

This was published 2 years ago

As students return to university, a city realises what we missed

By Chip Le Grand

It was a scene that would have been unremarkable in pre-pandemic years and now seemed at once unfamiliar, joyous and bubbling with promise: Carlton’s Clyde Hotel jammed on a Tuesday evening.

It was enough to make lord mayor Sally Capp, who lives nearby, look up from her table and take in the crowd of young people, mostly university students, drinking and laughing.

“It’s the exuberance, the joy of people laughing, sharing stories and really enjoying each other’s company and feeling that sense of joie de vivre again,” she tells The Age. “That is exactly what we love about having students and young people, with their inquiring minds and curiosity and, frankly, madness from time to time in our city.”

International student Calvin Fernando says it was surreal to finally set foot in Melbourne.

International student Calvin Fernando says it was surreal to finally set foot in Melbourne.Credit: Chris Hopkins

For the past two years, these young people have been studying from their bedrooms or marooned offshore in another country and timezone, their university experience confined to online lectures, chat groups and digital portals. For much of this time, the Clyde Hotel was either shut or operating as a uni pub with no students.

On Monday, Melbourne takes two important steps towards recovery.

For the first time since March 2020, the month when the World Health Organisation declared the novel coronavirus pandemic, Australia’s international borders are open to anyone with a visa and proof of vaccination. And at universities across the city, local and international students are being welcomed back to campus for O-Week, the traditional resumption of university life before the start of classes.

These two things will deliver an immediate and direct economic benefit. In 2019, international education generated $13.7 billion in revenue in Victoria, and tourism nearly twice that. It also brings something less tangible: the promise of energy to the moribund northern end of the city.

University of Melbourne’s Michael Wesley and RMIT’s Sherman Young say students, both international and domestic, have made clear their desire to return to campus.

University of Melbourne’s Michael Wesley and RMIT’s Sherman Young say students, both international and domestic, have made clear their desire to return to campus.Credit: Jason South

“I’m hopeful that as we bring students back to campus, we can help bring that vibrancy back,” RMIT University deputy vice-chancellor Sherman Young says.


For Calvin Fernando, a postgraduate architecture student from India, the return of students to university lecture halls, tutorial rooms and design studios means being able to walk through streets and admire buildings that, at times, he doubted he would ever see.

Throughout last year, while the pandemic raged in his home city of Chennai, and Melbourne endured its sixth lockdown, 26-year-old Fernando would rise in the pre-dawn hours and log on to his computer by 4.30am to follow online lectures and communicate with classmates nearly 15,000 kilometres away.

Fernando enrolled to do a master’s degree in architecture at RMIT towards the end of 2020 when it looked as though Melbourne was free of the virus. He was supposed to start classes here in March 2021. Instead, Delta arrived and the borders stayed shut.

India’s deadly second wave led to bodies being cremated on makeshift funeral pyres.

India’s deadly second wave led to bodies being cremated on makeshift funeral pyres.Credit: Ishant Chauhan

Back home, India’s second wave epidemic hit Chennai hard, along with Fernando’s family. A study published in the Lancet estimated that eight in 10 people were exposed to the virus. As oxygen supplies were exhausted and burial sites ran out, remote learning couldn’t have felt more remote.

It was not until Christmas Day 2021 that Fernando finally arrived in Melbourne. The moment he stepped out of quarantine, he walked the length of Swanston Street to the RMIT campus. “It was surreal to see all those people, all those restaurants, all those different architectural buildings,” he says. He is excited to be able to make use of all that RMIT and Melbourne has to offer.

Before the pandemic, not everyone felt the same way about international students.

At the last state election, debate ran hot about Melbourne’s population growth. Economists were split over whether our large intake of temporary migrants was good or bad for the jobs market. Some likened our temporary migration program to a Ponzi scheme. When COVID-19 arrived, Australia’s border policies and our broader pandemic response showed little sympathy for foreign students or the reliance of universities on their enrolments.

“A lot of people seemed to think that the loss of international students was universities getting their comeuppance,” says University of Melbourne deputy vice-chancellor Michael Wesley. “There was almost a sense of schadenfreude about it.”

Professor Wesley says those conversations appear to have changed.

Victoria’s population shrank by 56,000 people in the 2020-21 financial year and the number of people arriving to study higher education dropped from 111,000 in the last pre-pandemic year to just 700. Victoria and most of the nation is confronting a glut of jobs and a shortage of people to do them.

A two-year drought has taught us to appreciate what international students do for this city. Committee for Melbourne chief executive Martine Letts says this goes beyond the tuition fees that they pay universities to the jobs they do, the money they put into the local economy, the contribution they make towards research and, for those who stay on after their degrees, their ongoing work and community involvement.

The pandemic proved that a university degree can be obtained online, but this isn’t what universities are for. “Young people who come to university, sure they want a world-class education, but they come to be with other people,” Professor Wesley says. “That is what university has been about for close to 1000 years.”

Sherman Young and Michael Wesley are looking forward to students  returning on campus.

Sherman Young and Michael Wesley are looking forward to students returning on campus.Credit: Jason South

Professor Young calls it a “serendipitous connection”: the relationship and understanding you build with students and teaching staff, whether it is in a tutorial or over a pint at the Oxford Scholar, the pub on the RMIT city campus.

With Victoria’s unemployment rate dropping to a 48-year low, the return of international students is being welcomed by prospective employers.

Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre chief executive Peter King says international students made up between 20 per cent and 25 per cent of his casual labour force before the pandemic. “They are a great group, their work ethic is fantastic, they bring a variety of skills to the workplace and a diversity of cultures and languages,” Mr King says. “I really think it has been a big awakening from a political and community perspective about how important these people are.”

The centre has been largely mothballed since March 2020 when the Victorian government drew up alarming plans to take over the cavernous space and convert it into a 1000-bed intensive care hospital and morgue. The centre is now preparing to stage large events again, such next month’s AIME Asia Pacific business conference expected to attract up to 2000 visitors.

Delaware North relies on international students to provide corporate hospitality at the MCG, Melbourne Park and other major events in Melbourne.

Delaware North relies on international students to provide corporate hospitality at the MCG, Melbourne Park and other major events in Melbourne.Credit: Paul Rovere PTR

Delaware North, a global food service company which provides corporate hospitality at the Australian Open, the MCG, Marvel Stadium and the Royal Botanic Gardens, relies on student and working holiday visas for about one-quarter of its local workforce. Vice-president of human services Traci Eathorne says the ad hoc nature of event-based hospitality is a perfect fit for university students. “We’re welcoming them with open arms,” she says.

University in 2022 won’t be entirely like 2019. Professor Young talks about a “blended model” where much of the course content will be made available online and on-demand, but courses will still be taught in person. Students have made it clear they don’t just want to enrol, they want to go. “We are certainly sensing an enthusiasm to come back on campus,” Professor Young says. “The aspiration is, let’s bring it all back on campus.”


This aspiration is not limited to city campuses. Victoria University will on Monday welcome students back for the first day of class at its campuses across Melbourne’s west.

Vice-chancellor Adam Shoemaker, who first came to Australia from Canada as an international student, says there is hesitancy among some staff which needs to be managed but almost none among students. On the day he spoke to The Age, he had just hosted a large gathering of international students at the Footscray Gardens.

“Our pools and gyms are open, our libraries are open, the childcare centres are open,” he says. “If anything, you get the sense students are desperate to have their peers around them.

“There is some hesitancy for some people on staff who may have health issues. We just have to work that through. We have got to remember we are here for 40,000 students. That is our reason for being.”

International students are starting to arrive, but universities would like to see this happen more quickly. According to the federal government, more than 56,000 international students have arrived in Australia since November last year. As of January 24, nearly 77,950 foreign students currently enrolled to study in Victoria had arrived here but nearly 50,000 were still overseas.


The reasons are administrative and logistical. The Department of Home Affairs reports that 50 per cent of new applications for student visas to study at university are processed within 18 days but 25 per cent of applications are taking longer than three months to assess. Flight availability remains a problem, particularly for Chinese students cut off from international travel by Beijing’s COVID-zero border settings.

“It’s clear that getting more international flights is critical to more students returning,” Victoria’s Minister for Trade Martin Pakula says. “We are working closely with our universities to support the arrival of students into Victoria and seeking to establish more airline services to Melbourne.”

More flights are expected to become available from Monday. The University of Melbourne has contracted ATPI, a global travel agent, to buy flight tickets to on-sell to international students.

Martine Letts from the Committee for Melbourne says Australia should use this tipping point as an opportunity to review and rethink our approach towards international students.


A decade ago, the Gillard government changed the immigration laws to make it more difficult for foreign students to become permanent residents. As a consequence, only 14 per cent of people who come here to study remain after their courses are complete. Given the national demand for a more skilled and educated workforce, should we be doing more to keep young, smart people we are awarding degrees to?

“The pandemic in many ways has been a catalyst for change, allowing us to take a holistic look at the way we want to do things and hit refresh,” Ms Letts says. “This includes how we manage the successful return to Melbourne of international students to their benefit, the benefit of the city, its educational institutions and to our economy.”

The lord mayor puts it more bluntly. “I hope their importance to us has been highlighted to us during this pandemic. As a nation, we didn’t necessarily treat them well,” Cr Capp says.

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