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Casino operator can see the writing on the wall
Crown can see the writing on the wall (“Crown warns of ‘severe’ impact if it loses licence”, The Age, 10/7) and is now using the bleeding-heart refrain “what about the workers” (by invoking jobs that could be lost) in trying to evade the only logical and justifiable conclusion for the Victorian royal commission, that it should lose its licence.
But will this, or any, state government have the courage to shut down Crown? At best it might approve one of the takeover bidders lining up.
But how sickening and disgracefully ironic that an organisation that oversees, promotes and is a business model that is indisputably linked to individual, family and community dysfunction and misery through gambling losses, (not to mention money laundering) can suggest that it is “not in the public interest for Crown to fail”.
Brendan O’Farrell, Brunswick
Crown is not too big to fail
The Royal commission into Crown Resorts head, Ray Finkelstein, QC, has commented that “Wherever I look I see not just bad conduct but illegal conduct, improper conduct, unacceptable conduct, and it permeates the whole organisation.” (“Crown’s misconduct ‘wherever I look’: QC”, The Age, 6/7).
That such a state has evolved under the nose of the regulator suggests that its engagement with Crown should have been included in the commission’s terms of reference. It seems incongruous that the commission is uncovering systemic failures without examining why the regulator failed to so. I have yet to read of a royal commission where the failure of the regulator has not been a contributing factor in the matter ending up in at a commission.
As for the letter to the government warning of the detrimental impact an adverse finding would have on employment, well that suggests that Crown believes it is too big to fail. It’s wrong.
Stephen Farrelly, Donvale
A careful course is called for, Crown is a large employer
Any royal commission findings and subsequent penalties need to chart a careful course between the small number of people who may be responsible with those of the employees and shareholder, who are largely innocent of the mismanagement.
Our corporate laws, perhaps, need updating to handle these issues so that the authorities can impose appropriate penalties in the right areas. There is no doubt that Crown is a very successful business and should remain a large employer contributing appropriate taxes to the state.
The results will be very interesting indeed and hopefully beneficial to all going forward.
Morris Trytell, Glen Iris
After this is done, examine the regulator
So, two-thirds of patrons wishing to deposit $25,000 or more at Crown duck and weave (“Crown warns of ‘severe’ impact if it loses licence”, The Age, 10/7) now that they are being asked to reveal the source of their funds.
That brown bags of money could be exchanged for chips and magically laundered when swapped back again never made sense. What questions were also asked of the junket players about the source of their funds?
Royal commission mark II into the failure of the authorities supposedly monitoring money laundering activities should commence as soon as Ray Finkelstein presents the findings from his limited investigation. MP Andrew Wilkie’s tireless work is not yet complete.
Peter Thomson, Brunswick
Letter tells us everything we need to know
Crown casino inappropriately writing to the Victorian Gaming Minister to try to bolster its case for keeping its licence while the royal commission is still exposing illegal and unethical activities by the company tells us everything we need to know about why it is not a suitable company to run a casino (“Crown warns of ‘severe’ impact if it loses licence”, The Age, 10/7).
Mark Zirnsak, Parkville
Not a simple equation
I can’t believe that in a so-called civilised society we are even having a conversation about “letting COVID run” in the community because of possible damage to the economy.
It is not true, as some commentators have claimed, that COVID-19 is “the only infectious disease Australians aren’t allowed to have”. The fact that all vaccinations in Australia are voluntary disproves that statement. We have a marvellous track record with killer diseases because we have the science, the knowledge and the capacity to do so.
Certainly, lockdowns must have some effect on the economy, including devastating effects on some businesses, yet I can’t help but conclude that many thousands of people falling desperately ill or dying would also have a debilitating effect on the economy over a possibly even longer time. It is not a simple community health versus the economy equation.
There should be government help for businesses and employees in the short term, but recent events have shown that the economy is capable of recovering much more quickly than was first envisioned.
And at the end of the day, I suspect most people would rather lose their job than a loved one.
Cheryl Day, Beaumaris
A delight to behold
What a delight it was to watch Ash Barty triumph at Wimbledon on Saturday night. Such a great match. No grunting, no tantrums, just two top players doing what they do best: playing great tennis.
It was certainly worth staying up until the wee hours of the morning to see, and to hear Barty’s usual humble remarks in the subsequent interview as she acknowledged everyone who had helped her on her journey to success.
So proud of you, Ashleigh – you are a legend.
June Collini, Diamond Creek
Consider the alternatives
Your correspondent (“A matter of parking”, Letters, 10/7) seems oddly ignorant of the alternative methods of transport to get to the city besides a bike or a car.
We have a wonderfully efficient public transport system and I, like thousands of others, am more than happy to use it to go to the theatre, cinema or a nice meal out.
Reads like a rather insular view of the world to me.
Victoria Watts, Brighton
Surely, I’m entitled, too
If there is indeed an “entitlement” to have a portion of one’s taxes returned in the form of subsidies to fund one’s children’s private-school education (“Choosing not to be a burden on the state coffers”, Letters, 9/7) then what about the entitlement of those of those who have paid taxes but have no children and thus not received our due entitlement?
Normally, I would feel this was just a small contribution to the essential, broader social wellbeing of the community, but if there is an entitlement, I want mine, too.
I don’t expect a refund, but ask the federal government to please calculate my past education grant entitlements and redistribute them to the most disadvantaged state-run school(s) in Victoria.
It won’t be much, but it will make me feel better than does my entitlement going to the already more entitled private schools, as some of it must have. Perhaps others might request similar with their entitlements and the amount would become a significant contribution and redistribution.
Graeme Thornton, Yallambie
If it depends on this ...
If freedom depends on elderly vaccine targets being achieved, wouldn’t it make sense for the federal government to allow older people access to the Pfizer vaccine (“Higher vaccination targets for over-70s before nation opens”, 11/7)?
Give them choice, and the AstraZeneca hesitant will front up for a jab in a heartbeat.
Sharon Rishel, Toorak
PM resorts to gimmickry
The Prime Minister is now forcing the Therapeutic Goods Administration to turn a blind eye so its rules are ignored to allow a Port Melbourne pub to continue its beer for a vaccination campaign (“PM steps in to overturn ban on ‘beer for jab’”, The Age, 10/7).
Scott Morrison, by doing this, is promoting the consumption of alcohol. If he and Greg Hunt had done their jobs properly at the start, when we were told we were first in line to receive the vaccine all those months ago, we wouldn’t have a PM who is willing to resort to gimmicks to deflect the heat from his incompetence.
John Cain, McCrae
Refreshing common sense
The week before last, the Prime Minister said the Doherty Institute would advise what percentage of the population needs to be immunised for Australia to open our borders, and last week, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg hosted a meeting with the CEOs of our biggest companies (“CEOs offer aid in jab campaign”, The Age, 8/7) to enlist their support in the vaccine rollout.
What a relief to see an outbreak of common sense, where policy is informed by science and large-scale co-operation between government and business is fostered to achieve important goals.
If we can do it for a pandemic, why can’t we do it for climate change? Let’s hope the respect for science and broad collaboration will inspire our federal politicians to address the threats from global heating and position us at the front of the queue for opportunities emerging in the global transition to a low-carbon economy.
Matilda Bowra, Fitzroy North
Not on my plate
After seeing My Octopus Teacher, the heart-rending and Academy Award-winning film about the relationship between a man and an octopus in the lush kelp fields off the South African coast, I appreciated the sentience and intelligence of these graceful creatures.
Our family now has no desire to see octopus on our plates (“Tasty tentacles extend their culinary reach”, The Age, 10/7).
Charles Davis, Hawthorn
The grand prix silver lining
These ghastly COVID times do bring blessings. I and hundreds of others have been able to walk our dogs, stroll and picnic with our families and ride around and through Albert Park Reserve, unimpeded by Melbourne grand Prix construction and infrastructure. When the construction carnival begins again next January, we will have enjoyed the park as parkland for more than 18 months. Sheer joy.
And Victorians could continue to enjoy it for 12 months every year if the sensible decision were made to move the whole event to a permanent facility at, say, Avalon.
Motor enthusiasts could enjoy year-round facilities, recreational and sporting users of the park could relish this oasis year-round, and Victorians generally could look forward to an event that contributes to the state’s coffers.
Instead, we have a three-day event that takes four months to set up and dismantle, taking over public parkland, closing commuter routes and schools, disrupting life in inner Melbourne and requiring millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money every year.
All it takes is political will.
David Myer, South Melbourne
Hoping for the best
With under two weeks to go before the Tokyo Olympic Games, the momentum to hold them has predictably overtaken the heightened and justified concerns from the Japanese hosts about the Delta COVID-19 variation infection rates.
We can only imagine the enormous pressure put on the Japanese Olympic Committee, the athletes and the Japanese government by all those holding television and broadcasting rights as well as the sponsors, who would have paid collectively billions of dollars for the Games to go ahead.
This is the terrible price the athletes and the people of Japan are having to pay to put on these compromised Games.
We can only hope these Games are not the unintended super-spreading event many fear.
Nick Toovey, Beaumaris
Women at the forefront
Women have played a large part in the developing of the three main COVID-19 vaccines: Dr Kizzmekia “Kizzy” Corbett helped design the Moderna vaccine, Professor Sarah Gilbert and Dr Catherine Green developed the AstraZeneca vaccine and Dr Ugur Sahin and his wife, Ozlem Tureci, developed the Pfizer BioNTtech vaccine.
These female scientists need to be lauded as role models for all women who can see how exciting science is, and how it can achieve the almost impossible.
To protect our health and our future, we need to ensure more women study science because science can solve many of the problems that we will face.
Jeff McCormack, Hangelsberg, Germany
The last thing we need
On Friday, Scott Morrison contrived to imply that Australia would be getting a larger supply of Pfizer vaccines, rather than the same quantity slightly earlier.
This man needs to reconsider his professional strengths and responsibilities. The last thing the country needs as PM is a marketing hack whose utterances create confusion and distrust.
Will he be saying soon, “hurry while stocks last”?
Brian Nelson, Fitzroy
She made us proud
Ashleigh Barty made Australia and the tennis world proud by winning Wimbledon in 2021.
At a time when our spirits needed an uplift, she did the job and did it very well indeed.
Congratulations to a wonderful young woman, her team and the many supporters who have followed a fantastic tennis career.
Anne Kruger, Rye
All we hear is sniping
Victoria, as Jon Faine states (“The mission misfire”, Opinion, 11/7), is the only place in the world that has been able to suppress the Delta strain of COVID-19, but what do we hear from the Prime Minister, the Treasurer and the Health Minister? Nothing except sniping.
Victorians have done the “hard yards” to suppress this virus to keep everyone safe. Now it’s NSW’s turn.
Unless Gladys Berejiklian starts to realise Victoria was right to go hard, early and long she puts all of us at risk. A little bit of humble pie instead of spin from the NSW Premier, the Prime Minister and his ministers wouldn’t go astray either.
Paul Chivers, Box Hill North
Horses for courses?
Scott Morrison has a lieutenant-general leading our response to the pandemic. Perhaps a chief health officer could advise him on military matters.
Geoff Phillips, Wonga Park
The pandemic
Dear Premier Andrews, thank you for putting our health before the economy, because NSW is demonstrating what happens if we reverse our priorities.
Andy Wain, Rosebud
That sound we’re hearing coming out of NSW is chickens coming home to roost.
Danny O’Neill, Ashburton
I am waiting for Peta Credlin to appear at Gladys Berejiklian’s press conferences.
Damon Ross, St Kilda East
The results of the pseudo-lockdown are in.
Arthur Pritchard, Ascot Vale
As a senior with two AZ jabs and no after-effects, I’m feeling delightfully safer and altruistic.
Barbara Fraser, Burwood
A jab a day keeps the doctor away ... if it’s available, of course.
Paul Murchison, Kingsbury
My arms have smallpox and tuberculosis scars on them. Perhaps the arm ads could have highlighted previous life-saving vaccines.
John Rawson, Mernda
Ashleigh Barty
I would have to look far and wide to find another role model for all of us like Ashleigh Barty. We are very lucky.
Ivan Gaal, Fitzroy North
If I buy a luxury car for my daily commute should I expect taxpayers to subsidise it for relieving the strain on public transport (“Choosing not to be a burden on the state coffers”, Letters, 9/7)?
Leigh Fitzpatrick, Daylesford
How about using “she” until the men get annoyed and try to find a solution?
Barbara Darvall, Ivanhoe East
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