

This was published 4 years ago


Vaccine injury compensation is the moral thing to do

By Julie Leask and Nicholas Wood

With Australia's hopes for a return to a normal life dependent upon wide take-up of a COVID-19 vaccine if and when it becomes available, it is no suprise that an argument for mandatory vaccination has been put forward.

Philosopher Tim Smartt from the University of Notre Dame cites our acceptance of restrictions on our personal liberty, such as forced restrictions on our movement and quarantine, as a potential green light for governments to consider such a policy.

Return to a normal life is resting on the discovery of a vaccine.

Return to a normal life is resting on the discovery of a vaccine.Credit:

The main goal of mandatory vaccination is to ensure community vaccine coverage that results in a herd immunity level high enough to interrupt transmission of the COVID-19 virus. We don't yet know what level of coverage is needed – it could be 40 per cent, 60 per cent or 90 per cent.

Before we think about mandatory vaccination as a policy lever to achieve high coverage, there are other effective, less coercive ways we could try which do not have the negative consequences mandatory vaccination brings. If we can get our systems of vaccine delivery and communication right, then we know Australians will trust in good science – after all, childhood immunisation sits at the right target goal of 95 per cent.

However, if we were to impose mandatory vaccination, we would need a scheme to look after the very few who may have a serious vaccine reaction.

Australia is one of the few industrialised countries not to have a vaccine injury compensation scheme already in place. Such schemes exist in 25 other countries, including the US and Britain, providing compensation to individuals who have had severe but rare vaccine-induced injuries.

More than 150 COVID-19 candidate vaccines are in development globally. The use of new "first-in-human" vaccine technologies, and the limited sample size and duration of follow up in phase 3 clinical trials, make it possible that rare, but serious, vaccine-related adverse effects will not be identified before widespread population use is needed in the context of the current devastating pandemic.

The SARS CoV-2 virus appears to be able to generate inflammatory syndromes after infection in the lung and other organs of children and some adults. The risks of these syndromes, seen with “wild type” infection, are also potential risks with SARS CoV-2 vaccines following exposure to the virus after being vaccinated with SARS CoV-2 vaccines.


They are being monitored for in clinical vaccine trials, however, they may only become apparent when the vaccine is used in a community on a large scale.


Before mandating vaccination we need to have extensive safety data. As Smartt argues, there could be exemptions for those who do not want to be vaccinated including those who have serious moral objections to the ingredients or manufacturing conditions of a vaccine. And we need a scheme that can provide compensation for people who experience rare but serious vaccine side effects.

We should consider such a scheme even if we do not take the mandatory vaccination path. COVID-19 immunisation will be recommended to benefit both the individual and to provide protection to the wider community. Reciprocal justice is an ethical principle that acknowledges that people acting to benefit themselves, but also the community, should be compensated by that same community if harm has resulted from their individual action.

Some argue that such a scheme would excite the critics of vaccination. But vaccination policies should not be driven by fear of a small band of vocal anti-vaccination activists, but by a focus on a robust and fair program.


Our National Disability Insurance Scheme, or NDIS, provides support for those who have permanent and disabling conditions but does not provide support/compensation for those with rare but severe temporary injuries/illnesses. A worker vaccinated as part of his or her work is likely to be entitled to workers' compensation, but this is not an option for those vaccinated outside of the work environment.

Before vaccination with a COVID-19 vaccine becomes a reality, especially but not exclusively mandatory vaccination, it is essential Australia have a well-funded and established injury compensation scheme – that would be solid and prudential morally.

Julie Leask is professor at the Susan Wakil School of Nursing and Midwifery at the University of Sydney and overall winner of the 2019 Australian Financial Review 100 Women of Influence. She is an advisor to the World Health Organisation on improving vaccination uptake. Nick Wood is an associate professor in the Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Sydney and 2019 Churchill Fellow. He is a clinical vaccine specialist.

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