

This was published 5 years ago

Cardinal sin: critics raise questions about George Pell's conviction

By Bianca Hall

The verdict is in, but it is still being debated.

With Cardinal George Pell in custody for the sexual abuse of choirboys, his high-profile supporters continue to voice their doubts about his conviction for abuse.

On Wednesday, former prime minister John Howard and Australian Catholic University chief Greg Craven gave positive character references on behalf of Pell. Fellow former prime minister Tony Abbott revealed he had spoken to Pell after the verdict was revealed on Tuesday, and Melbourne Archbishop Peter Comensoli said he remained Pell's friend and "I don't shy away from that".

George Pell leaving court on Tuesday after a suppression order preventing publication of his crimes was lifted.

George Pell leaving court on Tuesday after a suppression order preventing publication of his crimes was lifted.Credit: Justin McManus

Several criminal lawyers who spoke to The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald on the condition of anonymity said they were "astonished" at Pell's conviction given the apparent lack of grooming, the short window available for Pell to abuse the boys, and the robes he was wearing, which had no splits or openings.

A victim who could not give evidence


Pell’s victims were two 13-year-old St Kevin's College students who were choirboys at St Patrick's Cathedral when they were assaulted in December 1996 and February 1997 after Sunday Mass.

While one of the victims gave evidence about his abuse, the other man died several years ago from an accidental heroin overdose. He never reported the abuse and, the court heard, denied anything had happened to him as a young choirboy when he was asked by his mother.

Through a lawyer, the man's family said they finally understood the torment that led their son to self medicate with drug abuse.


Victorian Bar president Matt Collins said it was highly unusual for a conviction to be made on behalf of a victim who had never reported abuse.

"No one can recall a case where an accused person was convicted of an offence against a deceased person of this kind," he said.

However, he said, it was crucial to note the court had found Pell's crimes were committed against two victims at the same time. Therefore, Dr Collins said, Pell's legal team had been able to cross examine the evidence provided by one victim, on behalf of the other.

The surviving victim was both a victim and a witness.

"It would be an extraordinary situation for someone to be convicted of a crime against a deceased person if there were no witnesses," Dr Collins said.

The church is not on trial

Pell's supporters believe he has become a lightning rod for anger at the Catholic church's failure to protect victims of sexual assault.

Pell is such a polarising figure, says Jesuit priest Frank Brennan, there are those who would convict him in the court of public opinion "no matter what the evidence".

During the trial, Judge Kidd stressed to the jury that Pell could not be personally held responsible for the failings of the church.

However Pell's defence lawyer Robert Richter QC told the court his client was seen as the "Darth Vader" of the church.


He did not put Pell on the stand to give evidence in his defence, a decision leapt on by Pell's critics.

But legal sources said this is standard practice in trials for serious criminal conduct like sexual abuse and murder. Juries are also routinely directed not to speculate when people standing trial are not put on the stand to defend themselves.

A recording of Pell being interviewed by Victoria Police – and strenuously denying the allegations –was played to the jury.

The living victim gave evidence via videolink to the court during Pell's first trial in a session that was closed to the media to protect the victim's privacy. That hearing was declared a mistrial after the jury could not reach a verdict, but the man's evidence was played to the jury in Pell's retrial - also in a closed court.

Only those present in court know what the victim said that convinced the jury of Pell's guilt.

The federal royal commission into sex abuse in institutions withheld its findings on Pell’s role in ignoring abuse and moving paedophile priests to other parishes while the case was being heard. It is expected to release its findings once Pell has exhausted all avenues of appeal.

Pell's ceremonial robes

Father Brennan wrote a lengthy piece in Catholic publication Eureka Street, in which he described himself as "very surprised" by the guilty verdict.


He pointed to evidence presented at the trial that described the "impossibility" of Pell being able to produce an erect penis through his religious robes.

"An alb is a long robe, worn under a heavier chasuble," Father Brennan wrote. "It is secured and set in place by a cincture which is like a tightly drawn belt. An alb cannot be unbuttoned or unzipped, the only openings being small slits on the side to allow access to trouser pockets underneath ... an alb cannot be parted; it is like a seamless dress. Later the complainant said that Pell moved the vestments to the side. An alb secured with a cincture cannot be moved to the side."

The jury was told there were no splits or openings in chasubles. Asked what would happen if someone needed to use the toilet wearing these robes, one expert witness told the court this simply wouldn't happen.

Much was made in court by Pell's defence team of the evidence given by the living victim, that the boys broke away from the procession after Mass and snuck into the sacristy – a room where priests dress for mass – when they were confronted by Pell and abused.

"The proposition that the offences charged were committed immediately after Mass by a fully robed archbishop in the sacristy with an open door and in full view from the corridor seemed incredible to my mind," Father Brennan wrote.

Mr Richter echoed this argument in court.

"Only a madman would attempt to rape boys in the priests’ sacristy immediately after Sunday solemn mass," Mr Richter said.

The court was told Pell had been able to manoeuvre his robes in order to abuse the two boys, an argument the jury ultimately accepted.

with Adam Cooper

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