By Adam Cooper and Simone Fox Koob
Life was difficult in southern India. The woman barely had an education, worked manual labour from the age of 12, and as a young woman raised four children by herself after her husband died.
So in 2007 when she agreed to live with and work with a Melbourne family, it was her chance to provide for those back home. Then in her 50s, the prospect of living in a comfortable home in the eastern suburbs was appealing.
Kandasamy (left) and Kumuthini Kannan outside court last month.Credit: Nine News
But over the following eight years, life again became exceedingly hard. The woman – who cannot be named for legal reasons – cooked, cleaned and cared for Kumuthini Kannan, her husband Kandasamy and their three children every day. Her passport was taken and she was instructed to have nothing to do with visitors to the Mount Waverley home.
Supreme Court hearings this year heard no one other than those inside could truly attest to what happened in the house between 2007 and 2015, as defence lawyers disputed the woman’s claims she worked 23 hours a day and that Mrs Kannan hit her with a frozen chicken, threw hot tea on her and pushed her down the stairs.
Authorities only became aware of the woman’s plight on July 30, 2015, when paramedics found her in a pool of her urine and in perilous health: emaciated, hypothermic, covered in sores and weighing about 40 kilograms. Mrs Kannan called triple zero that day, but only after returning home following a school concert.
During a 10-week trial, prosecutors successfully argued the Kannans kept the woman as a slave by controlling every aspect of her life, including preventing her leaving the house, controlling her communication with family, denying her healthcare and proper payment. Prosecutors said she was paid the equivalent of $3.39 a day.
Kandasamy (left) and Kumuthini Kannan try to conceal their faces outside court in 2017.Credit: Jason South
On Wednesday, in what Justice John Champion said was the first prosecution of a domestic slavery case in Australia, Mrs Kannan, 53, was jailed for eight years and Mr Kannan, 57, for six years after they were found guilty in April of intentionally possessing and using a slave. The charges carry a maximum 25 years in prison.
Mrs Kannan must serve four years before she is eligible for parole and her husband must serve at least three years.
Their trial heard the woman went on family holidays and outings with the Kannans and was considered part of the family. But Justice Champion said regardless of whether she might have been happy at times, he was satisfied the conditions of slavery existed for much of her time with the family.
After two earlier six-month stints with the family, prosecutors successfully argued the Kannans had no intention of letting the woman go a third time, and lied in a series of visa applications to get her to Melbourne. Her stay allowed them a comfortable lifestyle, which included overseas holidays when the woman stayed in the house.
Justice Champion said it was remarkable the woman stayed “under the radar” for so long and condemned the Kannans for their “disgraceful conduct”, which set a “deplorable” example to their children.
“She was largely an uneducated, illiterate and vulnerable woman who you took advantage of, whether or not she ever comprehended that she was in the condition of slavery,” he said.
“The fact is you developed absolute control over all aspects of her day-to-day life ... from soon after she arrived in Australia.”
While people’s ingrained images of slavery were men in shackles or people working in fields, Justice Champion said modern-day offences were often more subtle, but just as serious.
“What must be reaffirmed is that possessing or using a person in a condition of slavery is repugnant, degrading of the human condition and a breach of human rights,” he said.
There are only a handful of prosecutions afoot in Australia and most cases where slavery or similar charges are in place relate to worker exploitation. In Victoria, another couple is awaiting trial over allegations they forced an asylum seeker to work in their business.
Carolyn Kitto, the national co-director of Be Slavery Free, said cases of domestic servitude often involved people bringing someone in from their country of origin.
“Probably the other two that are the most common [forms of slavery] in Australia would be deceptive recruitment for labour, which happens in agriculture and those sorts of industries, and forced marriage,” she said.
“It’s a hidden crime. Somebody can be in slavery-like conditions and you just don’t see it unless you know what you’re looking for.”
The Kannans were considered respectable members of their Tamil community and references that said they were committed to social causes and helping others were a “stark contrast” to their crimes, Justice Champion said.
He found Mrs Kannan’s offending more aggravating that her husband’s in that she verbally abused the servant and the woman’s family, while Mr Kannan was a meek figure who considered his main role to be the breadwinner. While he was more solicitous to the woman, his inaction made his offending equally culpable.
While the judge acknowledged prison would be onerous for the Kannans given their mental health problems and the hardship their children faced, he was convinced the couple believed they did nothing wrong, had not shown any contrition and their failure to plan for their children’s care on the day of the verdict did them no favours.
“Your primary focus has been on yourselves and on a denial of the possibility that you may be found guilty of these offences,” Justice Champion said.
After the sentencing, Mrs Kannan put her hands to the side of her head and rocked back and forth and asked how she could contact her husband.
Their victim, now 67, lives in a Melbourne aged care home. Her health has improved in recent years but she will have problems for the rest of her life, including the effects of diabetes that went undiagnosed too long.
Australian Federal Police Detective Superintendent Jayne Crossling appealed for anyone affected by human trafficking to access support.
“We want the public to be aware that human trafficking, slavery and slavery-like practices are happening here in Australia, all too often without anyone in the community knowing,” she said.
Australian Federal Police Human Trafficking Team: 131AFP (131237)
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