

This was published 10 months ago

Create a citywide design before razing social housing towers


Credit: Illustration:Alan Moir

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The state government must take seriously those experts in architecture and social housing who are challenging its proposal to raze 44 high-rise public housing towers (″⁣Bid to save public-housing towers by heritage listing″⁣, 19/4).
The towers provide accommodation to thousands of people and are well-located near jobs, education, public transport and support services.
The government has not explained where tower residents will live when evicted. Victoria must avoid relocating people to areas with which they are unfamiliar and where there are fewer jobs, schools and social connections.
It is likely, also, that the cost of demolition and rebuilding social housing will be a strain on already stressed state finances.
This is just one of many areas of housing policy that must be planned carefully. All three levels of government, working together, will have to take care not to worsen some outcomes.
Australia clearly needs more housing supply, but is building more houses in new, far-flung suburbs (often on excellent agricultural land) the best solution?
Should Australia’s cities feature more European-style medium-rise apartment blocks close to transport hubs? What is the role of well-designed high-rise housing? Should the nation build substantially more publicly owned social housing to improve rental affordability?
Parklands, and tree cover around houses, are vital for urban temperature reduction, physical and mental health, and the survival of native animals, suggesting that governments should encourage the design and construction of smaller dwellings which have strong climate ratings and allow surrounding gardens.
Urban green wedges and parklands are essential to air quality, urban amenity and species survival, and arguably should be fully protected.
Andrew Trembath, Blackburn

Melbourne needs a grander plan

I understand the rationale for increasing population density in Melbourne, but will be fascinated to see what happens in 20 years or so once we have replaced all the smaller houses on main roads with four-storey apartment blocks.
Presumably, developers will then set their sights on the next tier of houses in side streets – and so on. That would be fine, except – unlike in Paris – no one seems to have thought of creating an overarching aesthetic plan. The mantra in Melbourne today is simply ″⁣keep growing″⁣.
Oliver Dennis, Armadale

Community must demand answers
Royce Millar’s’s heartfelt article, (“Bid to save public-housing towers by heritage listing”, 19/4), took me back to the days when as a young community worker, consulting public housing tenants, often with the help of interpreters or community leaders, was a respectful given. The flats were their homes, and still are.
If the Allan government is receiving inaccurate and potentially disastrous advice about the physical condition of the high-rise towers, we as the broader community must demand answers before it is too late.
Annie Mullarvey, Brunswick East


Male violence crisis
Re ‴⁣⁣We have a crisis of male violence’: Attorney-General says men must step up”, 18/4. We have thousands of memorials for those Australians who died in war overseas; and soon the nation will come to a stop to honour them. But what about the war against women at home?
Misogyny is deep in the hearts of enough men to make females unsafe at home, on the streets, in clubs, at school and universities, going for a run in the park, at work, and even shopping. It is expressed in our language and culture, and it manifests as coercion and violence. Can we, as a society, acknowledge this, and draw a line under it, starting now?
Anne Cooper, Undercliffe, NSW

Violence is violence
Waleed Aly’s excellent article asks why the entrenched violence against one group, women, is not termed terrorism, and the occasional violence against a religious group or other ideology is (“What is terrorism? Let’s be clear”, April 19). Words matter, and terminology certainly determines our response to them. Words also give legal heft, to terrorism particularly. Why does that word “inflame passions in a way other violence does not”?
By its very frequency, violence against women has become so commonplace that it no longer shocks the community in the way that an attack on a single religious figure does.
But to women, violence is violence and is no less serious than an attack on a religious figure or group. Yet, somehow women are expected to live with the constant awareness that aggression by a man is quite possible, and that nobody cares enough to stand up and demand that the law-makers change the term for these attacks to match those with other groups in society.
Judy Hungerford, Kew

Praise the CFMEU
The Age ought to be applauding the CFMEU for its new Carlton Wellness Centre, not sarcastically deriding “our favourite union hard men” for “going soft” (“Well Built”, CBD, 19/4).
Twenty-four women have been violently killed by men this year. The prime minister and attorney-general have called on men to “step up” and change their behaviour towards women (“PM, Dreyfus decry ‘crisis of male violence‴⁣⁣, 19/4). This crisis of male rage is not helped by men who criticise other men for taking care of their mental health in constructive ways.
Good on the CFMEU for seeking to support all of its members — especially the “hard men”.
Amy Isma, Noble Park


War is terrorism
Thanks to Waleed Aly (Comment, 19/4) for teasing the differences between terrorism and other forms of violence. As he says, while terrorism is a contested term, there is general agreement on its constituent elements: violence inflicted on civilians designed to intimidate a population and, crucially, intended to advance a political aim. It’s not something you or I would want to be associated with, right? Someone please tell me then, how the dropping of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, killing 140,000 men, women and children in one go, was not terrorism. Is it just that it was our side doing it?
Patrice McCarthy, Bendigo

Docklands parties
Your article on the Docklands problems last weekend was excellent. A major contributing factor to the Docklands failure is the prevalence of the short-stay business.
In our Docklands building of 300 apartments, almost one-third are short-stay/Airbnb. So, we’re busy with tourists and party animals Friday to Sunday, and we have a more civilised home during the week. It’s so easy to see that regulating short-stay to minimum 30-day leases in Docklands will fill the apartments with residents as property tycoons turn to long-term tenants who pay excellent rents. Only then, will Docklands get the revitalisation it needs with a permanent resident population.
Tony Moore, Docklands

Learning experiences
Your correspondent, (Letters, 19/4), endorses Bella Westaway’s contention that “you need a lawn upon which to debate philosophy”, (Comment 18/4), rather than “dark lecture theaters, delivered by well meaning father-like figures”. It is seriously remiss of Westaway not to include the local pubs, wherein you could often talk with said lecturers (et al.) - such as it was at Melbourne Uni with nearby pubs Naughtons and The Clyde.
Peter Drum, Coburg

Minister override
Your correspondent (Letters, 19/4) highlights that despite some implementation of the Samuel report recommendations, an old bogy will still remain – the minister for the environment will still have the power to override any EPA decisions.
This leaves decision making on environmental matters open to lobbying, corruption and palm greasing. Already we have seen fierce lobbying of WA mining interests to water down environmental protection laws there.
Until we have a independent body with power not dependent on the whim of ministers, we will not have significant protection for our environment.
Graeme Lechte, Brunswick West

Price gouge solution
The inquiries into price gouging by Australian supermarkets have masked the existence of an obvious and effective solution: removing the upfront price exclusion from the unfair contract terms provisions of the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). This would enable the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) to use the ACL’s new penalty provisions, to take punitive action against those who engage in price gouging or squeezing using a standard form contract. It would also provide a remedy for consumers and small businesses forced to accept an unfair contract price by a supermarket or other business.
Currently, because of the upfront price exclusion created by the ACL, Australian law contains no general prohibition of price gouging or squeezing unless accompanied by behaviour prohibited by other provisions of the ACL. Although virtually every other unfair term of a standard-form consumer or small business contract is caught, the ACL section 26 excludes upfront price terms from its coverage. Consequently, no relief is available to victims of price gouging or squeezing on the ground that the price they have agreed to pay, or accept, is unfair and the ACCC is reduced to threatening to “name and shame” those who have exploited the vulnerability of the consumers or suppliers involved.
Price gouging and squeezing has been allowed to continue for too long. Despite being sympathetic to the plight of consumers and small businesses, successive governments have done little to protect them from being charged unfair prices, leaving them vulnerable to price exploitation.
Removing the upfront price exclusion in the ACL would enable the ACCC to tackle this problem directly and provide consumers and small businesses with an effective away of obtaining the help they need.
Philip H. Clarke, Emeritus Professor of Law, Deakin University; Senior Fellow, Melbourne Law School

ABC female deficit
The latest radio ratings for ABC Radio Melbourne are dismal (“ABC Radio Melbourne’s shows fail to recapture audiences’, 19/4). A reason is the station appears like a boys’ club. It’s male presenter after male presenter, with a couple of exceptions.
The daily line-up is breakfast Sammy J; morning Rafael Epstein, conversation hour Richelle Hunt; afternoon Trevor Chappell; drive Ali Moore; evening David Astle; night Philip Clark: overnight Michael Pavlich.
Changes made last year saw two female presenters replaced with men. I’m sure there were women available and willing to try a presenting role. I used to talk about family history on Trevor Chappell’s show, but was told the segment was being “rested” – there was “too much history”. Another woman gone.
Erica Cervini, Prahran

On the Beach
Your correspondent’s eloquent plea to spend more on climate change action than defence (Letters, 19/4) as “one day there will be nuclear-powered submarines roaming the world but with no place to berth” put me in mind of Nevil Shute’s “On the Beach”. (1957)
Caroline Leslie, Hawthorn



Credit: Illustration: Matt Golding

Going backwards
In Victorian times, London’s East End slums were ″⁣cleared″⁣ and all the desperate people housed into ″⁣The Buildings″⁣ (flats) built by London County Council. It happened to my own grandparents. We seem to be doing just the reverse if we knock down our public housing towers.
Myra Fisher, Brighton East

Your correspondent asks (Letters, 18/4), ″⁣Since when do grown men behave like spiteful, vicious children, and prefer violence to the rule of law?” Well, like, forever, man.
Barry Miller, Kyneton

Your correspondent (Letters, 19/4) is at a loss to find answers to food aid trucks reaching Gaza. Hamas returning all the hostages would be a good start l reckon.
Murray Horne, Cressy

An extra $50 billion on defence spending to fund a possible future war we have absolutely no hope winning.
Ian Macdonald, Traralgon

Justice Lee calling Bruce Lehrmann a cad is defaming all us regular Cadds.
Graham Cadd, Dromana

Before Donald Trump was charged over the secret so-called “hush money” paid to Stormy Daniels, she was regularly referred to as a “porn star”. Now, the same media refers to her as an “adult entertainer”. Has she now been sanitised and raised to respectability to paint Trump as a sleaze? It takes two to tango, doesn’t it?
Coke Tomyn, Camberwell

The phrase ″⁣rules-based order″⁣ to describe the international scene is an example of self-serving euphemism. It makes you despair to be an Australian as America makes the rules and lesser countries like ours meekly follow.
Tony Haydon, Springvale

Maybe one of the billionaires whose fortune comes from fossil fuel production could develop a supernatural reef theme park to substitute for the bleached lifeless reef.
Jenny Smithers, Ashburton

It seems no one is letting in Dan Andrews (″⁣Russia bans ex-premier Andrews″⁣, 19/4).
Craig Tucker, Newport

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