While boosters are likely to raise people’s immunity drastically, Australia is only at the start of its third-dose rollout and some people are already struggling to find appointments.

With Simone Fox Koob, Josh Gordon and Deb Snow

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