

This was published 3 years ago

Do behaviour change programs stop men being violent?

By Jewel Topsfield

Until he took part in a group men’s program, it had never occurred to Dave* that his violence against his partner was affecting his children’s development.

It was a pretty confronting realisation.

There have been behaviour change programs for men in Victoria since the 1990s.

There have been behaviour change programs for men in Victoria since the 1990s. Credit: iStock

“They weren’t hitting the goals they should have been for their age and stuff, and a lot of it was to do with me,” he says.

Dave took part in Caring Dads, a pilot program run by Anglicare and Kids First in Werribee and Morwell, based on a Canadian model that teaches men who have used violence about its impact on their children.


“I learnt the way I was behaving was a lot of the reason my kids were misbehaving and acting the way they were and that I’d done damage to their stages of development.

“To be honest, I’d never sort of thought or even considered anything about that sort of thing. It was probably the best program I’ve done.”

Caring Dads was funded by the Victorian government in the wake of the 2016 Royal Commission into Family Violence, which found efforts to hold abusers to account were “grossly inadequate”.

Since the royal commission, millions of dollars have been spent on working with perpetrators.


This includes funding more places in men’s behaviour change programs – which are increasingly being mandated by courts seeking a penalty when incarceration is not an option – and specialist pilots such as Caring Dads.

But can a violent man really change? Do these programs actually work?

Five years down the track, men’s behaviour change programs remain controversial. Experts are urgently calling for longitudinal studies, saying they still don’t know how effective the programs are in reducing family violence.

“The evidence on what works in engaging men in behaviour change – in preventing future acts of violence or preventing escalation of violence – is still very limited,” says Kate Fitz-Gibbon, director of the Monash Gender and Family Violence Prevention Centre.

Men’s behaviour change programs have been operating in Victoria since the mid-1990s.

They were heavily influenced by the Duluth model, founded in Minnesota in the early 1980s, which explains gender inequality and power and control as the foundation of violence against women. (Some critics argue it is a one-size-fits all approach that does not recognise the complexity of family violence and requires men to accept the reality of gender inequality to be effective.)

The programs use group discussions and role plays to get men to think about the impact of their violence on those around them and hold each other accountable.

But the royal commission found research into whether they were effective was “complex and controversial”.

“We do not know whether and to what extent existing programs are successful in changing an individual’s behaviour and attitudes or in keeping victims safe,” its report said.

It made a suite of recommendations, including increased funding of men’s behaviour change programs, the introduction of minimum standards, improved research and evaluation to establish their effectiveness and specialist programs for different cohorts of offenders.

The government moved swiftly. In 2017, it announced $49.5 million over four years to boost access to men’s behaviour change programs and trial specialist pilots such as Caring Dads.

The length of the programs increased from 12 weeks to 20 weeks. There were also targeted programs for perpetrators who are Indigenous, have a disability, are LGBTQ, come from different cultures or are ordered to attend by a court.

There are now more than 4000 men’s behaviour change program places funded across the state every year, although many providers have long waiting lists.

Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence Gabrielle Williams says working with perpetrators is a key priority “in the time ahead”.

Victorian Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence Gabrielle Williams.

Victorian Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence Gabrielle Williams. Credit: Simon Schluter

“The royal commission had some interesting feedback to give on the fact the evidence base for perpetrator programs is really thin, not just in Australia but globally,” she says.

“Part of its recommendation was we need to be building the evidence base in this area, so we have a clear idea of what works and what doesn’t.”

Williams says the evaluation process started last year.

“The whole idea of trials is to work out what model or combination of models needs to be adopted. More work needs to be done on building the evidence.”

No to Violence CEO Jacqui Watt

No to Violence CEO Jacqui WattCredit: Joe Armao

No to Violence chief executive Jacqui Watt warns men’s behaviour change programs do not work for everybody and they are not a panacea.

“But if we don’t work with men using family violence, how are we ever going to stop this?”

Watt says the men most likely to change are those open to what is causing them to be violent and those who complete the programs.

“The feeling of people who work in the sector is that a third of men will leave that program going ‘Well, that’s the best thing I’ve ever done, I should have done it years ago, how do I carry this on?’; a third will be, ‘what a waste of time, I only did it because I wanted to see my kids, I didn’t believe a word of it, it’s a lot of feminist nonsense’; and a third will be somewhere in the middle.”

But Watt says the purpose of men’s behaviour change programs isn’t necessarily to change the men, but to keep the family safe by ensuring they remain in the view of service providers.

Under the minimum standards for programs introduced after the royal commission, there is additional support for the families of the participating men.

“One of the really important roles of men’s behaviour change programs is keeping in contact with the partners and ex-partners to make sure they are safe and keeping an eye on whether his violence escalates.”

Tori Cooke, head of workforce development at No to Violence, has been running programs and training facilitators for 15 years.

In one exercise, Cooke asks perpetrators to mark on a whiteboard where they see themselves in a continuum between “good man” and “swamp monster”.

Those who see themselves as good men will not recognise that they have done anything wrong and struggle to make it through the course, she says.

A man who places his mark close to the swamp monster has “had a gutful of himself, he’s lost a whole lot, he’s ready for change”.

However, the majority place themselves somewhere in the middle. Cooke says the starting position of many of these men is they shouldn’t be there.

“The first six weeks is often breaking down that resistance, by week seven and eight, if we’ve done our job right, he’s engaged,” she says.

“When people ask me the question, ‘can men change?’, I have absolutely seen it. But we need to do a lot more research around the longitudinal aspects of change. I want to know what these guys are doing in two years and in five years. That’s where the investment needs to be.”

There has been limited research in Australia beyond evaluations of individual programs.

Professor Jim Ogloff, the director of the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science at Swinburne University and Forensicare, says he still has reservations about the extent to which the efficacy of the programs has really been proven. ”It’s a contentious field, that’s for sure.”

He believes an empirical evaluation of programs is desperately needed, that looks at measures such as reoffending rates and breaches of intervention orders. “That’s the litmus test,” he says.

Ogloff raised concerns during the royal commission that men with mental health and drug and alcohol issues were being excluded from behaviour change programs.

He says there has since been considerable improvements.

“I certainly shifted my view to be more positive. And I do think men’s behavioral change programs have a place and it’s probably for the people who are lower risk, who have a degree of motivation to change, like knowing they’ll lose a relationship,” Ogloff says.


“But I’m still concerned that a broader range of people with higher needs and at higher risk are probably not benefiting from programs and it’s continuing to place family members in danger.”

Elena Campbell, who runs a family violence research program at RMIT’s Centre for Innovative Justice, says men’s behaviour change programs were never intended to be a silver bullet.

“Essentially we’ve been asking programs to shift attitudes and behaviours that have developed over a lifetime in a matter of weeks … and then wondering why the results aren’t always what we expect,” Campbell says.

“They were always intended to be part of an integrated system, they are by no means ever going to be the whole solution on their own.”


James Charlwood was never physically violent. However, he came to realise that using his voice “in a very aggressive and scary way” and smashing property was abusive behaviour that was frightening his children.

“I finally started to become aware that it was my behaviour that was having this effect and I needed to do something about it,” Charlwood says.

He enrolled in a men’s behaviour change program run by Relationships Australia Victoria.

“Even though I think I went in with a pretty good level of self-awareness, I still wasn’t quite prepared for just how much responsibility I needed to take for myself. It’s just so easy to end up blaming others,” he says.

“While it can be humiliating at the time and very hard work confronting your own destructive behaviour and the realisation that there is no one else to blame, the self-esteem that comes out of this courageous process is truly invigorating.”

His one criticism of the program is the lack of support when it ends.

“There needs to be some follow-up for men who just want to manage their mental health and stop themselves sliding back into the behaviours that will destroy their relationships. And as we know, will lead to murder in way too many cases.”

*Not his real name.

With Wendy Tuohy

If you or anyone you know needs support, you can contact the No to Violence Men’s Referral Centre: 1300 766 491

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