

This was published 6 months ago

As the weather heats up, Victoria is entering a chest-pain danger zone

By Bianca Hall

It’s something paramedics have long observed: when the weather in Melbourne warms up and nights bring little respite, things get busier. Chest pain callouts increase, alongside other general health conditions.

“When [the body is] under stress on hot days, it just seems to flare up so many of these types of issues,” said paramedic Jack Boessler, Ambulance Victoria’s Brighton team manager.

Melburnians have been urged to keep cool in the heat, with increased temperatures increasing the risk of chest pains.

Melburnians have been urged to keep cool in the heat, with increased temperatures increasing the risk of chest pains. Credit: Luis Ascui

Now a large new study involving hundreds of thousands of Victorian patients has confirmed the phenomenon, showing ambulance callouts for chest pain rise notably as temperatures increase. The findings suggest the state should brace for a rise in patients presenting to hospital with heat-related chest pains.

Temperatures both above and below mean daily temperatures of 20.8 degrees (the average of the highest and lowest temperatures in a 24-hour period) led to an increase in the number of people reporting chest pains.

Days with daily maximum temperatures above 26.4 degrees led to ambulance callout spikes, with 20 per cent more people reporting chest pains on 36-degree days compared with 26-degree days.

Melbourne’s temperature is expected to peak at 33 degrees on Wednesday and 36 degrees on Thursday.

Researchers have warned that as the climate continues to warm, more young people and people with comorbidities will suffer dangerous chest pains.

Acute chest pain is the most common reason people call for an ambulance, accounting for about 10 per cent of calls to Ambulance Victoria.


“In Melbourne, Australia, heat-related chest pain presentation rates are projected to increase under medium- and high-emission climate-change scenarios, highlighting the importance of risk-mitigation strategies to minimise adverse health impacts on hotter days,” the paper found.


“Heat and cold exposure appear to increase the risk of chest pain presentations, especially among younger patients and patients of lower [socioeconomic status]. This will have important implications with climate-change modelling of chest pain.”

However, the study predicted no significant overall changes to the number of people presenting to hospital with chest pains due to extreme temperatures, under both medium- and high-emission scenarios. This is because a higher number of people going to hospital on hot days would be offset by the lower number presenting to hospitals on cold days.

The study was co-authored by medics and academics from Monash University, The Alfred hospital, the Royal Melbourne Hospital, the Baker Institute and Ambulance Victoria.

Ambulance Victoria director of research and evaluation, Dr Ziad Nehme, who is also a paramedic with the service, said the relationship between temperature and chest pain presentations varied significantly by age, sex, socioeconomic status and location.

“We know that young patients between 18 and 49 years old, and patients of lower socioeconomic status are at greater risk for heat-related chest pain presentations.”

Because of the broad range of potential causes of chest pain, most patients are transported to emergency departments to exclude life-threatening diagnoses. About half are later discharged from hospital with no need for further medical management.

The study examined 206,789 people who had presented to hospitals in the Melbourne region with chest pains between 2015-19.

Of those, 38.5 per cent were people from low socioeconomic backgrounds, compared with 31.4 per cent from high socioeconomic backgrounds. Almost 40 per cent also suffered from hypertension, and 29.8 per cent had dyslipidaemia (elevated levels of cholesterol).


Boessler said paramedics braced for runs of hot days during summer.

“Especially when the overnight temperatures don’t cool off, we see large sections of the community – particularly those who are vulnerable around socioeconomic status, age and social isolation – just generally have a significant deterioration in their overall health,” he said.

“People not looking after themselves by using air conditioning and fans, and [not] maintaining hydration and keeping out of the sun and the like – that seems to be really what causes this build-up and big spike in medical presentations.”

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